
Doer of good deeds rejoices here and after death (DhP 15, 16)

Doer of good deeds rejoices here and after death (DhP 15, 16)

Here he grieves, after death he grieves,

the evil-doer grieves in both places;

He grieves, he is tormented,

having seen the impurity of his own actions.

-- DhammaPada Verse 15

Here he rejoices, after death he rejoices,

the doer of good deeds rejoices in both places;

He rejoices, he delights,

having seen the purity of his own actions.

-- DhammaPada Verse 16

Picture: Flowering Garden, Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Related Teachings:

Guarding against irritability in body, speech, thought (DhP 231, 232, 233, 234) - The Buddha is advising against getting irritated, for bad conduct by way of body, speech or thoughts gives rise to ignorance.

Being dear to oneself (SN 3.4) - King Pasenadi of Kosala shares a reflection to the Buddha on how he is dear to oneself and who is not.

Kamma and Its Fruits (MN 135) - The Buddha explains to a brahmin how your deeds in past lives affect you in this life.

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