Monero sigmanero_org Now 77%

UPDATE: -- sports betting with multisig wallets


First of all thank you for the great feedback in our previous post: The level of thinking that went into each comment is priceless for us and we are sure other projects will also benefit from our discussions.

Second, we would like to announce that we are back live!

We changed the following conditions to the set up:

  • We removed the need to deposit a bounty to create an account or place and accept bets. This means that we will rely on good behaviour from users to follow though their bets and fund their respective sub-address in the multisig wallets. If users do not fund their bets prior the events, then we will suspend the user for 1 hour and refund users that have made their respective transfers.

  • (NEW) We added the possibility to create "private bets" which can only be seen and accepted by whomever the user decides to by sharing a link to the bet. This will allow users to make sure they are placing bets with whomever they want, and guaranteeing that Sigmanero is not the counterpart of their bets. Both users will be able to confirm that they share the same main address of the multising as soon as the multisig is generated. For larger bets this is ideal and removes one extra concern regarding possible rug-pulls or other exit scams.

We have also added volume metrics for funded bets per event to allow users to see where the action is and expanded the information section with more details and infographics.

At this point we are just waiting for brave people to go in and try out the website! If you know someone that is willing to place a bet with you, then we encourage to try out the private bet option. This will guarantee that we (Sigmanero) will not be the counterpart to your bet.

Thank you!

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