New Democratic Party

*Transcript:* Canadians that are trying to either buy their own home, rent an affordable home, or in the case of Peggy, trying to stay in an affordable home, are all getting kicked in the teeth. They're facing these challenges because the market hasn't been set up for them to compete with families in similar situations with similar incomes. Instead, Canadians wanting to find their way into a home are having to compete with deep-pocketed corporate investors. This is what's structurally wrong with the Canadian housing market. There are people out there that'll tell you different things about that. The Liberals so far have only been willing to take action concerning foreign buyers, but we know they only represent about five percent of the market. Conservatives will argue that it's government spending, it's the Bank of Canada, or anything else that diverts attention from the real problem. The genuine issue is the massive corporate profits made by turning what should be a market about people securing a family home into an asset class for profit generation. This isn't a phenomenon that occurred by accident. If you delve into the history of real estate investment trusts (REITs), you'll find that they began their rapid ascent in 1996. Coincidentally, this was right after the Liberals canceled the national housing strategy. The trend has been growing ever since. It's myopic to focus solely on the last two years and the housing market fluctuations during this exceptional period. The trend of Canadians being pushed out of affordable homes started much earlier than that, and it's a pattern seen across both Liberal and Conservative governments. These administrations have been lacking in supply-side solutions. Additionally, they've cultivated a tax culture that rewards companies for buying affordable buildings, ousting tenants, and then hiking rents. Through the tax code, if you're part of a REIT, you're exempted from paying corporate tax on your profits, as long as you distribute the income to individual investors. Normally, a company would first settle corporate income tax on its earnings and then distribute its dividends from the remaining amount. Another way the housing market has been undermined is by both Liberal and Conservative governments not renewing operating grants linked to many affordable buildings, be it co-op housing or non-profit housing. Federal operating money made those units more than just affordable – they were rent-geared to income, which is the gold standard for housing. It ensures tenants don't end up paying an exorbitant portion of their earnings on rent. As these 40 or 50-year mortgages began to expire towards the end of the Harper government's term, the promise of not renewing these operating grants was made. While the Liberals ran on a commitment to sustain them, they backtracked. Consequently, buildings across the country that had federal funding, ensuring they could offer affordable rents to tenants, were told by both Conservative and Liberal governments that there would be no funding renewal. This meant they either had to raise the rents or sell their buildings. This situation made them ripe targets for REITs, which had the financial means to outbid non-profit associations experienced in housing. This is a long-brewing problem, and while the pandemic exacerbated the situation, attributing the crisis solely to pandemic-induced government spending is a mistake. The housing crisis has been building up for ages and has now reached a critical point. We must take actions to stabilize the market and salvage the affordable units we still have. Experts reveal that for every new affordable housing unit we establish in Canada today, we're losing 15. This rate is unsustainable. The decrease in supply, combined with the detrimental role of REITs and other corporate landlords, is at the crux of the issue. We need proactive government intervention to address and resolve this problem, ensuring Canadians have access to affordable housing. This is why we're [announcing specific measures today.]( Jenny has already mentioned imposing a moratorium on REITs and corporate landlords from purchasing affordable buildings. We've also discussed establishing a fund so that non-profit housing experts can acquire and manage these buildings appropriately. Another crucial step is eliminating the preferential tax treatment for REITs, which only makes them a more enticing investment option, drawing more capital into a system that's undermining our housing market. We shouldn't be incentivizing investors to exploit a mechanism that makes housing less accessible for Canadians. Our package of solutions aims to conserve affordable units, create more of them, and stop rewarding major investors who profit by forcing Canadians out of homes they can afford, leaving them to fend for themselves.


> Today, the NDP sits in the shadow of the Liberal government, caught between criticizing those in power while also attempting to claim agency over bills being passed. Most peculiar of all has been Singh’s retreat from online spaces. In 2023, he deactivated his TikTok account citing privacy concerns, but the shift in the tone of his content went beyond that. > His once fresh, relatable, curtain-tearing content had been replaced by generic campaign videos of Singh reading scripts word-for-word that feel like they were copied directly from the platform section of the NDP website. It became boring, uninspired and — most importantly — ineffective. Polls now project a loss of seats for the NDP in the next election. > One thing is for certain: we are closer to a Singh exit than we are from his arrival. Come October, he will have been party leader for seven years — he will certainly not be leader in seven years. So, has his choice to abandon his online roots damaged the future of his party? > Whatever the future of the NDP holds and whoever its next leader will be, it is clear that it remains a party in desperate need of reimagination — the exact same issue that Singh was brought in to solve.


Some choice to go on a camping vacation for 3 weeks as a reward for working hard all year on Bay St? How about we get to the reward first [@Canada]( [@OntarioNDP]( a bot? Thats true [@jagmeetsingh]( last campaign was full of bots and automated email spam, that why we need an uprgade to democracy, kindly refrain from wasting your vote on [@ndp]( they will listen and play deaf stonewall laugh think positive



I wasn't able to find much information on this. Which pharmacies want to treat their customers right?


This announcement from the federal government came after significant pressure from the NDP: * The BCNDP has implemented such a program and the newly elected Manitoba NDP is taking steps in that direction * [A month ago, the federal NDP was pushing for a national school lunch program in the next budget and had private talks with the Liberals about it]( * [10 days ago, the federal NDP passed a motion to call on the gov to fund this program]( * [Advocacy groups put significant pressure on the government, too]( I am happy to see this step towards ending child hunger and its great that the NDP is getting some nice little victories in the minority government.


Bill to be voted on Wednesday. Summary: > This enactment amends the Competition Act to increase penalties for certain anti-competitive acts. It also changes aspects of the review of mergers, including how gains in efficiency and market concentration are taken into account. In addition, it requires the Competition Tribunal to make an order dissolving a completed merger or prohibiting the merger from proceeding if the merger would result in excessive combined market share. The limitation period for the review of mergers is increased from one year to three years. Finally, it amends the Competition Tribunal Act to remove the Tribunal’s ability to award costs against the Crown.


> BURNABY – On Thursday, Canada’s NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh attended a housing roundtable where young Canadians explained that they can’t afford housing in their community. While just blocks away sits federal land at 6025 Sussex Avenue where the City of Burnaby had proposed building 300 non-profit, affordable homes back in 2019. Instead of supporting the proposal to build affordable housing— the Liberal government refused. > “If Justin Trudeau wasn’t so out-of-touch, this building could have been already built and those people behind me could live there,” said Singh. “But instead I just spent the morning hearing from young people who can’t find an affordable place to live and the dream of one day buying a home is completely out-of-reach for them. We’re in this mess because successive Liberal and Conservative governments have let big money developers use the housing market to get wealthy instead of protecting the people who need these homes. > “Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre want to use public land to help rich developers get even richer– instead of building homes young people could afford.” > Despite campaign promises, after eight years of the Liberal government, in Vancouver, it can take a young teacher as much as 44 years to afford the down payment for an average home. And in neighbouring Burnaby, the average 2-bedroom apartment now costs $3,166 a month. > “In the next election, young people will have a choice to make. Do they want out-of-touch Trudeau who used federal land to make big developers richer at your expense? Do they want corporate-controlled Poilievre who will sell off public land to rich developers' donors like Doug Ford is doing? Or will they want a New Democrat government that will use federal, public land to build non-profit homes young people can actually afford? > “Whether you’re 40 years old or 20 years old, whether you are making minimum wage or a higher wage— everyone should be able to find a place they can afford that’s safe and fits their family’s needs.”