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My clipboard manager for Linux is now at version 0.8.1!

Hi lemmies! A few months ago, I started working on something I called just the Clipboard Project. It’s a clipboard manager that’s for the terminal, and at the time it was the only such option around, and still is today.

Well, today the Clipboard Project version 0.8.1 is released. It’s a followup to 0.8.0 with some absolutely kickASS optimizations thanks to Linux’s (and actually other POSIX OSes like macOS, FreeBSD, etc.) support for asynchronous IO. There’s also a whole bunch of UI/UX improvements including being able to copy text straight from the terminal without quote characters, fuzzy file searching, and shell completions.

I’ve posted on r/linux for each of these big version releases until now, but because SOMEBODY decided to kill their golden goose, I think Lemmy is the perfect replacement. If you’re reading this then you probably think so too!

If the Clipboard Project sounds interesting to you then there’s a handy link right in the post so that you can get 0.8.1 right now. This wasn’t possible until super recently on that other site so Lemmy has the upper hand here!

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