
I wish i could just cut out the middleman and take classes in Marxism

Sociology courses have been nice and all and my last two profs in it were left-liberals who were fairly civil and nuanced about Communism as far as liberals go. but my new one, on day 1 of a course titled Inequality, described it as a "bloodbath", said Mao "killed several hundreds of millions" (to hell with Courteois and his 100 million, I think we can get to a billion) and asserted that the Russian and Chinese revolutions produced societies with greater income stratification than.... imperial core countries like US and Nordics today.

Animal Farm theory of Communism being "make everyone equal overnight", undialectical liberal worldview, numbers multiplied several times even from what was in the Black Book... This is more what I expect to hear from a high school teacher.

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