Perchance - Create a Random Text Generator

# Welcome to the Perchance Community! #### **[]( is a platform for sharing and creating random text generators.** This Lemmy community is for: * Asking for help with problems, issues, or requests about generators in Perchance * Sharing and showcasing your created generators, templates, plugins, or pages in Perchance * Starting friendly discussions about topics related to Perchance ##### **If it is your first time in using Lemmy, please check out [this message from Lemmy.World]( and [the Support Page from Lemmy.World]( to get started on using Lemmy.** ### Posting from Mastodon Feel free to checkout this post to know [how to post in this Lemmy Community through Mastodon]( ## Other Community Links - [Subreddit]( - **[Casual Perchance]( <- for more casual posts, AI Discussions (Prompting and Images), etc.** - [Discord]( - [Mastodon #Perchance (]( - [Fandom Wiki]( ## Rules Here are some rules in this community: - Please follow the instance rules. - The full rules are posted here: ( - User Rules: ( - Be kind and friendly. - Please be kind to others on this community (and also in general), and remember that for many people Perchance is their first experience with coding. We have members for whom English is not their first language, so please be take that into account too :) - Be thankful to those who try to help you. - If you ask a question and someone has made an effort to help you out, please remember to be thankful! Even if they don't manage to help you solve your problem - remember that they're spending time out of their day to try to help a stranger :) - Only post about stuff related to perchance. - Please only post about perchance related stuff like generators on it, bugs, and the site. - Search through the Community Before Posting - Please Search through the Community Posts here (and on [Reddit]( **before** posting to see if what you will post has similar post/already been posted. ## Posting Here are some **optional** tags to add in your title to categorize the posts. These are merely tags, you still need to title your post effectively. * [Bug] - if you think you find any bug in Perchance, use this tag. * [Question] or [Help] - this is to denote that your post is a question or requesting for help * [Suggestion] - for any suggestions in Perchance * [Feedback] or [Appreciation] - for any feedback or appreciation to any generator or to Perchance in general. * [{Generator Category}] - Used to share any generator with the specified category * Text, Image, Template, Hub, Plugin, Preprocessor, Community/RP, Game, Experiment, Useful Generator * [Fluff] or [Non-Generator] - Non-generator posts but about Perchance * [Tutorial] or [Guide] - for any Perchance related tutorials or guides to help others ### AI Plugins Posts #### Here is a [FAQ]( for the AI tools in Perchance. We would like to ask to **refrain** from posting here needing help specifically with prompting/achieving certain results with the AI plugins (`text-to-image-plugin` and `ai-text-plugin`) e.g. *"What is the good prompt for X?", "How to achieve X with Y generator?"* There are guides, tutorials, and resources on the internet that can be applied when prompting in the AI tools in Perchance. We will still be helping/answering questions about the plugins **as long as it is related to building generators with them**. ##### If you need help in **prompting**, please post on the 'sister' forum at [Casual Perchance]( --- ## Getting Started with Perchance To get started with Perchance, check out the [Perchance Tutorial]( or the Beginner Tutorial at the [Perchance Hub Learn Tab]( to get to know the website. * Also, check out [this video]( by [Chaoclypse]( as an introduction to Perchance. ## Asking for help Feel free to ask for help but please check out these tips on searching for an answer: * Check the following pages, to see if your question has already been answered or talked about or a plugin has been made for it. We recommend using the browser's search function (`ctrl+f`) and searching for similar keywords to your question/problem. * [Perchance Tutorial]( * [Perchance Advanced Tutorial]( * [Perchance Examples]( * [Perchance Plugins]( * If you didn't find anything about your problem there, feel free to search through the posts/articles here: * [Perchance Subreddit]( * [Perchance Lemmy]( * [Perchance Hub Learn Tab (WIP)]( * If you can't still find anything related to your problem, feel free to post a thread here. * Please title your post effectively. * Please provide a link to your generator with your attempts of solving the problem. * Try to explain what you want it to do and what example output it should be doing.


I wanted to refer an older reply to my question, I guess it was about Text to image copyrights but I can not find. I do not know if, there are some settings I need to do to keep older questions. Any help in this regard will be appreciated. Thank you always


When we generate Image of a male or a female, the face, is that real human or that is also generated by AI. A reply will be appreciated. Thank you always.


There is a feature that was recently added which is the 'Edit Password' upon saving a generator that isn't yours (you are remixing another person's generator). It is for recovering/saving an edited generator without logging in (or those users that are having trouble with saving generators since the email verification is having problems). Steps: 1. Click edit in the generator you want to edit. 2. Upon saving, and **opt to create a generator** (since you can't save a generator to an account since you are not logged in), it would then give out a 'edit password'. **Remember/Save this generated string as well as the *newly* created URL (not the original one).** 3. Later on (as long as the local storage is not cleared) you can navigate again to that newly created page (while still not logged in into an account) then enter the edit password after clicking save to return back/apply your changes to the generator. ##### [A video demo of how it works.](


I create a temp Gmail to log in but when I try to change to my own email it wont work


johan is a really evil bully and a groomer, he is racist and homophobe, he bullies everyone and uses them as a pawn, he accuses others but he himself is the worst. go to the room #johanexposed1 where we have all proof against him. unfortunately his tag keeps changing and there is no way to ban him permanently unless we block his devices (i think), so kindly help us out in this matter, this is a public request against him also mods please ban people frequently we have new groomers and trolls almost every week. thank you


Hello, I am newer to building these ai chats and am trying to figure out how to set up auto reply between multiple ai in one chat? I have figured out how to add in multiple bots onto one chat, but getting them to reply to each other is what is confusing to me


After trillIons of years of it working errorlessly, edits to a custom T2I tonight caused me to get this error even tho [my audio plugin]( was written with an eventlistener for click identically to how [the Perchance Audio Plugin suggested script]( does. ![]( I'm not sure why the error and I think it doesn't matter. What matters is I solved it with this: ![]( so my code now is `window.addEventListener("click", function(){if(navigator.userActivation.isActive && ` etc etc and it no longer bugs because it checks whether the user counts as active. Whatever fringe scenario was causing mine to bug (a programmatic click perhaps?) would I'm sure also have happened with, and since I just solved mine with this nice little line, I am suggesting navigator.userActivation.isActive for too (to preemptively not have anyone encounter this bug).


It isnt an admin deleting them since it is happening on [starlitsky]( too and I haven't set admins. Anything I type disappears. Also here is me responding to glass, screenshotting, refreshing, screenshotting and you can see the comment is gone. nothing i have typed today nor yesterday is there ![]( ![](


Today I was deleting my prompts and noticed two red underline words then realized I haven't seen a name as in this : (epic fantasy concept art by noah bradley). Is it normal or epic fantasy is copyright protected ? I shall be thankful if get reply in this regard. Other than that by mistake I pressed Generate button and got interesting images can been seen in the screen shot. Thank you


I made a pretty cool simple and minimal sentence generator, you can click anywhere or press any key to generate a new sentence. I am adding new sentence templates every day, and new features! Check it out!


I have a two question 1) What should I write in the character sheet as, for example, instructions or in a reminder note, so that the character behaves more naturally? What I mean is that very often characters add insertions in their dialogues that are repeated, making their statements unnatural and irritating in role playing, e.g. like that they have to focus on the mission, or if it was written earlier that they have to make a first impression at an upcoming party, the character keeps throwing in dialogues that include that they have to change or pull out clothes. Or it is written that it is afternoon and the party will be in the evening and the narrator writes as if it were already happening, leaving aside other events that might have taken place between afternoon and this evening. 2) What instructions should I write so that a character, e.g. Bob, who is just getting to know a character, e.g. Ela, gradually learns information about Ela from her or from other characters who speak about her. So that Bob collects information about her and bulid the relationship with her and not so that a situation occurs in which I introduce a new character and Bob already speaks as if he had known her for a long time and knows everything about her.


I'm not an AI-chatter myself, but I am still seeing many reports of weirdness.


Hi~! I'm getting familiar with Perchance and the text to image plugin, so I modified a script from the guides to test tags blending a bit more. I'm trying to visualize task blending, but when the prompt is not fixed (contains other lists that are being evaluated than the blended tags). In that case, I would like in each row to only change the blended tags, and to keep the same seed and evaluations of the other lists the same (e.g., here I want the same animal). But I didn't manage to do that yet, as the animals are changing within the same row. I wonder if there is a way to partially evaluate the prompt a first time for each row and a second time for the blended tag. Another way would be to do string formatting to handle the tag blending instead of using perchance lists (with a trick like this: `blending_value = [blending_values.selectAll[counter]]`), but I didn't see a part about that in the guides, and I'm not familiar with JavaScript at all. Do you have some solutions for this? Here's the generator I started: I coded it to blend 2 dimensions of tags within a matrix, I use only 1 dimension here, so it should not be relevant. Notes: The idea behind this is to visualize the tag blending on a sample of the possible prompts rather than a fixed one. Here, there are 6 animals, so we could try them all on a bunch of seed, but in practice, it's not doable, that's why I'm doing the sampling in the first place.


Hi guys if you have any idea of which possible style of the art syle is this, i would appreciate it.


How can I stop the AI from talking in my place? The character talking in the image is not me, but it still does describe the situation from my pov. It also often just talks as the character I'm playing.


I can't seem to figure out how to get that generator to work on glitch, anyone got an idea what I may be goofing up?


take screenshots of your outputs!


I am trying to generate images with Text-to-Image generators (I have tried many already), and all of them came with the error message above. Does anyone else have this problem: does anyone know how to fix this?


I am looking to run this generator locally -- I have the horsepower to run the ai as I am running stable diffusion 3 locally, and also have LLAMA running locally -- -I want to use locally as I like the UI and the way it controls the generation, and would like to modify it for my own use locally Thanks Tim @perchance[](


**Dear Perchance Administrator(s),** I've been trying to reach you over **admin(at)**, which is listed as your contact email in your privacy policy, but the mail was eventually undelivered. I couldn't find any other contact information on the site, so I'm going to post this complaint here. But yes, I have a complaint against the usage of browser fingerprinting on your website. I noticed someone (hopefully an official account) posting under the name @perchance on this "sublemmy", so I am addressing this to you directly, because I believe that you are the person responsible for this situation. If you are not that person, then please have this message forwarded to whoever is. The complaint is against Cloudflare (or more specifically, its bot detection mechanism) that is being used by and causing access problems on some pages. Since I like my online privacy very much, I tend to modify the browser settings to harden it for improved security, configure it against online tracking, and protect it against malware. Unfortunately, Cloudflare often has a problem with this and croaks. It's often the case that when someone tries to change or customize their browser (i.e. by messing with some security settings or by installing a security addon), then they will likely get flagged as an anomaly. It is wrongful to expect visitors to keep their web browsers in vanilla state in order to appease some online bot detection scripts. I will thus put some of the blame on Cloudflare for providing these faulty services, but that is only half of the story. I realize that Cloudflare is by itself just a service, so it cannot take the full blame here. While it does offer these functions, it does not automatically apply them to random websites. No, the websites don't automatically pop up behind Cloudflare, there is another factor present here. Someone has to decide to put their website behind Cloudflare in the first place. Someone like you. Therefore, the other half of the blame lies with you or whoever decided to use Cloudflare on Up until now you may still be wondering what exactly am I talking about. Well, I did some poking around the website javascript source code to try and identify the problem, and I managed to come up with a name. Does the name "Turnstile" ring a bell? Yes, **it** is the main problem here. It is a script that is using a technique called **Browser Fingerprinting** to uniquely identify users of your image generation service. These fingerprinting scripts often use some heavy-duty and extremely invasive probing to collect sensitive information about your visitor's devices including, but not limited to: device operating system, screen resolution, color depth, timezone, language/locale, installed fonts, list of browser plugins, device CPU and memory, audio card fingerprint, canvas fingerprint, WebGL (graphics card) fingerprint, list of connected devices like cameras and microphones, etc. Browser fingerprinting is a form of tracking far worse than cookies because it does not need to store any information on the user device, and it can even work cross-website. Clearing cookies or browser history won't help at all. It's like a DNA fingerprint of your device that is extremely difficult, if not impossible to change. In case of Perchance, I found out that some AI generator pages like will attempt to load several iframe's after the "generate" button is clicked. These will then link to, which then initiates the image generation process. But, before that happens, the iframe tries to contact to fetch this javascript: This is a heavily obfuscated javascript that does some very shady things. Script obfuscation like this is often employed by malware to hide what the code is doing from reverse-engineering and anti-virus programs. Fortunatly, my browser detects this and blocks the script as potentially malicious. The result is that the iframe complains about being blocked or that verification failed, and then enters an endless verification loop while never displaying the requested AI-generated content. Yes, I tried to bypass the verifiation process by modifying the page javascript code to skip the verification process and go directly to the image generation step. Unfortunately, the image generator server will not accept any requests without a proper user key, which is generated by that obfuscated turnstile script bloat. I do not condone having such scripts run in my browser, so I will not unblock the script. And since there is no obvious way to opt out of this invasive fingerprinting, I am thus reduced to begging website administrators to remove these scripts from their websites. Thus.... **Please remove Cloudflare Turnstile browser fingerprinter from your website and make it accessible again to users that wish to protect their online privacy.** Thank you.


Do Perchance AI generated images have use restrictions?


Is it possible to self-host some of the generators (for security purposes) I have a computer quite capable of running many of the models, and indeed have a number available already. I have python available and can install any addons needed -- I just dont know how to utilize the plugins etc that are available here


Hello and thank you for that wonderful tool. I would like to now if it is possible to generate different mood for exactly the same character generated and how to do it. For example I got one boy designed, I want him happy, sad et caetera. Thank you for your feedback


lists: ```rarity <span style\="color:#f21bc0;" class\="glow1" color\="#f21bc0">mythical</span> ^ 0.05 <span style\="color:#fcd928;" class\="glow2" color\="#fcd928">legendary</span> ^ 0.1 <span style\="color:#d7e32b;" class\="glow3" color\="#d7e32b">epic</span> ^ 0.5 <span style\="color:#2929e6;" class\="glow4" color\="#2929e6">rare</span> ^ 1 <span style\="color:#4cbf17;">uncommon</span> ^ 2.5 <span style\="color:#919191;">common</span> ^ 5 prefix plain ^5 <span style\="color:#CF6A32;">hale's own</span> ^ 0.2 <span style\="color:#CF6A32;">scarcely lethal</span> ^ 0.2 <span style\="color:#8650AC;">unusual</span> ^ 0.01 <span style\="color:#CF6A32;">StatTrak™</span> ^ 1 horrid ^2 big momma's amazing suffix ^4 of destiny ^0.1 of doom ^0.1 <span class\="glow">★</span> ^0.1 <span class\="glow">★★</span> ^0.05 <span class\="glow">★★★</span> ^0.025 <span class\="glow">★★★★</span> ^0.0125 rarityTier <span style\="color:#afafaf;">Consumer</span> ^ 2 <span style\="color:#6496e1;">Industrial</span> ^ 0.5 <span style\="color:#8847ff;">Mil-spec</span> ^ 0.25 <span style\="color:#6496e1;">Restricted</span> ^ 0.125 <span style\="color:#d32ce6;">Classified</span> ^ 0.0625 <span style\="color:#eb4b4b;">Convert</span> ^ 0.01 <span style\="color:#886a08;">Contraband</span> ^ 0.005 ``` output: ``` output = [pre = prefix] [...] [suf = suffix] level = lv{1-100} [rar = rarity] [r.level] quality = [qua = rarityTier] value = [1/(pre.$odds) * 1/(suf.$odds) * 1/(rar.$odds) * 1/(qua.$odds) * r.value] ``` Problem is, `qua.$odds` doesn't seem to exist! Is this a quirk with the Perchance engine, or is it just faulty programming?


Hi Folks: Id like to contact the author of the AI Character Generator. Is there a way to do this? Thanks


@Perchance, looking at the TextToImage plugin page again today the wrongness of the line 'the same seed generates the exact same picture' is sort of jarring since nothing else on the page is false nor misleading (that i kno of). for those of you who dont know, the same seed generates a variety of similar pictures.


I see that there has been an update and the memories feature is back in. Nice. However, the MessageAdded event in my custom code is now not getting executed. I added a console.log as the first line in the handler: ``` oc.thread.on("MessageAdded", async function({ message }) { console.log("----------message added-------------"); ``` And it is not getting triggered any more. It was working and I haven't changed the code. Has this changed or is this maybe a bug? Thanks!


Error disappears by updating any HTML element on the fusion gen page. Source: Dynamic imports plugin: I let name = , if it exists , when running dynamicImports(name). I didn't have this error when I implemented the localStorage thingy. So I suspected this to be connected to some new added feature for dynamic Imports. Ideas on solving this? Code when I select names for dynamic import upon start (the error only occurs upon opening/reloading the page) : ``` _generator gen_danbooru fusion-t2i-danbooru-1 fusion-t2i-danbooru-2 fusion-t2i-danbooru-3 gen_lyrics fusion-t2i-lyrics-1 fusion-t2i-lyrics-2 ... _genKeys gen_danbooru gen_lyrics ... // Initialize getStartingValue(type) => _genKeys.selectAll.forEach(function(_key) { document[_key] = 'fusion-t2i-empty'; if (localStorage.getItem(_key) && localStorage.getItem(_key) != '' && localStorage.getItem(_key) != 'fusion-t2i-empty') { document[_key] = localStorage.getItem(_key); } else { document[_key] = [_generator[_key].selectOne]; localStorage.setItem(_key, document[_key]); }; }); ... dynamicImport(document.gen_danbooru, 'preload'); ... if (type == "danbooru"): return document.gen_danbooru; }; // End of getStartingValue(type) ... _folders danbooru = dynamicImport(document.gen_danbooru || getStartingValue("danbooru")) ```


[]( The resources button is very useful. and it is very inconvenient to access right now. It doesn't really matter if there is one more button, it won't look weird and there are not too many now. The AI button in the editor should be hideable, as it takes up space and isn't really useful.


I made a post on Reddit not knowing the community had moved to Lemmy, which can be found [here]( I wrote a more detailed explanation with code snippets there, but to summarize I am trying to implement independent card randomizers where each card has its own description and image. Before implementing images, I was able to reroll what was just the card's description. However, the approach I took to make this compatible with specific images yielded an error when trying to reroll any of the cards. Loading the generator does not come with any errors. What can I do to resolve these errors?


There are 2 new preprocessors made recently, thought i'd make a post so people don't miss them.. The [first one](, made by @poundpound0209 in the discord, Allows you to easily import some AI and grammer plugins. The [second one](, made by me, contains a bunch of different preprocessors put together so you can use multiple at once.


I'm running into a weird glitch where the main perchance editor box will be deselected (cursor disappears, no longer receives input) if I stop typing and I'll have to click it again to continue typing. It's only the main editor box, not the html section. I have no idea what's causing this- I've checked the mouse and the settings, it happens regardless of browser, and restarting the computer isn't helping. Is it the site? Is it my computer? has anyone encountered something like this before?


When I want to use, I use email and password, but when I want to only sign in when using text to image generator should I use the same email and password ? Thank you


There is little to no moderation on the generated made by the users, some generators I found are dedicated towards highly illegal material, why is there no way to report such things currently


When I try to access a property of a stored variable, it says that "it does not exist." Why does this happen?


So I decided to try making a Perchance-[App]( I have no idea what I'm doing, this is my first app. So at the moment, this is just an ugly search that's not working yet. But it's a start. Maybe someone more capable than me could look into the search and talk to me/send a pull request. Anyway, spread the word, maybe we can take this somewhere.




Another time to say, "long time not posting on this community", but here we go! There is one question I've wanting to ask about the recent update about the dark mode on the main/official Perchance pages: **is there a way to disable them only for the pages (i.e. keep the pages in light mode without having to turn off the dark mode completely)?** Most of the time my eyes just don't get comfortable enough reading the text in the dark mode. I'd also suggest putting a button to toggle the dark mode on/off just like we have on [the Hub]( on these pages. ![](