Critical Mass sagar Now 100%

Guidelines for posting.

Please always fill the following template:

  1. What current existing technology fulfills the solution?
  2. Name of your technology.
  3. How is it better than current technology?
  4. Do you have any conflict of interest wrt the technology? (Do you gain any monetary or non-monetary benefits by increase of userbase?)

Note: mod can remove your post if he feels there's not a substantial development from current technology. This is to reduce the effects of those who subtly discourage improvement. We after all must expect traitors from current technology companies here.

There can be recursion. A technology which is recently provided critical mass can be replaced next week. Hero becoming a villain is common.

Think a lot before posting and always think about the whole system, not your benefit.

After analysis for the technology after debating, based on consensus, a post named GO : {TECHNOLOGY NAME} would be created by mod in event of new technology being better where participants of this community are expected to create accounts on those websites or other areas and migrate. After all, participants aren't expected to manage 100 accounts.

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