
CyberInt promo: “I prefer to detect threat actors when they are young or starting out at 14 or 15. That's when I start observing and documenting their malicious activities." Mastodon is in these ads.

It looks like Lee Fang is part of some kind of limited hangout thing where they turn this into a vaccine issue. Whenever something can't be omitted it's turned into a tug of war issue nobody wants to spend time thinking about because it's annoying discourse. Just my hypothesis. Still, he's the person I heard about this from first in my RSS feed.

The fact is none of us actually have a threat model for what the people coming at our communities from these orgs look like. All that is put into the code of conduct is a set of rules for slapfighting with whoever is put into the cage next to us. That's putting everyone right where these organizations want.

From the promotional material at least, we can glean security by obscurity is something they expect targets to seek out and something that clients are looking to pay to get past by default, as it harbors the fringes. While this extensive data collection could be said to result in a kind of informational overload in most interpretations, it looks like these low-level tendrils of the intelligence community either have taken their own initiative to groom kids to be terrorists, or it's working as intended, and there is in fact a lot of combing that happens of people's activity well before they're arrested for anything unrelated. I think it would be easy for one really effective data processing employee to keep tabs on dozens of people. We have to assume all these tactics are being used against union organizers obviously.

There's honestly got to be a shift to more secure communications to the point where Starbucks can't get close to pulling employee text records like judges will do for gangs. If it seems like I'm brewing up reasons to worry about this, it's because I remember all the Sbux labor litigation very clearly and how scared people I knew who'd been relying on insecure communications channels became when shit started to hit the fan. But all people tabled was hit like Signal which if not legally accessible seems obviously compromised.

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