
Question About Glove80 and Multilayer Layout

Hi, I've been looking into possibly buying a Glove80 but I'm confused about how it handles keyboard layouts software-wise.

For example, on my PC I can set my software layout to be whatever I want from the keymaps available, but since the Glove80 seems to have it's own software to map layouts, I'm not sure how it would work with the Bone layout (which is the layout I'm trying to learn... I'm still too slow with it). The Bone layout has 6 layers that are activated through combinations of CapsLock and the Alt keys, does this software functionality carry over to the Glove80's software or do I need to make a keymap for it and manually map all the Bone keys? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, I just don't know how this works. Thanks in advance.

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