BrainFood Captainlevi852 Now 100%




Hello, everyone hope you all are having a nice day, i and a couple of my colleagues have made a discord server called MindMetricshub, we are a community that hope to foster knowledge sharing and discussion centered around human cognition, 2 of our members are currently norming some cognitive tests and one of them is hoping to create an assessment of g that's based primarily on games. We also offer about 7 different cognitive psychometric instruments namely:

Wechsler Adult intelligence scale fourth edition (WAIS-IV)

Stanford Binet Fifth Edition (SB-V)

Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI-2)

Reynolds Adaptive Intelligence Test (RAIT)

Kaufmanns Brief Intelligence Test - Second Edition Revised

Ravens 2 and PPVT-5 (from Pearson Q-global)

all these can be administered for a fraction of what they originally cost (this is our attempt to raise some revenue lol)If you are interested please join our server link below ( when you initially join there would be limited access to features in the server please be patient we will grant you access within a short time)


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