
Hi anyone that finds this place! Realized that explaining what SS13 will be helpful for anyone coming across this place. Space Station 13 is a free online game where you are on a space station and can choose from numerous jobs to do during your round/shift. Stuff like security guard/cook/doctor/miner/virologist/scientist/roboticist/chemistry/bartender/gift shop worker/janitor/The Clown. Each of those jobs have their own mechanics that can go extremely in depth and it’s fun to learn it on a job you enjoy. Every round there will be antagonist picked from the players to be something like a traitor/vampire/changeling/demon/syndicate attackers/Skeleton pirates or even more. The job of the security team is to arrest/kill all the antagonist which can be hard since the antagonist have strong abilities or can buy a shit ton of wacky/lethal items from a machine like the traitors. People have adapted the code to run their own servers based off properties like Aliens Vs Predators/Fallout/Warhammer/SCP. The AvP one is usually the most filled because it’s gameplay is great. It’s called SS13 Colonial Marines and totally worth a play too. That video I linked at the top contains gameplay of it. Just wanted to give a quick synopsis of the game. You can download the program is runs on here


Been a bit since I got on here lol. So a few months ago I came across how you can get the Yogstation 3D server running offline on your own PC. It is super easy to do and the longest part was installing the files from GitHub. Be sure to downgrade the version of Byond you are on.


Been a bit since I last posted lol. Figured it was time to post another SS13 classic video.


This was from back earlier this year when Yogstation had a 3D test server up for a few months. Lavaland was a ton of fun to explore like this.


For a few months Yogstation had a test server up that converted their code into 3D. I probably spent close to 80 hours just playing and recording everything I could in 3D. I wish the 3d server was still up. I had so much fun in it. Sorry for any of you that find this and are sad you missed it :( I'll post a few more of the videos here later for the hell of it.


Figured I should make a post like this too. I'll start with my own comment a moment.


Playing this server when it first launched was crazy. Dozens of people playing as D class and when the SCP got to them it was a bloodbath.


Stopped using Reddit when my app ended so now I wanted a new place to talk about the game. Hopefully more servers create their own variant of the community. I kept it the same as on Reddit with it being SS13. Hope to see this all grow over the coming months lol. Going to start posting screenshots I saved up over the years in a bit.