
In case you were wondering what the Christian right is up to, my dad had a Christian talk show on while we ate thanksgiving dinner together

Some takeaways:

  1. Trump is the most pro-life, anti baby-murder president we've ever had, and it's a demonic plot that stole the election from him. The communist Democrats are hell-bent on killing as many babies as possible to show their allegiance to Satan.

  2. Then they showed a clip of a Muslim devotional video which claimed Allah was the one true god. After the clip ended, they started praising Trump for keeping the borders closed. If he let the Muslims in, rampant evil would spread across our great nation the likes of which has never been seen, collapsing our institutions to enact Sharia Law.

  3. They then showed protesters at an ICE detention camp, holding signs such as, "Family Has No Borders", "Close the Camps", and "Abolish ICE". They began to harangue the protesters, calling them Marxist actors who want to let as many illegal drug dealers and traffickers into our country as possible, in order to weaken our amazing president's administration.

This was all within ten minutes, lol. TV Christianity is literally just state propaganda of the Republican party. Nothing that they spoke about had anything to do with God or Christ.

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