
About The British Museum

About The British Museum

The attitude from the wider western world on the thousands upon thousands of stolen cultural artifacts in this museum is beyond disgusting.

I have seen no end of Brits online claiming that they're doing the world a favor by hoarding these items for "safekeeping" because the developing countries they were stolen from are not responsible enough to safeguard their own culture. With the death of the queen, the discussion around the monarchy and its stolen jewels also follows these imperialist talking points.

"We stole these jewels from others who stole them as well, so we have every right to keep them." is the go to line.

Who made them the keepers of the world's treasures? What gives them the right? Ask any of these questions and they instinctively will point to the destruction of cultural artefacts in Afghanistan and Iraq by terrorists and looters, WHO ARE ONLY THERE BECAUSE OF WESTERN MEDDLING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

How do we deal with these types?

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