
Started IF again after a few years off, already 10lb down!

I saw the lack of content here and thought I'd share my story

I first discovered IF back in Dec 2018, and did it all the way through the start of 2020. I (5'6") went from 240lb down to 195.

Then well, that thing we all went through in 2020 happened and I eventually stopped. It was also a hugely transitory period in my life and I let my weight come back on. (I moved out of the house, in with my now wife, changed jobs twice, moved again... All in the midst of the pandemic and its related insanity)

Now I'm in a much better spot, but I've put everything I lost back on and more.

That said, I've now gone from 250 to 240. Trying to eat lighter, snack less, and be intentional about my macros. I like sticking to a 16:8 window, but I shorten it if it makes sense on a given day.

I remember the community being a huge motivator, so, Good luck out there!

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