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Caleb Maupin

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Caleb Maupin is a prominent figure in Communist circles, however he is also a heavily slandered figure who is regarded as controversial due to Breadtube going after him with slanders to the point he wrote a book about them titled 'Breadtube Serves Imperialism'. Unfortunately I also see Communists going after him. The CPUSA recently posted an article where they completely slander Maupin which was disappointing to see (here is a good response which completely debunks this slander).

Caleb Maupin's anti-imperialist work is so important. He went to Yemen to deliver aid on an Iranian ship as if a ship has an American on board the American-Saudi led alliance could not strike the ship. He risked his life to provide aid to a war torn people fighting for their lifes. He consistently opposes U.S. imperialism and is one of the only journalists with a track record of exposing the imperialist war machine. He is also someone who consistently defends China and for me personally was the person who showed me the light when it came to supporting China. He also happens to work for anti-imperialist media which oppose the imperialism of his own country, he works for the Russian RT and the Iranian Press TV media organisations. He often gets called anti-American for this yet he is a proud socialist and hence a patriot so there is no contradiction. He is outspoken about both his anti-imperialism, and his patriotism for his country and wants to see a Communist America.

Domestically Caleb has also done great work. He was actively involved with Occupy Wall Street and would donate Plasma to survive in those years where he was a leader of the movement. He also witnessed police brutality against black youths, recorded it and prevented the victims from going to jail by exposing the footage, if not for his footage the victims would have wrongfully gone to jail. Several years ago he founded an organisation called 'Students and Youth for a New America' (SYNA). This organisation has been active on college campuses and from it he has developed a milieu of activists such as Mason Steiner from RedScareTV, Dakotah Lily, Ramiro Sebastián Fúnez and Nick Maniace to name a few.

He also recently founded the 'Center for Political Innovation' (CPI) which is a think tank and the idea is to not be a party but to have members from every Communist Party in America and to ensure that the movement moves in the right direction and gets out of the movement itself and to the masses. The vanguard of this organisation is the 'John Brown Volunteers' (JBV) which evangelises the good word of our cause to the masses on the streets and runs food programs to feed the poor. Amid all this less than 3 months ago, the foreign minister of Nicaragua visited the U.S., however he was attacked by protestors while in a New York church, the JBV rushed over and defended him. Caleb later got a shoutout from Nicholas Maduro and was invited to expose U.S. meddling in the Nicaraguan elections.

Now to address all of the slander:

Here is a copypasta which addresses all of the slander directed towards Maupin.

Here is a video which addresses everything.

With regards the accusations of transphobia (which is solely based off of association of association and supposedly not talking about these issues enough, which is ridiculous) thrown at him, here is him protesting for trans rights years before it was hip and trendy.

Here is a page which highlights the activist work of Maupin over the years.

Here is a good post detailing the usefulness of Maupin's analysis in the American and even international context. His important contributions are his slogan of "Out of the movement and to the masses" which I think is really needed as the American Communist movement is stuck in the protest cage and should instead be engaged in the ongoing strike wave and reaching the masses. As well as the slogan of "A government of action to fight for working families". He promotes 'Bill of Rights Socialism' which was the line of W.Z. Foster and still today of the CPUSA, and he promotes '21st Century Socialism', firmly supporting actual existing socialism in the world today. He is an ardent student of past American progressives, continuing the revolutionary struggle and teaching this history which has all but been forgotten to the masses. He upheld the correct line of Socialist Patriotism even while American Communists had all but ignored the calls to be patriotic from international comrades time and time again and engaged in reckless flag burning instead. He also noticed the need for professionalism among the movement after attending an International Communist Youth Congress and saw that comrades from all around the world were dressed professionally, and engaged directly with the masses.

Here is a post which explains Socialism with American Characteristics (SwAC).

Here is a post which explains Caleb's argument in relation to his 'abolish billionaires' debate with Jason Unruhe which often gets taken out of context.

The 'Nazbol' Vortex debunked.

Unlike the Infrared Collective, Caleb is NOT trying to takeover the CPUSA.

Here is a good meme relating to Maupin.

It is clear that Caleb Maupin is someone that should be highly regarded, he is loved by international Communists. His youtube channel and his livestreams are a useful resource and he is very good at bringing people into our movement. He does good work and deserves respect. He does not deserve the treatment he gets, he constantly gets abuse and death treats, even from self declared 'Communists' and that is a pure disgrace. I hope that this post clarifies misconceptions for those who genuinely were misinformed about this man who I hope continues to spread the good word of socialism to the masses.

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