
Bugs and oddities I've found so far

Really liking what I see so far, it has a very Apollo-esque feel. It feels so similar that I keep trying to navigate using bottom bar swipes (my favorite feature from Apollo) 😂

What I have noticed so far in terms of bugs/needs improvement:

  • There is no setting to turn off the hide bottom bar on scroll. That‘s something I grew to really dislike ever since Apollo. The idea is nice but I just hate how the implementations never seem to work. It gets in the way more often than not, preventing me from using the bottom bar when I need it and not hiding it when I feel it’s safe to do. Therefore I prefer to just have that off.

  • More often than not most clients seem to fail to actually perform the action I just tried - voting, saving, etc. Lemma doesn‘t give any feedback on whether the action went through, so I spend more time than I think I should waiting for the voting/saving buttons to light up, etc. Often I need to go into the post again for it to update the statuses. I understand that some instances suffer from this more than others, but I think the client app should give you some hint on what just happened. For the record, I’m not sure what magic its devs have been doing, but Memmy seems to be the only one to get this mostly right. I‘d say it fails to perform the actions about 20% of the time or less, while most other clients seem to fail 50%+. Memmy also gives a haptic feedback on the actions, so I can notice whenever something goes wrong easier.

  • The media player opens videos stopped, so you need to tap again for it to actually play. I understand some people might want this behavior, but I think there should be a toggle for this behavior or for the video to start playing once you tap on it - I mean, it should be a separate thing from “autoplay of videos” on the feeds.

  • Search doesn’t seem to work, as shown by someone else here

Thank you!

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