
Thought exercise: What if we are the next "ancient aliens"?

This thought exercise that can allow wild theories, but of course, we know none of this is proven with evidence for anything said here. It's just a discussion that might be fun.

Come in with the assumption coming in that:

  1. Humans (us now) are th new (to become) "ancient aliens." A few million -years later

  2. The world does actually reset every 7 thousand ish years (massive flood or, as the lore/conspiracy says, such as pole shift, etc.) - Most of us get wiped out by a catastrophic event. It could be a nuclear war, or it could be something natural like an asteroid.

  3. After the reset/event, a small portion of that current civilization survives with the technology they have at the time (maybe with the help of reverse-engineered discovered alien stuff they found (previous civilization crafts/etc.)

  4. The portion that survives the massive event had been warned by the previous existing civilization that managed to survive the event. Millions of years after the "reset" a new civilization emerges from the dust, and it all then starts again.

What if all the different kinds of "aliens" in the lore or even religious god figures are just other civilizations that have survived the periodic resets? Our perception of "aliens" are just beings from the civilizations that survived and are trying to warn us what is to come (the next small group of people that survive the next "event")

Time and time again, a small group of people (beings) managed to survive because they knew in advance what would happen to Earth during this event and had advanced technology. Are the different kinds of craft/types of aliens described as just these tiny groups of civilizations that survived?

Maybe some of them want to help humans. Perhaps some of them want us gone? Maybe we are different somehow?

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