Antiwork homeless Now 94%

Working full time sucks almost as much as being homeless

Talking from personal experience.

Being complete homeless sucks a little more cause it's cold outside and depending on the homeless shelter, you have to leave in the morning and no places are open to loiter in.

Being couch surfing homeless was a little better than working full time due to not having to spend so much time outside.

When I was homeless, it was basically walk to place a, b, or c for food, then walk to place d, e, or f for food, then etc then like library/free time (which for me was looking for work or medical things or housing) then wherever i'm staying then rinse and repeat. At least I could somewhat pick my own schedule and I could do the rounds with some cool people. The shelter I stayed at was also very hygienic, safe, and had cool people whereas previous paid housing I had was in slums, so houses that should be condemned and very unsafe (housemates), despite having my own room.

I'm neutral to my current job. If someone likes their job they'd probably probably have a better time at work then my previous couch surfing arrangement.

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