
Only young son (Ud 2.7)

Only young son (Ud 2.7)

Thus have I heard — At one time, the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's park. At that time, the only beloved and pleasing son of a certain lay follower had died.

Then, many lay followers with wet clothes and wet hair approached the Blessed One during the day; having approached and saluted the Blessed One, they sat down to one side. While sitting to one side, the Blessed One said to the lay followers: "Why do you approach here during the day with wet clothes and wet hair?"

Thus spoken, that lay follower said to the Blessed One: "My only beloved and pleasing son has died, Venerable Sir. Therefore, we approach here during the day with wet clothes and wet hair."

Upon recognizing this, the Blessed One, in that moment, gave voice to this inspired utterance:

"Those bound by pleasure in what is dear, Both deities and many humans; Troubled, suffering misfortune, decayed, go under the control of the King of Death. The diligent, who day and night, leave behind what seems pleasant; dig out the root of misery — Death's bait so hard to escape."

Related Teachings:

A teaching on attachment and suffering with Visākhā (Ud 8.8) - The Buddha shares a teaching with Visākhā on attachment and suffering after the passing of her granddaughter.

The Dart of Painful Feeling (SN 36.6) - Both ordinary and awakened people experience the three feelings. The difference is that when an ordinary person is stricken with feeling, they react, creating more suffering, whereas an awakened person responds with equanimity.

Verses on Ageing (Snp 4.6) - The Buddha is advising through these verses that are deep in meaning and worth reflecting to pursue security, safety and peace found through enlightenment rather than hoping to find it in possessions or in a beloved, for all things in world are impermanent.

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