Privacy Evelyn Now 78%

LBRY inc. needs to make their website a p2p client and remove their email registering service.

LBRY inc. needs to make their website a p2p client and remove their email registering service.

I've explained it in my last post when I pick apart their privacy policy. In short; they tried and It's almost good, but not enough for privacy.

LBRY protocol is open source and safe. while the websites and their services are centralized and probably is already spied on with the goverment. to fix it I've list all things they have to change.

Changes Reason
Decentralize the website. Make it a p2p client. they are using their own servers which doesn't make sense since the whole point is decentralization. Don't make it talk to ANY server.
Remove google adsense This is obvious but google adsense running on their website is a no go, Google is spied on by the US government
Remove their "wallet syncing" services. The passwords and wallets are stored in their server(s). basic opsec tells you the best way to store data is where you have most control over. If It's compromised It's done for everyone who uses their service. this is one way your privacy can be compromised.
Remove Email Registration Registering your email means that you will be using LBRY inc. service to login to your account. LBRY inc. is centralized. Your account has the risk be spied on the US government and the 5 eyes. the whole point of decentralization is to avoid these kinds of risks.
Remove LBRY "Rewards" This pushes people to register using an email on their centralized service.
Add Local Wallet Login You should be able to use your own local wallet to login to the web. make it the only way you can log in for privacy purpose. this should be safe if the website acts like the lbry application. p2p and decentralized.

You do not need to use an email to do anything. LBRY is a blockchain, not a centralized web service that uses email like youtube.

How the website should work is it shouldn't talk to ANY servers, other than the LBRY blockchain. like the lbry client itself.

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