
New Publication: 18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation

This can be read in a sitting, so please read it!

"We do not exploit animals because we deem them to be inferior, rather, we deem animals to be inferior because we exploit them."

-Marco Maurizi

And some more reading:

I also found an interview about the 18 Theses here (use your browser or something to translate):

And this cool article discussing and building on the Theses:

One thing I like about this article is how affirming it is about the contributions of other leftist tendencies towards developing animal liberation theory, in a way acting as stepping stones towards its realization in a Marxist theoretical framework. It also has a cool discussion about the place of ethics in scientific Marxism. I won't quote all of it, but here's a tiny bit:

The contradictions we face or witness in life push us to take an ethical position, and then - if it happens - this attitude embraces a scientific method. Che gives the best answer to those who think that ethics has no place in Marxism: "The revolutionary is the one who feels the slap of another person on his face."

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