
The wikipedia article for Anna L. Strong contains an instance of the woozle effect

In Anna Louise Strongs wikipedia article, they write:

In 1936, she returned once again to the United States. Quietly and privately distressed with developments in the USSR (The "Great Purges"), she continued to write for leading periodicals, including The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, The Nation and Asia

This has three footnotes, 4, 9, and 24.

4 is a link to Peoples World, it writes:

In 1936 she returned home to the U.S., quietly and privately distressed with political developments in the USSR after Joseph Stalin launched the Great Purge

Sounds like Wikipedia copied them doesn't it? One may be inclined to try and figure out where Peoples World got this from, that's the point of checking out the sources in the first place. Unfortunately PW doesn't footnote it, but maybe they write at the bottom where they got it from... Let's check it out!

Adapted from Wikipedia.

LMAO! Wikipedia cites Wikipedia as a source.

24 Is about the trials of the "Zinoviev-Trotskist Center", but nothing in it (at least to me) seems to back up their claim of being distressed with the developments. Rather, it seems to me like she writes in the opposite direction, in favor of the trials.

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