

Inspired by this comment I got yesterday. It's from the perspective of a cannibal so it gets a bit gross and fucked up. Don't say I didn't warn you:

Bloodmouth, that was the name they gave me.

I must confess to you now, before I continue, that I, while human in form, belong to a different breed altogether, a monster clad in human skin, far removed from society's understanding of decency. Though many might view me with abhorrence (and sometimes, revulsion), I must implore you to look upon my words with an open mind. In time, perhaps you, too, shall understand why I am what I am.

Ah, yes, hunger. How easily it blinds us to everything else: common sense, morality, and basic human compassion. All too often, my urge to feed overwhelms my rational faculties, until I can think of nothing else except to satisfy my ravenous appetite. Whenever the sensation strikes, I strip myself of all societal pretenses and moral restraint, stalking the streets of the night as a true force of nature in pursuit of sustenance, no, satisfaction, leaving behind a trail of glistening crimson, the earth my canvas, their blood my paint.

But to truly know me is to recognize the yearnings which lies deepest within my being – Love! Such yearnings seem destined to remain unsatisfied, given that I have neither the means nor the temperament to seek fulfillment via more conventional channels. Oh, but how futile such sentiments prove in the face of hunger's unforgiving grasp!

So, I became the predator in the shadow of the night, and one by one, each of my delectable courses fell beneath my fangs of love, their shrieks melded into one deafening roar, a never-ending chorus of fear and pain.

And to you, my dear girl, so young, innocent, and beautiful - how could anyone resist the temptation to taste your sweet flesh? Oh, the thrill of the hunt! The adrenaline rush as you become ensnared in my trap, unaware of the danger lurking around every corner. Your screams echoes through the air like music, making my heart race with desire. Every nibble of your tender skin sends shivers down my spine, causing my own blood to boil with uncontrollable passion. You, my dear child, are the ultimate conquest. As I consume you bit by delicious bit, I am consumed by my own madness, and we become intertwined in each other's demise: Willingly or unwillingly, your flesh shall forever be entwined within my corrupted soul.

So come, little flower, take this journey with me towards our shared fate. Embrace the depths of depravity and allow yourself to fully surrender to the insanity of my affections. We shall live on together in infamy, bound by our heinous acts and the everlasting memory of your succulent flesh, and may you find solace in knowing that your sacrifice has fed not just my body, but also temporarily quenched my eternal thirst of the flames of passion.

Bon appétit, my lovely.

Bloodmouth. A cannibal. A murderer. A monster. But most of all, an embracer of names, for without you inside me, I would have been nothing at all.

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