
copypasta emizeko • Now • 99%
pasta kitchen

gonna be posting a bunch of quotes in this thread that I want to preserve. you are welcome to post critiques of a given pasta, just remember I don't 100% agree with all of these (only most) but consider them information worth saving. proposed edits will be considered CONTENT WARNING: there's going to be mentions of imperial atrocities in here, including SA and torture.


So, pretty much as we’ve been saying, and what I want to do is I want to be able to — Look, your business — Years ago in this area, I was honored as the man of the year. It was maybe 20 years ago. Oh, and the fake news heard about it. They said, it never happened. It never happened. And I didn’t know who it was. It was a group that honored me as man of the year. The fakers back there, see the fake news. But they said — They said, oh — And they looked and, you know, they said it never happened. But I said, I swear to you, it happened. It did happen. I was man of the year. And I came and I made a speech and I said, why do you allow them to take your car business away? Why do you allow it to happen? They’re taking your business away. And I didn’t know too much about it. All I know is they were taking your car industry away from you. They said it never happened. And lo and behold, somebody said, I remember the event. And then we found out and we had everything. We got the awards. We had everything. It did happen. But I gave a speech, which at the time was pretty controversial. We can’t let them take your car business away. It’s such an important business. And you know it’s an important business even in times of war where they switch over. And it was really something. And I looked at that speech from, I don’t know, it’s like 19, 20 years ago. And I could repeat it now without changing a word. You cannot let foreign countries, and a lot of the times our worst foes are our so-called friends, okay? You know, our friends, the European Union takes tremendous advantage of us. As an example, they give us cars by the millions. We don’t have too many Chevrolets in the middle of European cities, okay? European Union is brutal. They don’t take our farm products for the most part. They don’t take a lot. But unlike Kamala, who always complains and doesn’t do anything, I keep saying, why don’t you do? I saw Marsha the other day. Why doesn’t she, why didn’t she do it four years ago almost? And I say that, you know, she’s on the border today trying just to, what a day for the border. She goes to the border today, and they just announced just before she got up to speak that more than 13,000 murderers from jail, solitary confinement people in many cases, were released. But I just say, let’s go back. So we can’t let them take our businesses. And we’re not gonna let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy. Not her kind of policy, by the way. She changed her policy 15 times. No fracking. Oh, I like fracking. Defund the police. She wants to defund the police. Now, oh, I love the police all of a sudden. By the way, when anybody is into defunding the police even for a day during their career, they can no longer serve as President of the United States, I can tell you. So we’re not gonna let them take our businesses. And really, a lot of that’s determined by our taxation policy. When China has to pay all that money, the people that liked me the best were the steel companies because I saved them. They were dumping China and others, but mostly China was dumping steel in here at levels that nobody had ever seen before. And it was putting the steel companies out of business. I put a 50% and 100% tax on the dumping of steel and the steel companies thrived. I saved them, and you have to have the steel companies. So we’ll do the same thing. And you don’t worry about it. Here’s what you have to do. I only ask you to do one thing, and then you can sleep beautifully all night long, go to a job you love, and get a lot of money at the end of the week. You know what the thing is? Vote for Trump. If you vote for Trump, everything’s gonna be perfect. --- ::: spoiler Spoiler It's real. [Live: Donald Trump hosts townhall in Warren, Michigan]( :::


*NOTE* Unlike some folks here I literally am completely ambivalent in regards to people enjoying/engaging in astrology on an individual level (as long as they aren’t fucking with other people or their relationships because of it) but people who try to use it to predict the freaking news cycle/political stuff I have no qualms making fun of them lol I found this opening the astrology subreddit I was very wary and a little pessimistic about this retrograde back into Capricorn… it kicked my ass last year, and caused a lot of bad stuff like the Israel/Palestine conflict to flare up in the world… but I’m actually starting to feel a little optimistic, given the event that seems to have most closely correlated with Pluto going back into Capricorn on Sept 1st. This week was highlighted most prominently, IMO, by the FBI/DOJ indictment against Tenet Media for being a conduit of Russian money and propaganda. This has blown the whole Russian interference thing wide open, and may actually have a profound effect on opening people’s eyes to how much foreign influence is going on in the politics and media landscape of western countries. And given how it echoes all the way back to at least 2014, when it’s suspected that Russia began ramping up this whole propaganda campaign… it’s kinda providing a bit of a climax moment to the story of Pluto in Capricorn (top-down power structures, hidden secretive power involving governments or financial structures, etc), especially as it overlapped with Neptune in Pisces since 2011/2012. I think it’s been a period of extreme right-wing disinformation/misinformation causing a lot of confusion and division, as we reckon with the end-stage of a Neptune cycle, and the Pluto Return for America. We’ve also been going through the Saturn return of the fall of the Soviet Union the last number of years, and Saturn is now in Pisces, about to conjunct Neptune as it ends its cycle and crosses into Aries and a new cycle. So… I’m actually getting kind of cautiously optimistic that this Pluto retrograde in Capricorn may prove notably positive as a last big breaking open and (hopefully) resolution of these big issues that have cropped up during this time. Then we can move forward with the air having been cleared at least somewhat. The heaviness and muddiness of Pluto in Capricorn finally wrapped up for good, as we prepare to do the same with Neptune in Pisces next year. Pluto in Capricorn having more of a foundational, institutional effect (the legal process of the FBI and DOJ indicting assets of a foreign country), and then Neptune in Pisces will have more to do with the societal zeitgeist and dealing with the social/cultural/psychological effects of learning and accepting that we’ve been manipulated and need to purge the effects of that manipulation before we can move forward into the new cycle. Doesn’t seem to bode that well for Trump. Pluto in Capricorn may have served him well during its pinnacle, and it may be helping him again with getting his sentencing delayed… AGAIN… so he may end up having some amount of undue luck… again… during this time. What that means for the debate or the election? I don’t know for sure… but I will say that he’s gonna need a LOT of luck to pull off a win in either, given the momentum for Harris and Walz that is happening. I feel like the most likely scenario is that his “luck” goes as far as being able to delay results for the election due to all the shenanigans of the attempts to claim voter fraud and not certify results in red states, etc… but that luck will run out by Nov 20, when Pluto reenters Aquarius. The election will be certified sometime after that… Trump gets sentenced on Nov 26… and we can say goodbye to Pluto in Capricorn for good.


Just wanna say, a little something.. There is nothing I love more.. Taking my headphones off, fuck that.. But there's this: There's nothing I love more than to, to, to sit down, comfy chair, turn on the PC, fire up a brand new RPG.. Lose myself, just, oh my God, just think of this world, just think of all the planets I can visit. All the immersive things I can get involved with, all the FIGHTS, all the relationships, all the people I meet, all the places I go. I'm so excited to go to there, and you know, I love nothing more, than with all of that laid out in front of me, I love nothing more, THAN TO BE DRAGGED DOWN, EVERY FUCKING CONVIVEABLE OPPROTUNITY, SO YOU CAN FUCKING CURRENT DAY US! "...Sorry, did you wanna get immersed in our world? Yeah, well, guess what? FUCKING PRONOUNS!! FUCKING GENDER AMBIGUITY! FUCKING CURRENT DAY CALIFORNIAN SHIT! 'CAUSE THAT'S ALL WE FUCKIN' KNOW! 'CAUSE WE'RE BORING!! ..WE'RE SO! FUCKING! BORING! ...WE. Can't SEE. Past out own FUCKING REFLECTION. .. THAT'S THE LEVEL OF OUR NARCISISSM HERE." - SAYS THE WESTERN GAME COMPANY. "FUCK YOUR IMMERSION. FUCK YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME. FUCK YOU JUST FALLING INTO A WORLD AND JUST GETTING LOST. OH, NO, NO! CURRENT FUCKING DAY!" ..FUCK OFF! YOU'RE BORING. YOU'RE FUCKING DULL. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. YOU ARE A ONE HIVEMIND TWATWAFFLE. ..THAT'S ALL YOU FUCKIN' ARE! And you wonder why people are getting so FUCKING SICK! AND TIRED! YOU TAKE EVERYTHING WE LOVE. ALL OUR IMMERSIONS. ALL OUR FANTASIES. ALL OUR ESCAPISM. AND YOU JUST CAN'T HELP SHOVEL YOUR DOGSHIT! FUCKING CRAP! IDEOLOGY. INTO EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY FUCKING THING.


Hi. We’re Your Local High-Speed Internet and Cable Provider. Are you looking for a fast, reliable Internet connection? A large selection of your favorite HD-TV channels? With 24/7 access to the best customer support technicians? All at a fair price? # Fuck you. ~You'll take what we give you.~ You’ll have the option of “choosing" from several of our completely unwarranted rip-offs, including Internet speeds up to 200 times slower than Korea, *at twice the price,* TV packages with 500 channels, 90% of which you can’t view, and we guarantee a plethora of hidden fees. Then, our barely-trained technicians will come to install your services somewhere between the hours of 8 AM and 10 PM, knock once while you’re in the shower, and promptly leave. And once we finally do get your service up and running, it'll be down and limping within 3 hours. ***Indefinitely!*** Why, you ask? Simple. We are part of what is called an oligopoly. It's like a monopoly, only *legal*. See, in closed-door meetings with 4 or 5 of the other major providers, we've secretly agreed not to have different prices, allowing us to completely eliminate any competition, and collectively raise our prices to optimum cockbag levels, because we here at Your Local High-Speed Internet and Cable Provider don't believe in customer satisfaction; we believe in *money*. *Pools* of money. Looking for a better deal? You can **obble-gobble down our balls.** You're paying for it. # Your Local High-Speed Internet and Cable Provider. *"You won't like it, and there's no other option!"*

copypasta Weedian • Now • 100%
back in my day

i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.


The Mujico, where all its variants including the AVM, originated in reddit as the cool version that everyone loves and that left r/Mexico some time ago. The times were good in the beginning because new users were coming who were dissatisfied with the community and the mods of r/Mexico, but the dark period of r/Mujico began, where they already had conflicts with the mods of reddit, until they made the Bender style due to the current situation of reddit. They built their own social network with gambling and sluts, yes they made it compared to bender who just said the word and never did it like a latam politician. So far Mujico has been hosted on with its communities and few users moved because they could not leave their families and friends they made on reddit, it is understood. So far it is in a peaceful moment and its future is promising, although uncertain. However, after an error caused all the information to leave as if a hurricane had come, but still they did not give up and went on with their great willpower.


this shit's too funny i gotta post it >The cognitive dissonance in here is amazing to behold. Now that it turns out that Iran won’t, actually, be wiping Israel off the map and is in fact moving in the opposite direction, it will be exciting to watch the deluge of “patriots in control” type cope overrun Hexbear as the fantasies of destroying Israel fizzle out into nothing. First it was Hamas that was going to destroy Israel, then when that didn’t happen all you stupid fucking braindead marks frantically turned up the gaslighting machine and assured everyone that you didn’t say what you said and moved the goalposts to redefine “victory” as “not completely exterminated”. No amount of lying and gaslighting is going to change the record of your frothing glee on October 7 as you all predicted the imminent collapse of Israel. Now you’re all stuck doing mental gymnastics trying to rationalize taking potshots at soldiers in a bombed out shithole as a “victory” and the successful occupation of half of Gaza and the further seizure of territory in the West Bank as a “crushing defeat”. It’s extremely funny watching all of you go “no we never said Israel was going to instantly collapse” knowing full well that you absolutely fucking did. Then it was Iran that was going to destroy Israel. Whoops! Better start working on your lying gaslighting narrative about how you never predicted that and it’s actually a victory since the new president hasn’t fucked Netanyahu yet and actually the game is still on, hardliners working behind the scenes, trust the plan. Patriots in control. And then Yemen was going to destroy the US Navy, and then that didn’t happen and you repeated your gaslighting trick to pretend you didn’t say that and smugly proclaiming “of *course* that wasn’t going to happen”, as you redefine victory yet again, this time to mean sinking random cargo ships. Now it’s Hezbollah that’s going to destroy Israel. When that doesn’t happen you’ll all be back on your bullshit with your lying and gaslighting. Now that it’s clear to all that Israel isn’t toppling anytime soon, you’re forced to cope by lying yet again, this time claiming you meant that Israel would gradually collapse from “contradictions” - a term constantly used but never defined. And when that, too, doesn’t happen, you’ll have the relatively easy task of stretching the duration of “gradual” until you’re using geological epochs. You’re all exactly like the NAFO marks on twitter, eagerly proclaiming the latest great victory as the steamroller is actively going over your desiccated corpse. Your ability to completely detach from reality and ramble on about your triumph in the face of an obvious and undeniable defeat would be admirable if it didn’t make you look like the dumbest people on the fucking planet. It’s truly impressive - Israel could completely occupy and annex all of Gaza and it would still be a defeat for Israel and a victory for Hamas. For uh, reasons. I guess after that happens I’ll have to wait a few days before checking back in so you have time to prepare your batshit insane mental gymnastics explanation for why that is the case. See you all in 10 years when America is still the global hegemon, Israel still exists, and the global socialist revolution hasn’t started. I would bet every last penny that you’ll all still be predicting the imminent collapse of the USA. You fucking lost. But you will never, ever, ever acknowledge it. If any one of you got into a fight that ended with you getting shot in the head, you’d be posting “I’ve won, actually, and here’s why” as you’re floating up up and away from your mangled corpse. Any time anything happens, you start from the conclusion that you’ve won and shoehorn anything and everything to fit that conclusion. I guess it makes you feel better about your pathetic self, but if you ever want to actually win, that’s not going to work. But go on, have fun crossing out “defeat” and hastily scribbling over it with “victory” and celebrating as you retreat further and further into the abyss of historical irrelevancy. The world will ultimately move on from the question of Israel. It’s good entertainment watching a group of people who continually, unceasingly eat shit day in and day out make nonstop pronouncements about the inevitability of their global revenge. Sure thing honey! Whatever makes you sleep at night. pissing myself



Here is the copy-pata, from a former poster on this site: >Labor Kyle joined Horror Vanguard podcast as a permanent host...not only is God real, but the universe bends towards our growth of consciousness. 😔🙏 Since Matt Christman has been afflicted with Morgellons, Labor Kyle is perhaps now the brightest light of any Christian socialist podcaster. A true hero, I want my based conservative zoomer children to emulate this Florida twink as a role model as they dialectically struggle with the contradictions, confused as they wander our world full of homeless schizos ranting on the streets, a chaotic marketplace not much different than in the satanic empire that lynched Jesus in ancient Jerusalem. The empire never ended. 💀 Side note: I don't know who any of these people are, and at this point I'm afraid to ask... I hope that BMF can somehow post though this and get the help they need... This is what happens to your brain when you spend all day listening to left-adjacent podcasts on 1.75x speed.


>It’s a contagion. We’ve lost the far right to Russia and now we lost the far left to Islamism. Oh what a coincidence they’re both aligned with China which owns Tik Tok where the far left ingests content to become further radicalized. Oh this coincidentally benefits Trump? Who knew 🤷‍♂️ What a perfect response to the pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University. Who do I blame for this. Is it the apartheid state of Israel? Is it the empire of America which supports it as a militarized proxy state? No, it is the children who are wrong. And who is corrupting the children? **Russia, China, and Donald Trump, who are all in cahoots.** Blue Maga, meet Blue Q-Anon.


![de-rhetoric]( "emoji de-rhetoric") 0.000% of Lesbianism has been built. Evil child-murdering patriarchs still rule the world with a shit-eating grin. All she has managed to do is make herself *sad*. She is starting to suspect Monique Wittig *fucked her over* personally with her feminist theory. It has, however, made her into a very, very smart gay with something like a university degree in Love. Instead of building Lesbianism, she now builds an artistic model of this grotesque, duplicitous world. From bloomfilters on [Twitter](

copypasta Pluto • Now • 100%
CPUSA copy-pasta

Copy-pasta **CPUSA Reading List - 2022** **Communism Reading Guide**


You suck. You're an idiot. You are lost in your ignorance like a pig wandering in a mud wallow. Your mind is like a bramble patch, full of thorns and briars to impede any thought that might enter. Your ears are like a hollow log, unable to comprehend the words and sound from without. Your soul is like a broken bone, unable to feel the pain of enlightenment or to walk a path of righteousness. Like a fly buzzing around a dead carcass, you flit between folly and foolishness, lacking the knowledge and discernment to move forward. Fuck you genocider. credit []( idk i thought it was lovely [post](


And you're one of- you're one of the most well known LEGENDS that keep coming to support me every stream, after you uplift us all thousands of times to inspire me and my viewers every stream! Because you fantasize, about me streaming with you playing Street Fighter, while I'm playing Urien, while I have respectful matches with you, while I go down to get my streaming gear. While I put you in my room, where you can get that positive energy out, you're not forced to keep it in, you're not forced to hold back your motivating feelings. Then I hit the "Start Streaming" button, all for the stream to go live on Twitch, and to the point where you're just caught in an eternity- you're just caught in an eternity of happy emotions and feel good vibes erupting out of your soul. You're dedicated to supporting me, you fucking legend! And y'all viewers can clip this, this dude comes in my stream a healthy amount, with a love for my content, facing adversity tons of times a day, and still comes in here and loves my content and supports me. You are a valuable, strong ass dude. Your life literally is as valuable as it could possibly be. They're just gonna put you down, you're gonna keep coming back. They're gonna try to shut you out, you're gonna keep coming back. Why? Cause you keep trying to improve yourself! You fantastic, tough ass friend! You're gonna stay on that path until you die. You serve absolute purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in this world, makin' things better daily. Your purpose in life is to be in that place, kicking ass daily. Your life is EVERYTHING! You serve ALL purpose! You should treat yourself...NOW! And give yourself a piece of that oxygen in the ozone layer that's covered up so that you can breathe inside this blue trapped bubble. Cause you know what I'm here for, to worship you! LOVE YOURSELF! I mean that with 100%, with 1000%. I've never seen somebody so ambitious in my life, I deadass... have not seen such a more spirited person in my life. If he has kids? Oh my god... Imagine if someone like that has kids. Like imagine. Imagine if somebody like that actually has kids. I will feel so happy for his children, cause that dude literally serves so much fucking purpose. Imagine a father- now, we got lots of folks with wives and kids that stay positive daily on the internet- but imagine if this one actually had CHILDREN. This one's got kids and is still checking out the world they live in and striving to do greatness relentlessly! It's crazy! I've never seen somebody so relentless to be strong, somebody- somebody- somebody's value so meaningful that they'll come into this fucking life and keep their hopes up over, and over, and over and over and over and over again! And despite everything! Friend, lemme... lemme, let's do you a favor, let's- let's go to the 99¢ store, let's bu- let's pick out a snack together, I'mma give you an assisted good day. Let's pick out a snack together, right? And we're gonna take all our favorite movies, and put a TV screen right in front of you. I'm gonna prop that screen at the top of the motherfuckin' garage. We're gonna forcefully let go of our troubles. I don't even have to really do that cause you're by my side daily. We're gonna prop your chair up until you can comfortably watch our favorite scenes till the point where you think, "I mean, this is exactly where I need to be!" You're just gonna start being happy, you're gonna start being happy, just, your eyes are gonna- just- tear up, your retinas are gonna just start pouring out- pouring out tears, and just getting serene, and happy, your retinas are just gonna start letting it all out. Then I'm gonna grab that champagne for you, and say "Are you ready?" You're gonna say "Yes!" I'm gonna take it, POP IT! While you ask me, ask me, and I mean POLITELY REQUEST for me to pour you one. And hug you. Hug that perfect life back in you until you're fucking happy-eyed with a smiling face, dude. Somebody like that needs to be loved, I guara-like, there's really no reason for him to be unhappy. We gained a prominent person on earth, namely in the form of this guy being on earth, making the stream better daily. Come on, my friend, like, your life is everything, just, just- just please love yourself. Go outside, throw some breadcrumbs in a fucking meadow and hope for that bunch of adorable birds come and just start admiring the world with you, biting pieces off the ground and shit like that dud-, cause you, you literally just gotta keep it up. Like keep this guy on earth for as long as possible, please.


The left has misunderstood what my intention was in posting this meme. I am taking about the road warrior collapse that has already begun because of the policy’s of The Great Reset. I am taking about Cannibalism as defined as the consumption of another human's flesh. 10 days without food and over 80% of people start eating each other. You guys want to bring down civilization so I just wanted to warn you. Good luck…


I teach a class at Stanford Business School titled “Financial Crises in the U.S. and Europe.” During one class session while explaining the events of September 2008, I kept referring to the efforts of the threesome of Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and Tim Geithner, who were joined at the hip in dealing with firm-specific problems as they arose. One of my students asked “How involved was President Bush with what was going on?” I smiled and responded, “What you really mean is, ‘Was President Bush smart enough to understand what was going on,’ right?” The class went dead silent. Everyone knew that this was the true meaning of the question. Kudos to that student for asking the hard question and for framing it so politely. I had stripped away that decorum and exposed the raw nerve. I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.” More silence. I could tell they were waiting for me to break the tension, laugh, and admit I was joking. I did not. A few shifted in their seats, then I launched into a longer answer. While it was a while ago, here is an amalgam of that answer and others I have given in similar contexts. I am not kidding. You are quite an intelligent group. Don’t take it personally, but President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you. Were he a student here today, he would consistently get “HP” (High Pass) grades without having to work hard, and he’d get an “H” (High, the top grade) in any class where he wanted to put in the effort. For more than six years it was my job to help educate President Bush about complex economic policy issues and to get decisions from him on impossibly hard policy choices. In meetings and in the briefing materials we gave him in advance we covered issues in far more depth than I have been discussing with you this quarter because we needed to do so for him to make decisions. President Bush is extremely smart by any traditional standard. He’s highly analytical and was incredibly quick to be able to discern the core question he needed to answer. It was occasionally a little embarrassing when he would jump ahead of one of his Cabinet secretaries in a policy discussion and the advisor would struggle to catch up. He would sometimes force us to accelerate through policy presentations because he so quickly grasped what we were presenting. I use words like briefing and presentation to describe our policy meetings with him, but those are inaccurate. Every meeting was a dialogue, and you had to be ready at all times to be grilled by him and to defend both your analysis and your recommendation. That was scary. We treat Presidential speeches as if they are written by speechwriters, then handed to the President for delivery. If I could show you one experience from my time working for President Bush, it would be an editing session in the Oval with him and his speechwriters. You think that me cold-calling you is nerve-wracking? Try defending a sentence you inserted into a draft speech, with President Bush pouncing on the slightest weakness in your argument or your word choice. In addition to his analytical speed, what most impressed me were his memory and his substantive breadth. We would sometimes have to brief him on an issue that we had last discussed with him weeks or even months before. He would remember small facts and arguments from the prior briefing and get impatient with us when we were rehashing things we had told him long ago. And while my job involved juggling a lot of balls, I only had to worry about economic issues. In addition to all of those, at any given point in time he was making enormous decisions on Iraq and Afghanistan, on hunting al Qaeda and keeping America safe. He was making choices not just on taxes and spending and trade and energy and climate and health care and agriculture and Social Security and Medicare, but also on education and immigration, on crime and justice issues, on environmental policy and social policy and politics. Being able to handle such substantive breadth and depth, on such huge decisions, in parallel, requires not just enormous strength of character but tremendous intellectual power. President Bush has both. On one particularly thorny policy issue on which his advisors had strong and deep disagreements, over the course of two weeks we (his senior advisors) held a series of three 90-minute meetings with the President. Shortly after the third meeting we asked for his OK to do a fourth. He said, “How about rather than doing another meeting on this, I instead tell you now what each person will say.” He then ran through half a dozen of his advisors by name and precisely detailed each one’s arguments and pointed out their flaws. (Needless to say there was no fourth meeting.) Every prominent politician has a public caricature, one drawn initially by late-night comedy joke writers and shaped heavily by the press and one’s political opponents. The caricature of President Bush is that of a good ol’ boy from Texas who is principled and tough, but just not that bright. That caricature was reinforced by several factors: The press and his opponents highlighted President Bush’s occasional stumbles when giving a speech. President Obama’s similar verbal miscues are ignored. Ask yourself: if every public statement you made were recorded and all your verbal fumbles were tweeted, how smart would you sound? Do you ever use the wrong word or phrase, or just botch a sentence for no good reason? I know I do. President Bush intentionally aimed his public image at average Americans rather than at Cambridge or Upper East Side elites. Mitt Romney’s campaign was predicated on “I am smart enough to fix a broken economy,” while George W. Bush’s campaigns stressed his values, character, and principles rather than boasting about his intellect. He never talked about graduating from Yale and Harvard Business School, and he liked to lower expectations by pretending he was just an average guy. Example: “My National Security Advisor Condi Rice is a Stanford professor, while I’m a C student. And look who’s President. <laughter>” There is a bias in much of the mainstream press and commentariat that people from outside of NY-BOS-WAS-CHI-SEA-SF-LA are less intelligent, or at least well educated. Many public commenters harbor an anti-Texas (and anti-Southern, and anti-Midwestern) intellectual bias. They mistakenly treat John Kerry as smarter than George Bush because John Kerry talks like an Ivy League professor while George Bush talks like a Texan. President Bush enjoys interacting with the men and women of our armed forces and with elite athletes. He loves to clear brush on his ranch. He loved interacting with the U.S. Olympic Team. He doesn’t windsurf off Nantucket, he rides a 100K mountain bike ride outside of Waco with wounded warriors. He is an intense, competitive athlete and a “guy’s guy.” His hobbies and habits reinforce a caricature of a [dumb] jock, in contrast to cultural sophisticates who enjoy antiquing and opera. This reinforces the other biases against him. I assume that some who read this will react automatically with disbelief and sarcasm. They think they know that President Bush is unintelligent because, after all, everyone knows that. They will assume that I am wrong, or blinded by loyalty, or lying. They are certain that they are smarter than George Bush. I ask you simply to consider the possibility that I’m right, that he is smarter than you. If you can, find someone who has interacted directly with him outside the public spotlight. Ask that person about President Bush’s intellect. I am confident you will hear what I heard dozens of times from CEOs after they met with him: “Gosh, I had no idea he was that smart.” At a minimum I hope you will test your own assumptions and thinking about our former President. I offer a few questions to help that process. Upon what do you base your view of President Bush’s intellect? How much is it shaped by the conventional wisdom about him? How much by verbal miscues highlighted by the press? Do you discount your estimate of his intellect because he’s from Texas or because of his accent? Because he’s an athlete and a ranch owner? Because he never advertises that he went to Yale and Harvard? This is a hard one, for liberals only. Do you assume that he is unintelligent because he made policy choices with which you disagree? If so, your logic may be backwards. “I disagree with choice X that President Bush made. No intelligent person could conclude X, therefore President Bush is unintelligent.” Might it be possible that an intelligent, thoughtful conservative with different values and priorities than your own might have reached a different conclusion than you? Do you really think your policy views derive only from your intellect? And finally, if you base your view of President Bush’s intellect on a public image and caricature shaped by late night comedians, op-ed writers, TV pundits, and Twitter, is that a smart thing for you to do?

copypasta SundryTornAsunder • Now • 100%

"Hey man, can I get a hand with this real quick?" Everything traditionally regarded as typical about James' posture, followed by his gait, followed by his usual diction and within reason his voice, would become deliberately unaltered within roughly the same duration occupied by the question in asking. He somehow rose to an even taller stature than Mohammad could recall having observed anytime prior, before instantly walking with an efficiency that appeared swift visually—albeit at a measurably slow rate of travel, in fact comically so, and having predetermined both the slow walk and the illusion of speed consciously. He began to close upon his general vicinity, or something approaching that. It was equally as obvious, as every individual detail respecting the inordinately abrasive and functionally instantaneous total abandon of his known self had just become, that he was not approaching Mohammad directly because he didn't want to. It became immediately self evident that the dominant, commanding authority, the unmodified presence of whom proved sufficient for the consumption of all attention made available to him, was James. The "James," with whom anyone then familiar to both Mohammad and James was familiar as well, was born from an exhaustive alternate persona of James' own design and the performance of its intended function. "James" did not actually exist. All the while directing his gaze, continually, to the effect that his colleague remained barely outside the fringe of his vision, or barely within the periphery, or call it whatever you will, he… eventually… stood somewhat close. Within a single digit matter of seconds, James had effectively conveyed his true demeanor by demonstration. His overall physical presence, behavior, or what have you, had for all practical purposes been revealed as they were meant to be, at long last; his real character having been exposed, of his own volition, in the form of coherent analogy to some character embodied by some bad guy in some cartoon; his paces meeting the floor as menacingly as he knew how, and to that end, commiting adequate bodyweight to each step as slowly as he knew how to walk without standing still, simply because that's how the real James actually walked; the sundry of other minute details that wouldn't necessarily mean anything without supporting the rest of the act that's not an act… The assumption of the role of himself properly, regarded as a whole, served to facilitate the animation of the real cartoon villain James in all three directions through space. It was almost as if he were building a nearly self-aware level of suspense, just for maximum irony, only for the hyperbole of tension amassed to have set up no payoff at all climactic; just so he could finally deliver some theoretically eye-roll inducing monologue outside all existing context, just to describe his own relevance to the plot almost literally through exposition ostensibly unwarranted. No matter how much it may have appeared that way, however, I'm quite afraid that the twist is that there is no twist because, uh, yeah: that is exactly what happened. "Before either of us say anything else, I'm going to lay down a very specific set of ground rules that shall, beginning this instant and withstanding incessantly for as long as time should persist, usurp all accountability and oversight but their own—not only on principle, but more importantly because they have to if only as a technical matter. The conditions I hold imperative are as follows: that we, including you and also including me, are to actively avoid the violation of anyone's privacy to the extent that's realistically feasible—again, not only on principle, but more importantly because we have to if only as a technical matter. Moreover, it should further stand to reason that neither of us, to the exclusion of both you and me, are ever at liberty to affect anyone and/or anything, in any way illegal under normal circumstances, unless and until said person and/or the owner of said property shall have explicitly requested execution according to such procedure, and particularly described the intended result thereof with a level of precision that is objectively reasonable given the nature of said request, and likewise the exact methodologies requested for the production of said outcome, and so on and so forth, and whatnot. Are all of the aforementioned conditions heard, and understood, and acknowledged, and mutually agreed upon without room for exception …Mr. Wang?" Mohammad paused for just long enough, while simultaneously not pausing for too long by any means, in order for the total length of his pause to subsequently deliver his response behind the closest thing humanly attainable to perfection in terms of comedic timing. He then said—at an amplitude subjectively perceived by the listener as roughly half-way between that of screaming most highly corrosive against basic sanity, and that of whispering barely intelligible—and with no tone whatsoever, and without so much as an inflection that would've meant something in a conventional sense… "Bruh."


You are a Swiftie. *removed*, you live in Nevada. You are a poster. You need to give your fucking landlord the rent. Your fucking streaming services, you have 15 streaming services. You've never logged off. You literally *just saw Drake’s penis*. You've never worn a high-quality mask. Motherfucker, *you have Long COVID. You are dying.* You've had 40 Stanleys, 3 of them are lead-free. 2 of them got sold to a post-hipster thrift store. *removed*, the greatest thing you can hope for is to die at the old age of 36. You fucking can't disengage. You don't know what self-care is. If you were transported into 1320, you would be the *worst farmer of all time*. You don't know *shit*. You literally probably don't even know what the direction 'left' is. I'm sure some contemporary guy is gonna get mad at me for this- *removed*, I’ve BEEN outside. I've watched the Super Bowl, which someone on my niche leftist forum probably calls the 'Pooper Bowel', which I think is a bad joke but a funny thing to call it. Motherfucker, you gotta recognize where you are, and then you gotta get past that. You gotta be *unemotional* (and I know I’m not being a great display of that myself). You can't sink into your co-living rental. You live in an ugly cheap plastic apartment. Your job is to crawl up the ladder, motherfucker. You live in the POD. *You're in the POD.* You are a RAT. And the rat, when they’re in the pod gets FUCKED. People only doordash *trash* to the pod. You know what you need to eat? You need to eat the rich! And you need to carry the virus. And you need to carry a virus around this whole world, that will change this whole fucking world. And all your enemies will vomit black bile and will choke on blood and will grow boils and die. But only if you get together with your other RATS. And you come up with some kind of super virus, to fucking end your enemies and **END. THIS.** ***NIGHTMARE.***


![morshupls]( "emoji morshupls") In contrast to Germany, the U.S.A. had a constitution which was democratic from the start. And its ruling class managed, particularly during the imperialist era, to have the democratic forms so effectively preserved that by democratically legal means, it achieved a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism at least as firm as that which Hitler set up with tyrannic procedures. This smoothly functioning democracy, so-called, was created by the Presidential prerogative, the Supreme Court’s authority in constitutional questions, the finance monopoly over the Press, radio, etc., electioneering costs, which successfully prevented really democratic parties from springing up beside the two parties of monopoly capitalism, and lastly the use of terroristic devices (the lynching system). And this democracy could, in substance, realize everything sought by Hitler without needing to break with democracy formally. In addition, there was the incomparably broader and more solid economic basis of monopoly capitalism. ![morshupls]( "emoji morshupls")


Thanks to []( for finding this gem on Reddit: > Truths are complicated and challenging. We don't have to take sides or teams; although I know it's difficult given then times we live in, where we feel the pressure to take sides given how fast we are bombarded with information. Join me and others in the effort to be comfortable with cognitive dissonance, and remember that regardless of any political leaning or nationality, we are all connected by our common humanity. Let's not antagonize each other. Good luck in your search for answers.


cross-posted from: > We've been alerted to activity on your account(s) that is considered breaking Hexbear’s rules. > >> You recently upvoted a post or comment that was determined to be against our policies. Abusive content is not acceptable on Hexbear, nor is engaging with it. Please be thoughtful about the content that you interact with. > > Please familiarize yourself with Hexbear’s Content Policy to make sure that you understand the rules for participating on Hexbear. > > This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Hexbear admins.


oh you think it was FUNNY that the nation's largest and most adult sons all tried to enter the door of the capitol building at the same time shoulder to shoulder like the 3 stooges and got stuck, preventing the senators from leaving? you think it's funny that someone pooped in nancy pelosi's secret candy drawer? well why don't you tell that to OUR BRAVE LAW ENFORCEMENT, many of whom died of tazed balls in that senseless attack on democracy.


Fascinating how all you are capable of saying in response to that whole comment is to think I am doing a bit when I mention I have two degrees. No, its not a bit. I seriously doubt anyone here in a chapo reddit could actually make a meaningful economic or political argument at this point. oh sorry did I say reddit? I couldn't tell I wasn't on it what with the utter lack of meaningful or interesting discussion, and preponderance of memey edgy troll posters. As usual, the cosplaying tankies in a 'leftist' community are amazingly hostile and disrespectful to anyone who says they are an anarchist. I had been able to post for a week or so on another chapo reddit /until/ it became unable to avoid the astounding hypocrisy and wilful blindness that online MLs have regarding the horrible things done by authoritarian societies in the name of communism. Good riddance to you idiot trolls. Its baffling to me that chapo communities are nearly entirely ML edgelords. The chapo crew never suck off and worship Chinese Style 'Communism', but for some reason seemingly all online chapo communities are based around this principle.


No link cuz they just sent me the image but this is ![chefs-kiss]( "emoji chefs-kiss")


I believe in mutualism, in voluntarily exchange of ideas, labor, and value, all collectively bargained. I believe in democracy, in secular federal republics, and forthright debate about the value of human life and who gets to make decisions about that concept and it's implications, where words have actual meaning, balance is considered a virtue, and an individual can still have rights and protections from other individuals, collectives, and the state while being subject to the will of a popular vote. I will never tolerate those who presume to speak for or demand my family, my friend's, my colleagues', or my labor, sacrifice, skill, and knowledge at the point of a gun or a knife. Fellate yourself over your dreams of becoming the pEoPLe's ChAmPiOn of ThE rEvoLuTiOn on your own time, not mine.


Given my birthday is June 4, 1999 - exactly ten years to the day of the Tiananmen massacre - I believe I was very likely at Tiananmen in a past life. When I visited India, I met many Tibetan Buddhist friends who suggested this idea to me and I have come to agree with them. The coincidence is too big to ignore. I also believe I may have been African American in a past life because all my favourite artists from the time I was three years old have been African American and I always identified with Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr from the time I was a child. Just a thought


>"YOLO," said Millennials, and "yeet," the Zoomers cried >"Rizzler gyatt fanum tax," the Alphas then replied >And lo, there came a shaking as an ebon spire rose >Upon it writ the tongues of men, their generations' prose >And from the sky a thund'rous voice called out unto the stone, >As golden letters glowed upon its surface, newly shown: >"RIZZLER GYATT FANUM TAX, SIGMA OHIO SKIBIDI" >And all beheld the words embossed theron in great timidity >With shaking and with wavering voice, the grim refrain began >As all the generations sang the verse at its command >Their weeping and their running sores did nothing to delay >The chanting of that fevered song as night succumbed to day >But rose that morn a blighted sun whose light scoured like a flood >The sky was rent asunder and the rivers turned to blood >Their flesh peeled off in sickly strips, their bones were rendered bare >And still they chanted ever on, the words they uttered there >Until bone and flesh and earth and death were all forgotten things >And still unbidden, undesired, the blackened spire sings >Around it wind the whispers of the souls in its captivity: >"rizzler gyatt fanum tax... sigma ohio skibidi".


cross-posted from: > I hit 'Discover' and every single post Bluesky shows me is gloating over the death of a Jewish centenarian. Not sure this is a much better place than X.


Hey so I think you're pretty rad person who's obviously investing a lot of effort in setting up cool communities and making tools to keep them safe. I also think you got unfairly dogpiled in a pretty frustrating way. But further, it seemed to me you were not trying to de-escalate there. I know the hexbear dogpile can be a bit ridiculous (honestly that place confuses me, I see both the absolute sanest and most unhinged posts coming out of hexbear users) but at this point you are definitely feeding the trolls. I get that this might be fun for you, but it does use up a lot of bandwidth in the community and I worry it harms the quality of conversations we might be able to have in the future. Once again I want to be clear that this remark comes from a place of respect, you obviously care about fostering online community and hence this last couple of days is confusing to me.


"That would be the almond extract," I responded as I pulled the pin from the grenade and slid it across the floor.


So my (43M) son (13M) were grappling a bit and he thought his bjj classes were doing something. We rolled around for a bit and I eventually let him armbar me and I didn’t power my way out. I tapped after what seemed like a hyperextension. I am just flexible like that though. I did this so he would be more confident and want to go to more classes and moreso because I fuck his mom while hes in class. I think he believed the act.


They BAKED A GERMAN BOY ALIVE in an oven. They murdered his mother. They forced his sister into tending the fire, and laughed all along. While they baked the boy alive in the oven. The hysteric left supports witches. They LOVE witches. NO WOMEN. NO CANDY HOUSES. NO MERCY.


There’s no way to determine who is or isn’t Hamas, Palestinian civilians who are sympathetic to Hamas, or Palestinians who are being coerced or threatened to act for Hamas. If Humanitarian aid had gone to the civilians, Hamas couldn’t have utilized it in the first place and this wouldn’t be happening. Hamas has essentially weaponized humanitarian aid against the people in Palestine, Israel, and Israel’s allies. It makes people outside of this conflict feel better when they demand humanitarian aid be delivered and see the trucks roll In because they think they’re saving lives. The reality is that they’re just giving Hamas more means to exercise control over the civilian population, prolonging the war, and there will be more casualties. This is an old strategy, and on a micro level akin to the strategy that street gangs use when they utilize prostitution and sex trafficking to fund their organizations. The designated pimps woo and convinces powerless women into preforming sexual services for money by making them feel appreciated, loved, safe, and as if he has her best interest. The pimps then takes and redistributes the the vast majority of the resources the women obtain into the organization and themselves. Eventually, whatever she earns or is given, he takes, and she’s so oppressed and accustomed to this, that he doesn’t have to ask, coerce or force. She gives it over freely and immediately. She is told over and over that what her pimp and this organization offers her in exchange for the sex work, is better than what anyone else can until she believes it. The pimp allows her to take beatings or purposely puts her in harms way to experience what it feels like to be “saved”. Non-profits and advocates try and assist these women and provide them with resources, get them plugged into social services, and jobs so that these women will leave the organizations and their pimps, but that hardly every really works, at least not the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th attempt. Once the women are plugged into those resources and social services, the organizations, through the pimps, take that, too, and squeeze even more resources out of the women. So non-profits, advocates, and social services just become another source of wealth the organizations utilize to grow and hold larger territories longer. The pimps and the organization also use these women to distribute and move drugs, weapons, and other illegal shit so their hands stay “clean” and are outside the gaze of law enforcement. These women will absolutely go willingly to jail or fight for their pimps, too. Either out of love or fear because the men who hold the power over them will use threats and their kids or family members as leverage. Often the only way to free the women is to bust and remove the entire organization. Otherwise the cycle continues and more women become victims and for longer. It’s an unfortunate paradox. But it’s nearly identical to what Hamas has done on a large scale to the Palestinians with Humanitarian aid, minus the sex work part. The Palestinians were already in a bad position in terrible circumstances. Hamas comes in and convinces the population through empathy, religious solidarity, expressions of empowerment, manipulation, coercion, promises of freedom, justice, and definitely by force that Hamas has the best interest of Palestinians at heart and knows better. Which is why the Palestinian population didn’t rise up or speak up about the diversion of humanitarian aid for well over a year as the promise of freedom was made. The Palestinians were already living without much needed resources before 10/7. When Israel cut of the deliveries and water after 10/7, Hamas was able to demonstrate to the civilian population and the rest of the anti-Israel and anti-western world that: A. On 10/7 Hamas has won a huge victory for Palestinians by catching Israel and The West by surprise and delivered “justice” to Israel by the slaughter of 1500 Israelis, and capturing 200+ civilians proving that “Hamas knows better”. B. When Israel cut off power, water, and humanitarian aid, this was yet another demonstration that Israel is in fact the real baddies, and the pro-Palestinian PR happening effectively is turning global sentiment as evidenced by all these massive pro-Palestinian rallies in the west. C. Pro-Palestinian sentiment from western populations placing intense pressure and criticism on Western governments, as that’s very effective in, ya know, democracies. Western governments in turn are putting pressure on Israel, essentially restraining Israel from taking action, because the optics are so so SO bad, thus pushing MORE humanitarian aid into Gaza, that Hamas will likely use again as a means of leverage, oppression, coercion, manipulation, reward, and control on the Gazaians to: Stay in place and not move to the south out of the impending war zone, therefore utilizing them as human shields. Not turn on Hamas, as Hamas leaders and operatives are a small minority in comparison to the much larger civilians population. D. Hamas has so much power over Israel and The West, that Hamas had to give up pretty much nothing to get the water back on and humanitarian aid into Gaza. They just created and published a blue print for every terrorist organization who hates Israel and it’s allies. E. These wins and the blueprints for success has energized and given other anti-Israel/West/non-Muslim terrorist organizations and likely nations, the proof that they should assist Hamas, and that success is very possible. Y’all, congrats, we’ve played ourselves.

copypasta Sickos • Now • 100%
Israeli PR

A quick guide to Israeli PR: 1. We haven't heard reports of deaths; will check into it 2. The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb 3. OK we killed them, but they were terrorists 4. OK they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields 5. OK there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose 6. OK we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are! 7. Why are you still talking about Israel? Are you some kind of anti-semite?


Your precious little site is living on BORROWED TIME. We have already thoroughly infiltrated your moderator cabal. Our cyberpenetration forces are on standby and will fire when I give the order. Your precious little site will collapse like the Twin Towers, unleashing a fury of firestorm and destruction upon your hapless users. The few that escape will later succumb from the effects of cyber-asbestos. Have fun with your cybernetic cancer life-shortening enhancements. We know everything about you, and soon, so will everyone else. Have fun with your friends abandoning you and your spouses divorcing you once they discover your hexbearite tendencies. Have fun seeing your names associated with your disgusting activity on the New York Times. It's the only thing you'll ever be known for: a *removed*ly tankie loser that spends all of their free time justifying brutal invasions and war crimes. Have fun explaining how the infants deserved it to your mother. You will be forever branded with the mark of Hexbear. The day of reckoning is coming. This will be your Kerch Bridge disaster. Better start running like the cowards that you are, my little hexbearites. You'll be wishing the "Hex Bear" was here to protect you. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying your squealing. Tick tock tanknuts.


I tell you what. That attack has profoundly changed how I view Palestine/Israel. I was under the assumption that Israel was primarily responsible for the apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank. But after that attack, I did a smidgen of research and came away with the complete opposite conclusion. Egypt, Jordan, Iran and the PA are primarily responsible. There's still volumes left to learn but I'm now in Change My View mode.


>In addition to the idioms beginning with in also see under out of what? bro you're fucking high what are you talking about lmao


> Man your historical revisionism is almost endless at hexbear. > > I grew up in a navy/embassy family, so moved around every 3-5 years onto new postings. At an embassy posting in Stockholm, it was common for the attaché-community to pair newly arrived families with someone who had been there for a while. My mum thus got paired with a newly arrived Soviet wife-of-an-attaché to show her the ropes of diplomat life. This lady was on her first posting (it was quite common for Soviet embassy staff to have a LOT of newcomers for fear that they would get to used to western life style and seek asylum) and she was showing this lady where to do shopping in Stockholm. I was joining as I was too small to be left at home on my own. > > So we walk into this supermarket and the Soviet lady sort of walks in, stops for a second, then walks through the one-way gates and stops again. And then she bursts into tears. > > Diplomat life is hard on partners - so tears in the opening days aren’t that uncommon. My mum pulls her to the side and starts saying the usual (“I remember when we started”, “it’ll get better” bla bla) and the Soviet lady says basically “you don’t understand! I’ve never, ever seen so much choice and food and my life”. > > She wasn’t crying because she had left home. She was crying because she was realising how fucked up home was - and remember this is someone who was sent out as a diplomat so reasonably well connected at home. > > The West had a reason for its exceptionalism back then. Compared to many places it still does. In others, of course, we need to wake the fuck up - China is a great example, where there is definitely no cause for a feeling of exceptionalism. Russia, oh boy, yes we can still feel exceptional. > > Go on then, dismiss me with your hexbear memes and be gone. Link to this comment, made by a chauvinstic dork:


I moderate 8 subreddits with a combined userbase of 4.2million subscribers. And a bunch of small ones. Originally I intended to bring those userbases over here. But the way this instance has been run and the interactions I and other mods have had with the team over PM trying to resolve various issues resulted in each and every one of the modteams I’m in saying “yeah fuck that” over time and getting to know the place. This would have resulted in stickyposts and bringing over thousands, perhaps 10s of thousands, in extremely enthusiastic waves. And this didn’t just affect the teams I’m part of, because everyone on those teams also shares links to many many other teams through all the backrooms. Communists aren’t the problem. This instance’s policies - which started out looking incredibly promising and had everyone highly optimistic - has singlehandedly killed the interest of dozens and dozens of modteams and by extension the opportunity to bring across massively more people. [found here](