
The Bases of Spiritual Power (AN 5.67)

The Bases of Spiritual Power (AN 5.67)

"Bhikkhus, any bhikkhu or bhikkhunī who develops and frequently practices these five qualities can expect one of two results: either final knowledge (enlightenment) in this very life or, if there is a trace of clinging left, the state of non-returning.

What are these five?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu develops the base of spiritual power that is endowed with collectedness arising from aspiration (enthusiasm, interest) and accompanied by determined and habitual dispositions,

develops the base of spiritual power that is endowed with collectedness due to persistence (energy) and active effort and accompanied by determined and habitual dispositions,

develops the base of spiritual power that is endowed with collectedness due to mind (consciousness) and active effort and accompanied by determined and habitual dispositions,

develops the base of spiritual power that is endowed with collectedness due to investigation (reflection and close examination) and accompanied by determined and habitual dispositions,

and this makes the fifth.

Bhikkhus, any bhikkhu or bhikkhunī who develops and frequently practices these five qualities can expect one of two results: either final knowledge in this very life or, if there is a trace of clinging left, the state of non-returning."

The spiritual power in this teaching is a reference to the state of enlightenment as well as other perceptual attainments that occur as a result of dwelling in collectedness through a well-developed practice of the eightfold path.

Related Teachings:

Training for the higher mind: Immersion, Exertion and Equanimity (AN 3.102) - The Buddha is sharing on the practices of meditation, right effort and cultivation of equanimity.

The Path to Liberation with similes | Five Hindrances, Four Jhānas, Three True Knowledges (MN 39) - In this teaching, the Buddha is sharing the path with visual similes that resemble the phenomenology of the mind as it is progressing on the path to liberation. Across all the discourses, these are some of the most descriptive sign posts illuminating the path, and verifiable as one applies the training guidelines.

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