GenZedong aworldtowin Now 100%

What are y'alls thoughts on "digitized countries" such as "E-stonia"(linked)?

I really do not know much one way or the other, I just discovered "e-stonia" which seems to be the prototype of this. Also was reading about how leaders at the world economic forum were talking about doing this with Ukraine ASAP.

I am not inherently opposed to the general idea, in fact, China has made many similar steps of transferring away from paper money, making official shit be able to be done online, etc. And in that context it seems to be an obvious progression of a society that's more and more online and advanced with tech.

My skepticism comes from the fact that so far this seems to be a political tool in capitalist countries and especially for international capitalists. They are making "digital countries" where people can get an ID and become an e-resident and do business over there, basically opening the economy to anyone that can afford it. I also have seen the WEF talk about using it to create like a metaverse where you can visit Ukraine- a made up version of Ukraine to fit their imperialist narrative where donbass isn't being shelled and where Crimea is owned by Ukraine. This just seems so fucking dystopian it makes me entirely skeptical.

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