Guns for Leftists

There are some guns created by reactionaries which were actually used in based countries like for example DDR and SFRY used Walther P38 after WW2, and that's one of the cooler ones imo. Yugoslavia repurposed MG42 into M53 which looks cool as fuck. ![]( And imo Thompson is one of the raddest guns, and I'm actually used to it being a nazi exterminator along with PPSH-41 since I grew up with old WW2 movies. ![]( Which are your favorites in this category?


very few if any civilian firearms use clips so you're not at risk for sending your child to Walmart and them returning with 8 rounds of 30-06 for your glock. we don't need to be pedantic about it.


So, peeps that ccw, where do your pants ride? I tend to be on the hips below the beer belly range. Walking around/standing is all good and pretty concealed, provided I can find a shirt tall enough for my body, but sitting? Especially with my sedentary lifestyle makes me wonder if I'm making the right fashion choices. Mostly appendix, but some four o'clock too.


The methodology to calculate the level of penetration of a projectile has is to divide its momentum by its area. This number is then squared to make a kind of penetration index. The units are (J*g/m^2)/m^2. An alternate way is to multiply kinetic energy by sectional density, and divide by cross sectional area. It should be noted that this simplification holds true for harder materials that’s not assumed to deform, like tungsten carbide penetrators. What I then did is watch a whole bunch of YouTube videos and took note of which calibers, at which velocities, penetrated the level 4 plates. What I learned was that not all plates rated at level 4 are made the same. And there are some plates which are rated higher than level 4. My findings are below: ![]( Please note that the different values come from different barrel lengths, bullet weights and velocities. In summary, a bullet needs to be 1. Made of a tungsten penetrator with a copper jacket. 2. Have a penetration index of greater than 2800. Or 1. Made of a hardened steel penetrator (>60 hrc), 2. have a penetration index > 3200. You’re not penetrating any armour with lead bullets. Note 270 WSM is off the charts. If this round is given a tungsten carbide or steel penetrator, of which you can shape using electro-discharge machining, then it has the capacity to penetrate level 4 armor at range. The length of the cartridge also makes it easier to design semi auto and auto firearms. (Shorter stroke length) though its bulk suggests less ammo capacity. https:~// Also note that the PLA can make an effective tungsten AP round in their standard caliber without needing any equipment upgrades. (Unlike the US) Though their current copper/steel round isn’t effective with level 4. Now look up who’s the world’s leading manufacturer of tungsten. As a final note, most law enforcement or military wear level 3 or 3+ plates, because it’s half as heavy as level 4. So this analysis is probably overkill.


Level 4 armour plates are specifically designed to protect against armour piercing rounds without pass through. This is the most advanced type of personal protection we have, and it’s important we understand the technologies behind it, especially in CQB and urban warfare environments. It is currently able to withstand a M80A1 and m2AP bullet pushed to >3000 fps in a 300 winmag cartridge. The M80A1 round is a non-lead round that’s normally pushed to 2600 fps in a 308 cartridge. The M2AP contains a steel penetrator. But because the bullet diameters are the same, this YouTuber loaded it in a 300 winmag to give it even more energy and velocity. https~:// What has been proven to work is a tungsten carbide penetrator seen in the M993 round. Penetration is seen when reaching 2600 fps on some plates and 3000 fps on other plates. https~:// https~:// The US has fielded a new rifle shooting a new caliber, the 6.8x51. As the video shows, it is able to defeat level 4 armour in two shots without AP rounds, with standard non-lead ammo. https~:// Using a steel-backed casing, it’s able to use a fast burning powder to push a 140 gr bullet to 2900 fps in a 13” barrel. Higher velocities and longer effective range against armour can be achieved with a longer barrel. To be continued.


So, you want to buy a gun. Which gun should you buy? There are so many! To answer that question, you first need to answer: which caliber are you shooting? And to answer that, you need to answer the following: **What are you shooting? ** Squirrels? Coyotes? Deer? Elk? People? **What distance? ** 20m? 50m? 100m? 300? 800? 1000? 3000? Let’s start with what. Choosing what you want to shoot will determine the distance. If it’s squirrel and small game up to the size of a bunny, it would take only roughly 10 ftlbs of energy to dispatch. However, it presents a very small target, so you would need to be up close or very accurate. Small game can only be reliably taken up to 100m. So, viable calibers include rimfire calibers, air rifles and shotgun pellets. A well set up slingshot can produce 6-8 ftlbs of energy, which is barely enough to take small game. Coyote and deer necessitates a larger cartridge. Generally they need 100 ftlbs of energy to take down reliably. And even then, shot placement is crucial. So, this moves you up to pistol calibers, straight wall cartridges, and intermediate cartridges. Some air rifles meet this requirement. Humans fall within this category. Because of a larger hit area, the maximum range is moved out further to 500m. Though if full sized or magnum cartridges and/or specialized guns are used, this can be pushed out to 1 km. Larger deer and elk necessitate at least 1000 ftlbs of energy. This moves you up to full sized cartridges like 308 Winchester, 7.62x54R, 30-06, 7mm winmag, etc. At this point, the range is dependent on your accuracy. But if a magnum cartridge like 338 lapula or 6.5 PRC is used, it can be pushed further. ________ **Cartridge and accuracy.** Faster moving, slimmer cartridges are more accurate than their fatter analogues of similar energies. I’m not entirely sure of the sciences behind it, but it is a trend I’ve noticed. 17 hmr is more accurate than 22 wmr. 223 is more accurate than 7.62x39 30-30 is more accurate than 45-70 6.5prc is more accurate than 308. More accuracy not only means longer range, but also means you can punch above its weight class, as you can more effectively target organs. However, heavier bullets are more accurate at longer distances because they negate wind. So, if you want the ultimate accurate bullet, then it needs to be long, fast, and heavy, like the 50 bmg. __________ **guns and accuracy** The more money you spend, the more accurate your gun will be. What you’re spending money on is the following: 1. Precise chamber tolerances. How the chamber holds the bullet and how it precisely and accurately aligns the bullet with the rifling has a big effect on accuracy. Not only should the chamber consistently align the bullet the same way every time (precision), but the axis of the bullet should be at the same angle and with zero offset to the axis which it’s going to be rifled (accuracy). . 2. Crown. The end of the barrel and how it terminates. How well the crown is made affects accuracy greatly . 3. Action and cycling. Whether it’s bolt or semi-auto, loading rounds from a magazine, when too much force is used, will deform the round and misalign the axis of the bullet from the axis of the cartridge. The accuracy standard is bolt action and hand fed loading is considered the most accurate. The reason that semiautomatic is considered to be less accurate than bolt is that to increase reliability, the design of the chamber is looser, and the action and cycling is performed with more force than bolt action. 4. Stock, ridgity and resonance. I’m going to consider this the final item because it doesn’t affect accuracy all that much. But as your gun shoots, the forces the bullet imparts will resonate the barrel, and cause it to slightly deform. And increasing the ridgity of the stock will cause it to deform the same way every time, giving it more consistency. This is also where barrel length comes into play. A longer barrel will resonate more, but a shorter barrel will result in a slower, less accurate bullet _____________________ **Accuracy and you. Expectations and practice** If you’re into fun culture, you’ll encounter 1 moa as the standard for accuracy. This is a lie. Most guns you get off the shelf will typically shoot 2-3 moa on average with bulk ammo. That’s including bolt actions and precision rifles. If you want to get sub-moa, then not only will you need a precision rifle, but also either match grade ammo or custom reloaded ammo suited to your gun. For rimfire, you’ll need to do extensive testing to find the type of ammo that shoots best. And even then, it’s rare to find a pairing that shoots below 1 moa. The point of saying this is: don’t get upset because you’re not getting tiny groups. It’s probably not you, it’s how your gun is set up. So how do you actually shoot a gun accurately? Avoid using your muscles as much as possible. The more you use your muscles, the shakier you are in aiming. Every joint between the earth and the gun is a source of deviation. So if you can, lean against something to steady your aim. prop your gun up using branches or tables. Use something solid like spare magazines to prop up the stock if you’ve already rest the barrel. If you don’t have anything to rest against, I recommend the crossed legged sitting position. You’re essentially leaning against your legs, which stabilizes your upper body, as long as you’re able to relax all your muscles. If you don’t have time to get into position, you can use something called the hasty sling, where you use the sling to pull the gun against your arm, and you can relax some muscle groups to get a more accurate shot. But nothing beats practice.


ATF Logic: > Rich gun owners = "Law abiding citizens", poor gun owners = "Terrorists"


Statesian here. There are a CRAPTON of mass shootings here. If we do nothing about guns, the shootings will still happen. What is the leftist answer for reducing mass shootings without disarming the proletariat?


cross-posted from: > >A Christian nationalist group that protests drag shows in North Texas is suing another group that aims to defend the performances, after an altercation outside a Fort Worth brewery this spring. > > > >The New Columbia Movement, a group that advocates for the U.S. to be ruled by “Christian morality,” often protests drag shows around North Texas, according to news reports. On the other side is the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, a left-wing group that provides armed security at drag shows, wearing black masks, tactical gear and pride flags.


As you know, most channels of that type are plagued with reactionary and nato propagandists, i want to know a little more about the subject without need to hear western chauvinism all the damn time


One idea I have is completely overhauling how we approach crime like giving criminals a reason to take the way out of crime.


cross-posted from: > BreadTube is a place to check out left videos, discuss content from creators, and share memes and ideas. > > - [BreadTube](/c/ > - ! > -


Hello guns for leftists, I have been think of this product for a while and was wondering where I can buy. It is basicaly a trigger you can put into banana to make **banana gun.** I explain sketch: 1. put trigger in banana 2. press trigger 3. banana explode and shoot cap Thank you very much for any advice.


Hey comrades, I just want to make sure we're all aware of some basic opsec when it comes to leftist firearms. Whenever you take a picture on your phone or on a camera, Metadata is stored in the file. This metadata can include a lot of information like what phone you're using or the location it was taken. We all care about this for obvious reasons so it's very important that we're making sure to wipe the metadata and any identifiable landmarks or information on images we plan to post here. Take a moment to learn how to wipe and read metadata on images, you can find information online of how to do this. I personally just use an app on my phone to do it.


Have to look good for the range


If I want a pistol, I want it to be a Luger; or at the very least, ***look/operate*** like one. So much cool looking than your typical glocks. But alas. 😔


cross-posted from: > The rest of the comments are surprisingly chill and nuanced. > > Especially these: > - > ![]( > - > ![]( > - And especially this > ![](


cross-posted from: > PLASTIC DEFENCE is a documentary about illegal 3D printed firearms in Europe and the decentralised network behind them. These guns are robust, they don't blow up in your hands, and they're untraceable. What's more, they're being made in people's bedrooms.


My general impression is that guns are pretty hard to get, which makes it very safe, but also a disarmed populace can be bad. Is it hypocritical to oppose the disarmament of one population, but not another?


# Full text is this: > A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This says it all. You only get guns to protect the state, not your own liberty (shove this to anKKKraps). This is why I find it so embarassing as a gun nut to see right wing "pro-gun community" (read: guns for me but not for thee) say 2nd Amendment = gun rights. No, it's a concession given to you by the bourgeoisie and can be revoked at anytime they please - *looking at you, KKKa-liberal fascist-fornia*. This is why I no longer identify as pro-Second Amendment despite being extremely pro gun.


People commonly quote Marx communicating that the possession of firearms must not be infringed, but I'd like more general principles and justifications than an appeal to Marx. I've done some reading but when I cannot I just think about things on my own, maybe bounce ideas off a friend. ::: spoiler Word Vomit Contained inside The view that I've come to currently is that violence (defined in this case as the obstruction or frustration of another's plans and ambitions) is a core universal tool which all living things employ. Language and cooperation were evolutionary evolved as a complement to violence (communication and cooperation allowed group violence which greatly improved survival odds). However, in cases where communication/cooperation with an outgroup breaks down, violence in some form will be fallen back on. What's more, between two non-cooperative groups, if one group can obtain what they want through violence without losing more than they gain, they'll quite often choose that option as it is enticing. Because of this natural progression, force-on-force is almost inevitable. To prevent being trodden upon by others, it is wise for a community to arm itself and train, thus greatly raising the cost of confrontations, hopefully beyond what others are willing to pay. ::: I would like to hear more from folks though, maybe just wise words on operation, maybe some sources to check out in my free time. Anything to better build my understanding is welcome.


I think blowguns could be quite useful in a potential revolution; they (and darts) are cheap and easy to make; so maybe a mass people with them could actually put up a fight. I'm specifically thinking of a revolution in the U.S. ## Advantages * Blowguns are cheap and easy to make; they would be quite efficient ranged weapons to use if someone needs. * Blowguns are not deafening so users wouldn't need to use ear protection. * Needles can have flexible effects based on the liquid the tip is dipped in. Example effects: * Tranquility * Paralysis * "Food" poisoning. Foodborne illnesses (like Salmonella or Shiga-toxic E. coli (maybe the O157:H7 strain >:) ) could be attached to the tip of the darts (maybe through animal blood). Foodborne illness can get *deadly* if/when it enters the victim's bloodstream. Food poisoning could be particularly easy to get; as foodborne illnesses are quite common. Chickens in the U.S are abused by capitalists; and are quite likely to have salmonella. ### Beneficial Cultural Identity Blowguns have been historically used by native peoples to hunt game; their usage could have a cultural identity of the native people claiming back their land. ## Disadvantages * Blowguns are less powerful compared to guns. * Blowgun darts are larger than bullets; so it would be more difficult to store darts; but the common man wouldn't need much darts to begin with. * Blowguns require the use of lungs. Some people have health issues in their lungs, so they can't make as much efficient use of blowguns. (In this case, knives could be helpful.) However, for the common citizen, the power of blowguns are enough to provide some ranged protection from simple abusers.