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The story of how I have angered The Highest Leader

The story of how I have angered The Highest Leader

A stranger appears

A highly unusual person joined Lemdit yesterday and proceeded to make a post in Lemdit Official. It consisted of a long list of links and some random anime image.

He styled himself Maskugatiger a.k.a Cybernetwalker. (The Highest Leader of Global Civil Society Community)

I initially thought it was some kind of bizarre spam bot, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go down the rabbit hole.

The rabbit hole runs deep

The first handful of links were to various obscure boards and pages that this individual had created. They were all very strange:

  • The forums had countless sections that were seemingly empty.
  • There were animated gifs, k pop idols and random anime images plastered everywhere.
  • Lots and lots of buttons and random links in all kinds of colors.
  • There were long ramblings that mixed Islamic fundamentalist views, doomsday prepper advice, death cult beliefs, calls for revolution, a love for childish anime and just about every conspiracy theory known to man, all in one.

...but I couldn't spot anything illegal, there was no incitement to violence, the imagery was somewhat creepy but not sexual in nature, most of the links went to normal websites, etc.

Clearly there's some mental illness involved, but being odd is not against the rules so I decided to give the High Leader a chance.

Extending an olive branch

The response was a rather incoherent ramble accusing me of running my instance like a jail (since deleted). I persevered:

I figured everyone can easily block the community if they don't like it and I was genuinely curious to see what came next.

He did proceed to create a community, repost his links there and delete the original post as instructed - so far so good.

The veil falls off

The community had a picture of the same Asian woman (I'm guessing a streamer), and a game-like anime character that was clearly a child - again slightly creepy, but not sexual.

The Highest Leader then proceeds to create another community, whose logo was yet another child anime character.

His next post in this new community had details on how people could contact him, as well as a link to a YouTube video of preschool Asian girls wearing dresses and dancing. This video had countless creepy comments and the channel had over 700k subscribers.

It's then that I realized that this whole insanity, the forums, the spam, the crazy rambles, the gifs, the pictures, all of it is most likely obfuscation. Those that know what to look for will see the signs, get the hint and contact him. Buried in the spam of boards are likely hidden details, key words, images or links that mean nothing to a normie like me, but plenty to those like him.

Getting feudal

So I decided to ban him and purge all of it from the server. My buddy said that if he writes a blog post about it, then we know he was crazy.

Sure enough, he made another account on a different instance and proceeded to send me a message:

He also made a post to warn others of my infamous exploits:

It's true, I will absolutely go feudal at the slightest hint of pedophilia. Highest Leader - if you are reading this - please seek help.

To be continued, I suspect...

A note for the reader

I have deliberately not included any of the links that I am referring to, however a trivial internet search can reveal a lot of the content I reference here. I recommend you do not go looking for it, there's nothing good hiding under this rock.

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