Lemmy Moderators

# Guidelines - First of all, every community on Lemmy.world should follow the [lemmy.world rules](https://mastodon.world/about) - Please create a sidebar with some contents, at least a description of the community and some extra rules when applicable - Adding a banner and icon for the community makes it prettier. Please do. - **Every community needs enough moderators**. # About moderators Moderation is very important. This site needs to be a safe place for everyone. The more subscribers and posts, the more moderators you'll need. Make sure you have moderators in all timezones, so if bad stuff is reported in your community, it doesn't need to sit there until you're off work... As the community grows, add even more moderators. # Reports A moderator will receive reports for reported content in their community. (The admins will receive a copy of all reports in all communities). Please resolve the reports according to the site rules and community rules, as soon as possible. If reports are open for too long (more than 24 hours), the admins will contact the moderator(s). If this keeps happening, the moderators might be replaced. **These guidelines are under construction. Please check back after a few days, hopefully it's more complete ;-)**


I mod !bunnies@lemmy.world. Was originally added with my now-dead @Elevator7009@kbin.run. I cannot login to that account and remove myself because kbin.run died. Now the community appears to have two same-name mods. It is not the biggest deal ever but I would like a way to boot my dead account from the mod team.


Hello, I would like to request to be added as a mod for !rva@lemmy.world. I don't know if it's best practice to keep the (inactive) original mod on, but the current mod hasn't posted or commented since November of last year, nor have they responded to any of my DMs. I don't have any grand plans, I just want to help monitor for spam, potentially find another co-moderator to carry the torch in case I get hit by a bus, and hopefully grow it into a more active community. I currently co-moderate two other small communities - !caps@lemmy.world and !asoiaf@lemmy.world. Thanks!


I tend to browse /All and by New on Lemmy. I went to respond on a thread on !vegan@lemmy.world to thank someone for a recipe that looked good, and found out I had been banned. Odd, considering I hadn't posted to that sub at any point in the past. I checked the modlog to find that "Mod" had banned a bunch of people citing "Rule 5." Their Rule 5 states: Bad-faith carnist rhetoric & anti-veganism are not allowed, as this is not a space to debate the merits of veganism. Anyone is welcome here, however, and so good-faith efforts to ask questions about veganism may be given their own weekly stickied post in the future (see current stickied discussion). I (and hundreds of others) seemingly broke rule 5 of this community without ever posting there. What is going on? And my apologies if this isn't the place for this, but I had no idea where else to post the question.


The moderators of !finalfantasyxiv@lemmy.world have not logged in, posted or commented in 12 months. The community is still active and slowly gaining more subscribers. I've reached out to [@JoeChio@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/JoeChio) the main moderator there, multiple times without a reply asking if they were willing to transfer, but I've yet to have a reply. I'm moderator at !finalfantasy@lemmy.world which shares a lot of similar content with it being part of the same series. As !finalfantasyxiv@lemmy.world is still active I'd like to build on what is there and ensure that there is someone able to moderate if required.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/18411894 > Hello Lemmings! > > I am thinking of making a community moderation bot for Lemmy. This new bot will have faster response times with the help of [Lemmy webhooks](https://github.com/RikudouSage/LemmyWebhook), an amazing plugin for Lemmy instances by @RikudouSage@lemmings.world to add webhook support. With this, there is no need to frequently call the API at a fixed interval to fetch new data. Any new data will be sent via the webhook directly to the bot backend. This allows for actions within seconds, thus making it an effective auto moderation tool. > > I have a few features I thought of doing: > - Welcome messages > - Auto commenting on new posts > - Scheduled posts > - Punish content authors or remove content via word blacklist/regex > - Ban members of communities by their usernames/bios via word blacklist or regex > - Auto community lockdown during spam > > What other features do you think are possible? > Please let me know. > Any questions are also welcome. > > Community requested features: > - Strike system > > Strikes are added to a certain member of the community and the member will be temporarily banned within a time period if their strike count reaches a certain threshold >- Post creation restriction by account age > > If an account's age is lower than X, remove the post.


Just venting here. It's a very low traffic community for a sports team, with announcements from that team's own website posted to the community. And people have to come in and vote it down. 😐


As far as I’m aware, mods can only access banning functionality on user comments. If someone in a community keeps pestering mods with BS reports, but that user has not posted a comment in the community, is there a way to ban that person? I can’t seem to find anything in the UI to handle this use case.


[!curlyhair@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/curlyhair) The moderator hasn't logged in in a year. It's sleepy but not dead.


I'm looking to start a community. there's currently a bug with lemm.ee and the way it interacts with Boost for lemmy, so I think I'll avoid it at least for now. which instance do you guys find to be the most reliable?


In a similar vein to [this post](https://lemmy.world/post/13499911). Mistakes happen. Also, when I was initially looking for the button to edit the sidebar I was actually scared to try out that button because the proximity to "leave mod team" and the fact it's just an image of something getting edited made me think it was related to unmodding myself. Considering I had to get a Lemmy admin to install this obvious alt account because my Mbin main account cannot add mods to, edit the sidebar of, or handle reports from Lemmy communities, I was *really* hesitant to take the risk of possibly unmodding myself and having to bug the admin to help me out yet again.


The originating moderator of a community that I mod hasn’t been around for about 6 months. What do y’all do when someone peaces out? Is there a way to hand the parent mod account to whoever is next in line?


Mod has not touched their Lemmy account in 11 months. I would like to eventually hand it over to someone willing so long as they keep it about bunny rabbits, but as for now… I'm active and post a decent amount, including on !bunnies@lemmy.world, and have done so for awhile.


I don't really want to, but it doesn't have any mods currently. I have some expertise with spiders and would rather stick to doing just IDs, but since there is no mod maybe it's good to have a contingency plan in case some spam turns up ... or to delete the classic "it's a brown recluse" comment ... when it's any brown spider. But I'm happy to concede to anyone else that actually wants to be a mod.


Mistakes happen. It almost did with me today when I went to post, clicked accidently, and was asked if I wanted to destroy the community I've spent months building. Who thought it was smart UI design to put these 2 options side by side?


This is related to https://lemmy.world/post/13066509 IMO, one of the things that made Reddit deteriorate in quality was the cultural change in how to use votes. Early on, voting was meant as "this is interesting/not interesting for the community". It was only later (maybe around the time that Facebook got heavy into the algorithm recommendations based on reactions ) that voting on a post/comment started to mean "I like/dislike this" and "I want/do not want more of this". What ended up happening is that contributed to the "filter bubble" effect. People started relying on voting as a way to customize their feeds. None of this works with Lemmy, because we don't have (yet?) a good recommendation system or a client that can filter/sort the posts based on the user's voting history. So we are stuck with the worst of both worlds: people are downvoting things that do not help them to manage the content, and people from other "niche" communities are being met with downvotes just because their content is not appealing to the majority. Ask people from non-english speaking communities, and they will tell you that any post is immediately voted down by people who are not related at all with the community. I still think there is value in the downvotes. When the person voting has already established some authority at the community where the post/comment is being made, a downvote is a good signal about the relevance of that post/comment to the rest of the community. For this reason, I don't think I'd remove down votes from my instances. However, can we start working on a set of guidelines to help users understand when it is appropriate to vote in a post/comment?


Just wanted to rant a bit as I'm having seeing that happening a bit more and more recently, not only on lemmy.world but also on Lemmy as a whole. Makes it hard to keep you head cool sometimes, I think it's even harder because I legitimately cannot understand what they are trying to do by being disrespectful. I guess that comes with being a very niche platform for a very niche population. Have a good one, everyone.


I moderate [!usmlr@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/usmlr), I just noticed that all the posts older than about 7 months are not visible. Looking at my own [post history](https://lemmy.world/u/baronvonj?page=8&sort=New&view=Posts) I can see those older posts, so I know they're still there. But why aren't they displayed when viewing the community directly?


I have sent dm to some mods but not sure how the procedure goes so requesting here . I do have an older account @feddit.ch with same username but would like to be a mod in this one.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11764546 > c/Videos Mods Needed > > Lemmy’s mod tools have gained notoriety for their limited functionality, and unfortunately, mods often miss out on timely notifications about user reports. To address this issue, we’re seeking additional vigilant eyes to ensure that reports are promptly handled. > > **What We’re Seeking:** > - **Engaged Community Members:** We’re looking for individuals actively involved in the Lemmy platform and its community. > - **Dedicated Moderators:** People willing to proactively check lemmy.world in their browser for mod reports multiple times a day. > - **Respectful and Positive Contributors:** We value individuals who treat others with kindness and have a history of positive posts and comments within the community. If you are frequently downvoted or reported upon, your application won’t be considered. > - **Adherence to Community Rules:** Moderators should enforce rules based on both the community guidelines and the .world server rules outlined [here](https://mastodon.world/about). > > **Bonus Points:** > > If you’re located in Europe, Asia, Australia, or similar time zones, that’s a plus! We need moderators who can keep an eye on things while our American counterparts are catching some Z’s. > > **DM me if you're interested!**


I got a report that I'd like to discuss with the other mods. Is there a way to message them all at once? Like a chat for the handful of us to discuss it? If so, where is it?


I’d like to be able to quickly purge spammers & nazi-racist types. How can I see all comments by my instance’s users in chronological order?


Several users and I have noticed an increase in antagonism and generally unhelpful behaviors with comments and votes in [!autism@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/autism). Discussing it with the community users, they suggested that there might be trolls or bots that have been upset with the community. We would like to point out that we recently made a post stating that the mods will enforce the age restriction on the site should anyone identify themselves as below 18 years old. We were wondering if there are any tools that we can use to analyze votes and account interactions in the community. Any ideas?


Moderating a community on another server and having several problems: I pin a post for rules clarification and within a day the pin gets removed and the post starts sinking. Worse, the post still shows pinned in my instance so it looks like everything is okay. Attempts to work around this by promoting another account ON that community's server don't go through. Is there a way to make a pin permanent and visible across all instances?


I'd like to leave the mod team, and despite a month of low-key poking around I don't see how that's done.


Hello, We, the mods of [!autism@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/autism), are writing because we have alerted the users of our community that we will report their accounts should they explicitly identify that they are under 18 years old in a comment or post shown on Lemmy World to enforce the Lemmy World Terms of Service (ToS). In said [post](https://lemmy.world/post/8976624), several users have brought up arguments and hypothetical situations that we would like discussed by the Lemmy World admin team and other mods to get clear guidance on expectations of our moderating actions and help clarify the concerns of the users in our community. Basically, the main argument we see is concerning the federated organization of Lemmy and the Fediverse in general. The ToS state that: > 4.0.2: You are at least 18 years of age and over the regulated minimum age defined by your local law to access Lemmy.World. > 4.1: No one under 18 years of age is allowed to use or access the website. That clearly states that anyone under 18 years of age cannot access any of the site. However, users are arguing that if a user that is registered on another instance is under 18 years old and posts in a community or comments on a post that is originally from Lemmy World, that user is technically not accessing the site directly. Instead, they are interacting with their instance, and that instance interacts with Lemmy World through the Fediverse protocol. That user did not directly interact or access Lemmy World. The information from Lemmy World was forwarded to them, and the information they shared was forwarded to Lemmy World. This brings up some nuances with expectations for moderating in Lemmy World in general. * Are mods expected to report or ban a user of another instance that explicitly identifies themselves as under 18 years old through a post or comment that is federated into the community that we moderate? Another situation that will likely arise is that of a user of another instance making a post on their instance. * If their post is cross-posted to a community we moderate on Lemmy World, are we to delete the cross-post? * Who would be in violation of the ToS because of the cross-post: the original poster or the cross-poster? Yet another situation that could easily arise revolves around a Lemmy World user engaging with other websites or internet services. * Suppose someone on another website or service strikes a similarity to a user of the actual Lemmy World instance and identifies as under 18 years old, are mods expected to investigate and enforce the policy of reporting and/or banning the user from Lemmy World based on a judgment call? We want to be clear that the purpose of our post is to clarify the expectations that the Lemmy World admin team has of its mods so that we can conscientiously and dependably comply with the policies that are set to help manage the instance.


Hello everyone, I am one of the moderators of [!casualconversation@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/casualconversation). We use a bot relying on https://schedule.lemmings.world/ to create a post every day automatically. I know that some users block bots because they consider them annoying, be it repost posts or features bots such as tldr or piped. Having the bot labelled as such prevents the daily threads from being viewed by users who might be interested. I had that reasoning in the past, but had the bot banned for not complying with the instance guidelines. I thus open this thread to see what could be done to solve this issue. Could there be exceptions to the bot labelling guidelines in this kind of cases?


wished I'd found these sooner. Thanks to whoever wrote them. Should be more links to them. need updates which can be submitted: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-docs from the top: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-docs




cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/8365829 > Question: What moderation tools do you find most useful? > > Follow up question: Are there any moderation tools you wish existed but don't? > > My wish would be some form of content editable by multiple accounts, useful for megathreads or community wikis.


Hiya! Let me know if this is the wrong place to ask this 😄 1. If I find another post here in Fediverse/Lemmy where I want to comment in the same way I did in some other Fediverse/Lemmy post, am I encouraged to do so? 2. Is it encouraged to copy posts from Reddit and pasting them in Fediverse/Lemmy? (original content would be linked in the new post)


Hello!!! I appear to be community banned by mistake. Could someone share the secret to contacting a mod? Many thanks!!!


The preference of locale is to cover global time zones to fit lemmy world's guidelines for moderators. I'm in Spain, Siyah is from Pakistan. The history community is growing to the tune of 100 new subscribers per month, so I, as the head moderator, am responsible for making certain all bases are covered for "large communities number undefined" under lemmy world's ever evolving guidelines for mods. It's an easy gig, as I've said before. Nothing too strenuous. You would need to familiarize yourself with the community rules (not hard) and the lemmy world [Code of Conduct](https://lemmy.world/legal) I'm always available to consult with if you have a question when in doubt about historical accuracy / inaccuracy. I can't say enough about how much of an easy gig moderating this community is. It's also fun because you discover new things about the past you never knew about before with every post from community subscribers. There is activity, and it's usually high quality activity, whether it be posting or commenting. If you happen to live in Antarctica, you would really be helpful here, because then the time zones would all be covered! We allow all things about the past here, so no need to be picky about what counts as "pre-history before writing" and time periods after writing was invented.


Over in the community I moderate here on Lemmy world, which is history, a user posted a link about photos from India when it was colonized by Great Britain. All of us over there were like enthusiastic to the brim, then the user deleted his or her post. When the user deleted their post, there's nothing to click on for a link, and what they posted was actually a really good link. Is there a way for me to recover the link to force it to be available again? It was really good. I navigated to the link before the user deleted the post, but it isn't available now in my history in my web browser, probably due to a sync fail from Firefox. Is there any way to recover this post so my community can continue to enjoy it? Is there a way for moderators to not only see that the user deleted their post, but also interact with the deleted post to copy the link?


Hello all! We are looking for new moderators on the communities below. These communities belong to an inactive user. Would you like to help moderate and possibly contribute content yourself? **Please send me a DM** with the desired community. !tiktok@lemmy.world !lemmyask@lemmy.world !recipes@lemmy.world !gifs@lemmy.world !twitter@lemmy.world !documentaries@lemmy.world


Currently in need of mods for !casualconversation to moderate and create content. If interested let us know!


I've got a post in my community that was posted by mistake. This one: https://lemmy.world/post/4989402 It was actually me that posted it from my Mastodon account. I can't see a way to delete or hide it from the community. The kebab menu only has the following items: - Create report - Block user - Lock - Community pin I've tried reporting the post and it appears on the report page, but I don't seem to be able to do anything with it other than clicking "resolve report".


Hi folks 👋 Is it possible to take over a community that was created by a now absent owner? This is the community: [!coys@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/coys) I've messaged the mod [@gabrielconroy@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/gabrielconroy) a few times but I don't get a response. I also [created a post](https://lemmy.world/post/4546412) in the hopes they would notice, but I think they've abandoned the community - their last activity was 3 months ago. I'd like to develop this community further, but I'm stuck without being able to become a mod myself. Any ideas?