Riddles Catatafish Now 66%

What is the last thing you take off before you go to sleep? ::: spoiler Answer You take your feet off the floor. :::


A woman went into a bank to cash an insurance refund check. By mistake the teller gave her dollars for cents and cents for dollars. She put the money in her purse but accidentally dropped a nickel on the floor. When she got home, she found that she had exactly twice the amount of the check she had cashed. She didn't have any money in her wallet before going to the bank. What was the exact amount of that check? ::: spoiler Answer The amount must have been $31.63. She received $63.31. After she dropped a nickel there would remain the sum of $63.26, which is twice the amount of the check. :::


What is the one thing that should be broken at other people's parties? ::: spoiler Answer The ice :::

Riddles Catatafish Now 57%

500 begins it 500 ends it a 5 in the middle is seen the first of all letters the first of all people give me this famouse king you have to know your roman numerals to get this very good ::: spoiler Answer king david :::


why did dinosaurs eat raw meat ::: spoiler Answer because they did not no how to cook :::


A cat walks into a barn with four legs. She walks out then after a few hours, comes back in. She has eight legs. How can this be? ::: spoiler Answer She has a mouse in her mouth. 4 cat legs + 4 mouse legs = 8 legs altogether. :::


Once upon a time, in a temple, there were three deities: Truth, Lie and Wisdom. The Truth Deity always told the truth. The Lie Deity always told the lie. The Wisdom Deity sometimes told the truth, sometimes told the lie. Unfortunately, those three deities looked exactly the same, so that no one could distinguish them. One day, a sage came by and he differentiated them by the following trick: He asked the deity sitting on the left: "Who is the middle deity?"- "Truth", said the deity. He asked the deity sitting in the middle: "Who are you?"- "Wisdom", replied the deity. He asked the deity sitting on the right: "Who is the middle deitie?"- "Lie", the deity answered. How could the sage distinguish the three deities? ::: spoiler Answer The left deity is Wisdom; the middle one is Lie, and the right one is Truth. Explain: The left deity (L) said that the middle one (M) is Truth; therefore, L cannot be Truth (because there cannot be two Truth Deities!). M said he was Wisdom; therefore, he cannot be Truth. Thus, R is Truth. According to him, M is Lie and as a result, L is Wisdom. :::


If you are running a race, and you pass the person in 4th, what place are you in? ::: spoiler Answer You are in 4th place. You take the person you pass' place. :::


what am I supposed to do? My teacher says spit it out and the train says shew chew. What am I? ::: spoiler Answer Chewing Gum :::


find a 7 letters number name in which after cutting the first four letters it is a name of a color? ::: spoiler Answer hundred :::


How many letters are in the alphabet? ::: spoiler Answer There are eleven letters in "THE ALPHABET" :::


I can be long or short, i can be thick or thin, i can be red or white, and i'll always fit right. What am I? ::: spoiler Answer a tampon. :::


whats greater then god more evil then the devil, poor people have it, rich people need it, a brave man is scared of it, and if you eat it you will die ::: spoiler Answer NOTHING because nothing is more evil then the devil nothing is more greater then god poor people have nothing and rich people need nothing and if you eat nothing you will die. :::


Why must a horse eat fast food when running? ::: spoiler Answer The horse eat fast food because it want to run fast. :::


What's the world's saddest animal? ::: spoiler Answer A cryote! :::


What four-legged animal can jump higher than a house ::: spoiler Answer Any a house can't jump :::


A woman goes into a supermarket to buy some food. The total cost of all of the food she buys is $20.00, but she pays $10.00, with no employees or security stopping her. What is a logical explanation for this? ::: spoiler Answer The woman was 75 years old. In most states, there is a Senior Discount, which cuts prices in half for senior citizens, who have to be at least 60 to apply. :::


A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible? ::: spoiler Answer ALL the children are boys, so 1/2 half are boys and so is the other half. :::


A horse is tied to a 15 foot rope and there is a bail of hay 25 feet away from him. Yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible? ::: spoiler Answer The rope isn't tied to anything, so the horse can go freely to anywhere it pleases. :::


1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 what number comes next? ::: spoiler Answer 1113213211 :::

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