
Questions have been raised about how exactly we can get a community of people to go from just subscribing to actually helping out. Various proposals have come and gone, and I figured I'd throw in my two cents and also use this thread as an opportunity. The most common type of proposal I've seen has relied on some sort of paid marketing or financial incentives for contributors. In my view, this is a poor foundation to start with, as it gets people in this mindset that without money they can't do anything, and even if we had money, we'd just be encouraging people to only do things for money. As we've seen with all these other alternative social media sites, throwing money at the problem doesn't create organic communities. We have to incentivize by creating a sense of community and mutual accountability. Working on this should feel rewarding and fun, as if you're a part of something. In that sense, this initiative isn't just for the purpose of marketing but also a way of prefiguring the vision of the Open Web. The first step has been taken in that we have a [Discord/Matrix](https://lemmy.ml/post/146208) server which allows for closer and more real-time communication, but I do think it's time to take another step in ensuring people participate: tasking people. **In this thread, put down your skills and any ideas you have (if any). I (and hopefully other people in this thread) will try to come up with suggestions of what you can do. By tasking people and having them report on their progress here, that'll create a sense of accountability.** **If you're convinced you have no skills of use, doesn't matter, post anyways. What we need is engagement and commitment, and one of the biggest obstacles to that so far is people being convinced they're useless.**


One of the biggest strengths of the fediverse (and free software) movements is how it brings people to collaborate and to spur that, we need spaces to organize. I see here and across the fediverse that people want to help out but don't know how. I've just started a set of Matrix rooms (with a bridged Discord server so that the chat platform doesn't get in the way of people wanting to participate) where people can do the following: - strategize on how to best promote the fediverse - collaborate on their free-culture/federated projects and find people to help - promote their own fediverse content, find fediverse creators to follow, and offer feedback to others' [The video](https://share.tube/w/1tGvezJtU4qQVtCPJRimGD) has been uploaded and the server is up. If you have any ideas, any ways you'd like to help, or just want to chat, join! I really do believe this is gonna be crucial to pulling off our task. Real-time chat is more personal and live so it's easier to collaborate and build a community. If you're interested, join here: - [Discord](https://discord.gg/yhEDkW3hry) - [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#collaboration-commons:matrix.org)


Today, we are taking the first step in building out an initiative to create opportunities for people to help build the Fediverse and create an organizational structure which can allow developers to coordinate their efforts where most needed. We call upon anyone with both the skills and motivation to join us and the Guild we are starting, Guild Alpha. Read the announcement linked to learn more and find out how you can participate! If anything discussed here has your interest or you want to help grow free-software and the Fediverse, fill out this [form](https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/51sefzylAJQXxCCw1QmfB9Q1R7L0gpY8nj57evKCtNk/%E2%80%8B) to let us know!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.perthchat.org/post/254769 > Via stream spam


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.perthchat.org/post/227631 > I'm being somewhat serious. > > We already have half a cult, since like a bunch of users on the fedi are the 1% of tech, and of that group, the 1% of privacy. Let alone talking about how fedizens are like the 5% income wise. Like occasionally a user comes in and says they're ~~Muslim~~ on Facebook and ~~Christians~~ fedizens spring out of the wood work telling them that fb bad. > > The rightwingers grow entire movements by having Trump replace god (ex calling him god emperor Trump). Also Q, antivax stuff, manosphere, Bitcoin sphere.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.perthchat.org/post/220650 > Everyone seen those spontaneously synchronizing metronomes? > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T58lGKREubo > > I have a feeling this also explains part of trends such as who uses what software and fashion trends. Which is network effect in depth really. > > But spontaneous synchronization also explains where counter culture movements come from. Kinda like heart attacks, a different section of society pulsing in a different beat. > > Not sure if this info is useable for better adoption of fediverse tech? > > At very least it presents a problem for FedExpansism on Reddit. We convince 1 Redditor to join and then they leave Reddit. But we need them to stay on Reddit so we're not just 1 Firefly in the dark. 1 Firefly will only convince the extremist fireflies, but 1000 fireflies will be able to convince normies. > > Prob useable for protest organization, since it directly applied to firefly synchronization


A video exploring the brief history of scheduling posts as a feature on Mastodon, in which ways it has been implemented, and progress being made to implement it. [YouTube Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXTv3SZT7ao)


A lot of the other instance lists are automatically curated, so it can get confusing for very new users. I decided to quickly put together a manually curated one, to make it as un-scary as possible. If you have anyone you'd like to convince to join Mastodon, sending this link might help! Considering adding more stuff to it later.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/588553 > [Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) is when influx from some other (often shittier and collapsing) platform overwhelms the unique culture that existed before, and in time fully replaces it. Destroying what existed before. > > 🧠 💭 **Figure out strategies & actions in comments below .. participate!** > > For example, I introduced 2 hashtags for awareness: > > - **#AvoidEternalSeptember** Raise attention to the culture clash. > - **#DonateToFediInstances** Help admins and moderators withstand the influx and give them your support. > > We want to be gentle, welcoming to newcomers. Show them around. But also keep having the nice chattering and culture we had before, and maybe give those some extra boosts to exemplify and spread the vibes. > > Here's [a poll](https://social.coop/@smallcircles/109306786291084911) to make newcomers aware that taking Twitter culture with you on the Fediverse is just weird. > > ### Fedizens... Be strategical in how you toot to help avoid that from happening


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/476057 > The activity of the SocialHub community, like all other 'fediverse-substrate' bodies, has waned. From an active community to just a forum. Now a decision has to be made for the future of SocialHub. The options are stopping, be just a forum, or revitalize a vibrant community. The last option needs people willing and committed to do so. To step up for the sake of Fediverse Futures.


Also relevant if you desire a non lemmy.ml experience cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/233810 > Insufficient fediactivity across all the fediverse sublemmies >


The EU via their Horizons Europe program, the [Next Generation Internet](https://ngi.eu) (where e.g. NLnet are associated) (NGI Initiative) are the biggest funders of the [free software projects](https://delightful.club/delightful-fediverse-apps/) that comprise the fedi. Without their support fedi wouldn't be what it is now. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) recently [launched a pilot](https://edps.europa.eu/press-publications/press-news/press-releases/2022/edps-launches-pilot-phase-two-social-media_en) to have both a Peertube and Mastodon instance on the Fediverse, hashtagged #EUVideo and #EUVoice respectively. On these servers official European Commission related institutions as well as individuals working at the EC can have their accounts. This recognition of the Fediverse and the interest that exists in entering our decentralized social networking environment is an important development. With success of the pilot there will undoubtedly be a follow-up and more initiatives to come. First results until now is that the parties that 'test the waters' are very happy on the kinds of interactions and quality of discussions they encounter on the Fediverse. That is no wonder, of course. Fediverse offers **social networking** that is more personal and friendly, than corporate social media which is about 'broadcasting' and influencing. Current pilot can be a ramp up to something much bigger: #### Fediverse: United in Diversity A social networking technology where _everyone_ can find their place and participate, that is not controlled by Big Tech and commercial corporate interests. For the European Commission there is the opportunity to passionately put their support behind fostering **"The European Take On Social Networking"**. Fediverse aligns to the NGI Initiative who envision an [Internet for Humans](https://www.ngi.eu/about/). ##### How you can help To progress towards this vision it is important for the EU/EC pilot to be a success. As fedizen you can help with this. Here are a couple of ways to offer your support: → **Follow, boost, favourite the [EUVoice accounts](https://social.network.europa.eu/explore) on Mastodon and [EUVideo](https://tube.network.europa.eu/videos/overview) Peertube videos.** - These early adopter accounts are _still learning_ how the Fediverse works, what the culture is and e.g. how we value accessibility and image captions. You can help them discover. - Many accounts are still Twitter bridges and broadcast only. Some others respond and interact with fedizens, notably [@EC_OSPO](https://social.network.europa.eu/@EC_OSPO), [@EDPS](https://social.network.europa.eu/@EDPS) and [@EC_NGI](https://social.network.europa.eu/@EC_NGI). The operators of the Twitter bridges don't know what the value of Fediverse is to them, and if they should spend time with us. All reactions by us are monitored, so we can help them here. - There are people giving highly toxic reactions to almost any EC-related toot. There are many things to be critical about. Politics is about the discussion of these issues, and good arguments help more than toxicity. Here we have opportunity to show we are different than the cesspit that Twitter is. - Do not expect too much, too soon. There is a complex organization structure at the EC, and given the politically sensitive nature all communications are weighed carefully and undergo multiple levels of approval. Plans move slowly, but they are in motion. → **Let's give the fedi accounts more followers than they have on Twitter, if possible.** - For instance the [Director General of Informatics at DG DIGIT](https://social.network.europa.eu/users/EC_DIGIT_director_general), Veronica Gaffey, has 191 fedi followers in short time, while [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/gaffey_veronica) she has 279 followers. → **If you are on Twitter, then help encourage EC institutions to also have an account on EUVoice.** - A notable example is the [European Parliament](https://twitter.com/euparl_en). Respond to their tweets and name-drop the fedi as THE place to be. → **We are gathering a group of volunteers on [SocialHub](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks) that can [help train EC representatives](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/looking-for-volunteers-organize-a-fediverse-training-for-eu-representatives/2437) in how to use the Fediverse effectively and understand its culture.** - The activities we do here, starting later this year, stand to benefit any administration or institution interested to join the Fediverse, not just EU representatives. --- This post is also [cross-posted](https://discuss.coding.social/t/help-make-the-european-commission-euvoice-and-euvideo-pilot-a-success/101) to the [Social Coding Movement](https://coding.social) that is dedicated among others to establish a Peopleverse on top of the fedi. Social Coding is not yet officially launched.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/279006 > Note: Responses on cross-posted threads may be missed. The best way to indicate your interest is to reply to the SocialHub forum topic, or alternatively on the [Fediverse announcement here](https://mastodon.social/@humanetech/108344611621798508).


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/273923 > Hurray 🥳 > > On this 14th birthday test yourself on your knowledge about the fedi's history and our present state, and share the results with your fellow fedizens.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/248395 > Nice introduction by [Per Axbom](https://social.axbom.com/@axbom) who also just rejoined the Fediverse.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/228032 Quoting [lostinlight](https://mastodon.xyz/@lightone) who maintains Distributopedia: > 🙃 Invitation 🙃 > >If you create any art / promo materials about #Fediverse under CC licenses, please, add them to this collection: > >https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/sticker-bay >https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/sticker-bay/promo-1 > >Also, please, use them!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/208058 > Elementary my dear Watson, namely ...


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/204666 > On the new [Discuss Social Coding](https://discuss.coding.social) (that has not officially launched yet) I posted some notes on a particular challenge the fedi imho faces, that hampers adoption and poses growing risks in the future if not dealt with appropriately. > > The notes leave a lot of things I've been looking deeper into unmentioned, but you may find them interesting nonetheless.


Currently only a YouTube link, since the PeerTube instance I'm on has gone down.


Invite link along with general info can be found at: https://rentry.co/about-cc If PeerTube isn't working, the video is also hosted on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyjdzkZZOHk


Hey, I'm the new admin here, given that the previous admin has left. The only major change I'm introducing to the community right now is that there's now a Discord/Matrix server to allow for more real-time communication, which will make collaboration on these initiatives a lot easier. [This thread](https://lemmy.ml/post/146208) goes more in-depth about the sort of direction I think we should take. If you'd like to contact me, you can either do so on the server or [via Mastodon.](https://mastodon.social/@tomat0) One other thing I'll quick mention is that I have another community going, [!selfpromo@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/selfpromo). If you have any of your own or know of a small fediverse creator's content, drop a link in the sub. Connecting creators with audiences I think is a good step towards fedivangelism.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/150864 > Who campaigns with me along these lines, and helps set ourselves apart from metaverses and other such shallow zuckercrap?


cross-posted from: https://midwest.social/post/27635 > text storage sublemmy, it can be used to help promote lemmy by linking to c/pastebin over say a commercial pastebin website


So I spend little more than half an hour and just [tooted an image](https://mastodon.social/@humanetech/107524097498259641) I created with some of the hashtags we brainstormed at [Fediverse Town](https://fediverse.town/t/lets-start-the-fedivolution2022/266). This version is higher-res, licensed CC0. <small>_(Created in [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org/) using [this CC0 vector image](https://svgsilh.com/image/23547.html). **#FediVolution** hashtag credit [@PaulaToThePeople](https://climatejustice.social/@PaulaToThePeople), **#FediverseRising** by me.)_</small> ![#FediverseRising2022, Join the #Fedivolution, Be You, Be Free, Be Alive](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/9cdd1d83-9e13-4da3-903c-01e7471ff12f.png) ![#FediverseRising2022, Join the #Fedivolution, Be You, Be Free, Be Alive (Rainbow version)](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/c2ed02e0-0126-450e-ab74-3ee654913fa2.png)


They're talking about lemmy, but you can basically ctrl F replace if you're talking to someone about a different fediverse. --- #Q: So this is basically like making your own subreddits but with the differences that: 1) Subreddit owners have to pay to host their own subreddit 2) Subreddit owners can harvest private user data since they are the ones hosting the subreddit and the database 3) Site-wide rules don't apply, only subreddit rules. 4) Crossposting between subreddits in the form of "interacting with other instances" Idk man, this sounds like making your own website using premade libraries and code and then also paying for the hosting fees, but with extra steps. #A: Not exactly. An instance is more like a full Reddit than a sub-reddit. Communities can be created within an instance by the users. So the host is paying to host their own reddit, not their own subreddit. 1) Any user of an instance can create their own community, so it is not necessary to host to have your own "sub-reddit". The host of the instance pays for the hosting. You can create a community on any of the instances already available at [https://join.lemmy.ml/](https://join.lemmy.ml/) without hosting. 2) Yes. The host of any online service can harvest user data if they want. This is one of the reasons to encourage users to host their own instances. When we use free services we are paying with our data, and we can choose to pay with money instead. It turns out that is cheaper than a monthly subscription to a video-streaming platform! Furthermore, isolated user data about a small group of users from an instance is not particularly valuable, so the incentive to collect such data is small. The data gathered by centralized social media websites is valuable because of its massive scale, which allows powerful analyses to be performed on it. 3) Each instance is an independent site, so rules may be enforced over all of the subreddits within a particular instance, as well as rules for interacting with that instance. There are no universal rules applying to all instances. 4) Not quite. I can create my own reddit, and you can create your own reddit. Perhaps one of your users creates a subreddit called /r/RedditAlternatives and one of the users in my instance (or me) is interested in it. The user can follow /r/RedditAlternatives, post to it, and comment, just as if it existed in the same website. > > >Idk man, this sounds like making your own website using premade libraries and code and then also paying for the hosting fees, but with extra steps. Yes, this is precisely what it is. And the website is a federated Reddit alternative.


cross-posted from: https://midwest.social/post/16047 > A friend is trying to set up a bot to crosspost from r/antiwork2 (reddit) to here and from here (c/antiwork) to antiwork2. Though if anyone has a fully operational crossposting bot, let me know! > > But in the mean while, cross post from here to r/antiwork2 and make a mention somewhere in the post that the post is from c/antiwork. Also could crosspost from r/antiwork2 to here.


## [Join The Fediverse Wiki](https://joinfediverse.wiki/) On [**Fediverse Town**](https://fediverse.town/t/pre-introducing-the-join-the-fediverse-wiki/294) and [**SocialHub**](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/pre-introducing-the-join-the-fediverse-wiki/2158) communities we are discussing the new **Join The Fediverse** wiki initiative. And we NEED all the help we can get to make this wiki kicks some lama's asses. So join the fun on either of these two forums and let your voice be heard. Help too by boosting the toot in the URL so that as many fedizens as possible see our call to action.


Marxist theory states that in order to be free, the workers must own the means of production. This idea is directly applicable in the context of social media. Only when we own the platforms that we use will we be free to post our thoughts and ideas without having to worry about them being censored by corporate interests. From teddit.net/r/antiwork/comments/rdakv8/interest_in_creating_a_selfhosted_community_on/


Hopefully by posting and engaging with each others' content, we can widen the content pool and audiences for the Fediverse, which is gonna be important towards growth. https://lemmy.ml/c/selfpromo


The linked Hacker News submission discusses a poll posted by [@rysiek@szmer.info](https://szmer.info/u/rysiek). It is a good example of a type of fedivangelism we do too little of currently. On Hacker News plenty of Twitter posts make it to the front page, and probably on Reddit as well (I don't use Reddit, so guessing). What we usually see elsewhere are federated app announcements or reviews. "Peertube vX Released", or "This is how Mastodon works" etc. In comments you then often hear reactions like "Why would I use the Fediverse. It is tiny and no one is using it". Stuff like that. By posting interesting discussions we highlight the _content_ rather than the apps and showcase that the fedi is _"an interesting place to be part of"_. (I also [tooted this](https://mastodon.social/@humanetech/107399314856231536) about)


I just bumped into a post on the Solid community forum, where member [Patrick Hochstenbach ](https://forum.solidproject.org/u/hochstenbach/summary) posted a series of 30 cartoon sketches depicting the experience of learning the technology. Just [tooted about it here](https://mastodon.social/@humanetech/107364992983979230) Such way of demonstrating stuff would be wonderful to explain how a lot of things on fedi work, and can be a fun and easy way to onboard people that are new to it. Here is the [direct link to the sketches](https://pod.inrupt.com/hochstenbach/public/solvember/index.html) and the [forum topic](https://forum.solidproject.org/t/solid-the-comic/4920).


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/16076 > Simple design to save money on ink. > > I don't know where to upload a pdf, but it's a simple poster to make. The text: > > A Canadian reddit alternative. > Free open source software, good privacy policy, ad free, doesn’t profit of your data, ethical design. > > The logo: > > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/main/src/assets/icons/favicon.svg > > Cooler poster: > > > ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/w1PFhMsIQy.png)