
I have a genuine question for the Democrat style libs from other instances: How can you possibley still call yourselves leftists and stand by the Democrats after Biden?

I'm not asking this to bait you. It's not a trick question. I genuinely want to know.

Biden himself has stated multiple times that he wants to "reach across the aisle" (his exact words) and work with Republicans. You know, the same Republicans that are banning abortion and LGBTQ+ people? The same Republican party that has literal white supremacists in its political ranks? I earnestly want to know why you still back a party that openly wants to work with fascists.

The only answer I've ever seen liberals give is that the Republicans are worse... and they are, yeah, but if your choices are pure evil, and the guy who works with pure evil, doesn't that suggest that both of them should be opposed? And as we've seen, a democratic government won't fight to protect marginalized groups from the bigoted laws the Republicans are passing, so even voting for them to protect those groups from fascism just isn't working.

And what do you make of Biden telling his wealthy donors that "nothing will fundamentally change." and Biden boasting about the economy while rent skyrockets people live out of their cars and struggle to feed themselves? How can you call yourself a leftist or a even progressive if you stand by that?

Again, I'm not saying these things to be abrasive, I genuinely want an honest answer.

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