
Hi all! Welcome to a quality place for Photoshop requests. Requesters and wizards please feel free to let this thing kick into action. Thank you all!


I found this image [on insta]( ([direct link]( for download that isn't compressed by lemmy) and would like to use it as my phone wallpaper, so I need to extend the background to see the whole drawing. However I'm not very good with image editors, so I would only be able to add black borders, which is obviously ugly. Can anyone extend the textured background so it's about 3000x5000, so I can crop it to my liking? Thanks a lot in advance!


Hi everyone, I got out of the army a couple years ago, and as I was transitioning out I set up my dress uniform all prim and proper, but never had a reason to get an official photo taken in it. My parent's only picture of me in a dress uniform is after basic training, so they have been basically begging me for an updated photo since I told them I was buying the new uniform. The issue is that I've had a mustache/goatee combo of varying length since getting out, and my wife and I are both strongly against completely shaving it for the picture. If I trim it down, hopefully revealing the structure of my face, could the photo be altered to appear as though I had shaved? Lastly, I know the rules say to link a photo, but because a dress uniform is kind of like wearing your entire service history, I prefer to not make it utterly public. The photos are the regulation covering these types of photos Thanks in advance! ![](


As this community is new, I am looking forward to your requests and other Photoshop Wizards to join.