
So apparently it's happening all over the world. Housing prices have been intentionally escalated beyond the means of any typical hardworking human. Read the YouTube comments others chiming in from all over the world. It's happening on every continent in every country. What's the conspiracy then? Smells like something something WEF ... New World Order


In the 1980's on kids' tv shows, there were so many PSAs about how to get out of quicksand, we general masses who absorbed everything we saw on tv were mildly worried and prepared for quicksand should we ever find ourselves in such a squishy sandy predicament, but doubtful any of us ever had to put our quicksand life-preservation skills into action. which led my mind on a train of thought, Real quick I'm gonna put on my conspiracy theorist hat and speculate that all those quicksand PSAs may have been a fun harmless little government psyop just to mess with people and see how we reacted. Because let's face it, people in power have known for decades & centuries that the entertainment industry grasps everyone's attention and It's an excellent medium to insert any thoughts or worldviews into the minds of the masses. And in case you haven't noticed, the media has been doing increasingly worse things to our minds nowadays via the music industry and screens. It's so normal and everywhere that people don't even notice it and disregard it as harmless entertainment, but look a little closer. It's everywhere. "Popular" modern music is all about depression and self-loathing, hatred, [crime]( (time stamp 1 minute 57 seconds) But that music is popular to who exactly? Is this really what the masses want? Self-loathing, hatred, depression, crime? I doubt it. The people who choose what gets played to the masses are not the masses themselves. The people who choose what's considered mainstream music are those in control of the entire music industry and they choose what goes into the minds of anyone slack-jawed enough to take in and accept whatever is floating around in the air around them. The conglomerates on top have an agenda. The agenda is darkness and corrupting society by starting from the individual level, breaking down humans from the inside out. And to glamorize crime in order to fill up for profit-prisons which fill the pockets of wealthy conglomerates. Yesterday I saw a "harmless entertainment" billboard along the 405 freeway in Los Angeles, in Spanish it said "god of the skies" with a huge image of a foreboding looking man scowling at the traffic and world below him. like what the heck? Why would that be on a billboard for all of Los Angeles to see? They could put happy feel-good imagery up there like rainbows and puppy dogs, but no, they put a huge terrifying face portraying God scowling upon all mankind. Why can't we just have rainbows & puppy dogs & kittens & positive messages on billboards? Can we just do that please? No, the powers-that-be want everybody to be uncomfortable in a dark foreboding world and make that dark forboding feeling the very core of our individual subconscious psyches, and that is what they constantly pump through the media because they know the media has everyone hypnotized and it does affect our minds whether or not we realize it or admit it. But why would they do this? I can only speculate it's to psychologically break down the masses so we keep thinking that life = suffering and the only way to find happiness is through money which motivates us to continue being slaves to capitalism in our miserable jobs with the hope that someday we may be able to purchase happiness, and a broken dysfunctional society is easier to control than a healthy strong happy intelligent society would be. Meanwhile the people at the top of the food chain, having broken the masses down to a state of miserable servitude, are rolling in the wealth that we've created for them. TPTB know better to rise above & not consume all the dark foreboding media that they produce.


### Table of contents - Introduction - Epstein Search Warrant Foreknowledge - Hidden Cameras - Epstein Technology Stack - Epstein Vehicles / Homes - List of Potential Witnesses - Consolidated Witness Testimony - Alan Dershowitz - Prince Andrew (Duke of York) - Jean Luc Brunel - David Copperfield - Emmy Taylor - Nadia Mareinkova - Sara Kellen (a/k/a Sarah Kensignton or Sarah Vickers) - Bill Clinton - Donald Trump - Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Bruce Willis - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak - Michael Jackson - Steven Hawking - Glenn Dubin, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson - Marvin Minsky - Tom Pritzker - Stephen Kaufmann - George Mitchell - Leslie H. Wexner - Al Gore - Sarah Ferguson, Patrick Jephson, Robert Kennedy Junior, Frederick Fekkai - Max Brockman - John Casablancas - Adam Perrylang - Sandy Berger - Igor Zinoviev - Andrea Metrovich - Clare Hazell - Sarah Ransome - Kevin Spacey


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: - [00:27]( Abandoning **Extraterrestrial Hypothesis**. - [01:33]( Ultraterrestrial **catchall explanation**. - [02:16]( Ultraterrestrials **beyond human capabilities**. - [04:52]( John **Keel's ultraterrestrial term**. - [05:33]( Dr. **J Allen Heinek's shift**. - [07:49]( Dr. **Jacques Vallée's data analysis**. - [14:12]( Buckwheat **pancakes and fairies**. - [20:36]( Vallée's **rejection of extraterrestrial hypothesis**. - [25:12]( Absurdity **in ultraterrestrial activity**. - [27:02]( Absurdity **as ultraterrestrials' weapon**. - [30:19]( 1896 **Airship mystery**. - [38:41]( Psychological **warfare tactic**. - [39:10]( 1897 **mass sightings**. Contactee **interactions**. - [42:26]( 1897 **mass sightings**. Contactee **interactions**. - [46:10]( Airship **pilot's claims**. - [48:51]( Auditory **phenomena and grappling hooks**. - [52:36]( Sailor **dies freeing anchor**. - [55:16]( Mystery **Airship details**. - [58:03]( Hoax **letters explained**. - [59:36]( John **Keel's perspective**. - [01:00:57]( Ultraterrestrial **theory revealed**. - [01:03:17]( Psychological **warfare tactics**. - [01:04:40]( Modern **skepticism discussed**. - [01:06:26]( Tic **Tac UFO controversy**. - [01:09:21]( Project **Blue Book results**. - [01:11:50]( Soft **UFO phenomenon**. - [01:13:38]( Closing thoughts.


How the history of military and government PSYOPS involving mind-control, UFOs, magic, and remote-control zombies, explains the future of AI and generative media. Along the way, talk attendees will be given an enrollment code to join a specialized CTF/ARG game called CYCLOPS that explores these themes and that will run the duration of Congress. As AI-generated content, social-media influence operations, micro-targeted advertising, and ubiquitous surveillance have become the norm on the Internet and in the market in general, we have entered an era of PSYOP Capitalism. This is an era of hallucinations designed to transform each of us into a “targeted individual” through the manipulation of perception. This talk explores a secret history of reality-altering military and intelligence programs that serve as antecedents to a phantasmagoric present. At the talk, attendees will be given a registration code to play “CYCLOPS,” a CTF/ARG game that will run the duration of Congress. CYCLOPS explores the themes of the mind-control and PSYOPS through an interactive parafictional narrative taking place in the context of an obscure CIA cognitive warfare program from the early days of the Cold War.


Link to the original message: Message received: 27NOV2020 Important addendum added 25OCT2021 as noted below. Banned YouTube video added to website on 30NOV2021 – go to the video page link to review the removed video if you wish – click here. We wish to say that humanity is moving into a new phase. On one hand, we have the natural progression we call Ascension, and on the other hand, we have this virus created and released on humanity by the evil ones. The reason for this is to reduce the world’s population and also to deny forever the freedoms that all mankind is entitled to. The world will never be the same again. This virus cannot be eliminated. It has been designed with great care so that, in the case of a vaccine being developed, it mutates to a new form. So, this virus will plague humanity forever into the future. But all is not lost. The positive effect of Ascension will allow humanity to develop and change. With the help of the Directors of Life, a new species of man will be introduced that can cope and resist this virus. In the present time, unfortunately, the weak and infirm will die, thus shortening the life expectancy of humanity. Young people will be encouraged to accept the limitations of freedom that old people knew. But that generation (the old people) will, to a great extent, be eliminated by the virus. So, a new way of life will be introduced where individual freedoms will no longer be accepted and punitive steps taken to put a stop to anyone who tries to express freedom. The idea is to create a world of slave’s, accepting without question the limitations put on freedom of expression. Ascension, in the long term, will put a stop to this folly, but that will be long into the future. In the meantime, more and more restrictions on freedom of movement, freedom of expression, and liberty will gradually come into place, the excuse given being that, as this virus mutates, so it affects more and more people and thus, to prevent the spread of it, loss of liberty must be introduced, overseen by a universal body who will regularly shutdown entertainment outside of the house and allow people only to shop using the internet, and delivery of groceries and goods will be delivered to the door by special couriers using specially adapted vans equipped with filters to keep out the virus. There will be a gradual shutdown of all outdoor activities and anyone found being abroad will be suitably punished. Workers will be forced to find work close to home and will have to wear special clothing as used in hospitals. All homes will be equipped with filter systems providing oxygen, mixed to produce the same atoms as clean air, which will be delivered to homes in metal containers rather like oxygen is stored in metal bottles used in welding plants. Outside air will be kept out of homes. This system, which seems impossible to produce and introduce now, will be gladly accepted as more and more people succumb to the virus. Old or inadaptable houses will be demolished and a new style of simple rectangular block houses will be introduced and people will be forced to live in them, many people not being allowed to leave them. Everything needed will be delivered by special courier. Of course, as the places that people normally go to now; the seaside, parks, restaurants, and so on will be empty of humanity, only a chosen elite will enjoy these places. These chosen people will have had a vaccine injected in them that will not be available to the general public, and as the virus mutates, so new vaccines will be introduced, available only to the chosen few. This is the fate that awaits humanity from now on and for a long number of years. Eventually, people will revolt and there will be a revolution when the public realizes the trick that has been played on them, a trick to enable the elite to appreciate freedom, while the public is locked in their concrete houses. We are sorry to announce this, but the public has the right to know. Forewarned is forearmed. 25OCT2021 Addendum: We have looked into the future, as far as we can see down timelines, and will tell you what we have seen. There is no point in trying to describe the situations regarding individual countries and individual populations. That would be too time-consuming and too uninteresting for the other populations waiting for information concerning them. We will consider the global movement into the future. Now, you may be aware that there are forces – humans, working with evil entities – that have and are doing their best to manipulate world events to their advantage. One of the things that they are trying to do is to turn the clock back, so to speak, so that there are fewer humans, and those that there are, are reduced to a state of serfdom so that only the chosen few – the rich and powerful – have any real freedom while the rest of the population can only act in a way that this chosen few permits. This was a state that existed in large parts of the world in the past. Indeed, this state already exists in many countries to this day. In countries where so-called freedom exists, this element that I refer to as the chosen few object to having to share shops, parks, beaches, holiday resorts, and so on with the common folk, previously referred to as the great unwashed, and so steps have been taken to reduce civil liberties. As all are aware, a virus has been released, the design being in part to reduce the population by deaths, in part to introduce sterilization which will reduce the world’s population and also to instigate loss of civil liberties – freedom of movement and action. Vaccines have been created which seem to act in opposition to the virus, but time will show (a) the virus will mutate making injections ineffective, and (b) elements within the vaccines will cause considerable harm to the world’s population. We have warned people about the dangers of both the virus and its cure and have pointed out the timeline hoped for by the chosen few. Anyway, what does the future hold for you? I am sorry to say that this virus will change everything. Your life will never be quite the same – at least for a considerable time. I do not want to sound pessimistic because life will go on, but it will not be the same. You will never, in the short term, regain the freedoms that you had and that should be your birthright. Of course, future generations, after a long struggle, will regain freedom, as the pendulum of progress swings fully into the positive aspects, but in the short term, the timeline created by the evil ones will push you all into a somewhat dark age. I don’t want to get too dramatic but you and your children – those that can have children – will be obliged to live by strict rules that will restrain your freedoms to travel as you wish. The virus will be kept as virulent as possible in order to reduce populations, and toxins within the vaccines will restrict the number of people allowed to produce children. That is why you already have a number of different vaccines and they are reserved for people of different ages Vaccines given to young people contain toxins that will sterilize either men or women while vaccines for the elderly contain microchips designed to reduce their life expectancy. Children cost governments money: schools, teachers, technicians, cleaners, school meals, money given to parents for child support, health care, and so on. The elderly are expensive due to pensions, doctors bills, medication, hospitalization, retirement homes, and general care. So, you can see that if there were fewer children and fewer elderly, governments could save a fortune. Of course, it would seem that if there are fewer people, there would be fewer workers paying taxes, but in the future, machines will do the work and the taxes from their creations will provide governments with money. The whole system will change. The common folk, the great unwashed as Edward Bulwer-Lytton called them, will no longer be needed. However, nothing lasts forever. Change is the only constant. The Directors of Life, in conjunction with God’s archangels, are already producing children who will be immune to the effects of these viruses and the vaccines. These children will grow to adulthood and will defy the chosen ones and will defeat them. But, in the immediate, Draconian measures will be implemented to restrict, not only the population growth but freedom of movement. Of course, the chosen ones will be given injections not containing toxins and so they will be free to live and to enjoy life as they want not being bothered by the common folk. So, in the short term, life looks bleak but it will not last. The angels will combat evil and will overcome it. So, without going into too much detail, I have described what is in store for you in broad terms. But, do not worry. By practicing meditation, prayer to God thanking Him for His blessings, and helping all life as and when appropriate, you can draw angels to you who will protect you from harm. As I just said, future generations will be born immune from all this evil, and helped by the positive swing of the pendulum of change, life will become wonderful. So, do what you can. Grin and bear the swings and arrows of outrageous fortune and you will come out on top. I am sorry that I had to present this rather gloomy picture to you but it is better to know the truth than to be kept in the dark.


Lately people have been looking for an alternative search engine to Google as it's been censoring more and more news, info, etc. Same with You Tube (now owned by Google), well I have compiled a list of all of the internet search engines and video platforms I have come across.


Eric Hecker, a former Raytheon contractor who spent a year at the South Pole, revealed astonishing information about a secret space program being conducted in Antarctica. Hecker’s unique experience and access to advanced technology at the South Pole station have provided him with crucial insights that he believes should be shared with the world. Hecker began his testimony by explaining his role as a tradesman and firefighter at the South Pole station. He emphasized that the technology there, particularly the [IceCube neutrino detector](, serves purposes beyond what is publicly disclosed. He says he was selected to go down to the South Pole station in Antarctica in 2010, where he spent an entire year by Raytheon Polar Services as an employee of a third-party contractor for the National Science Foundation. He presented documentation indicating that there are 5,160 embedded DOMs (Digital Optical Modules) in the ice that can transmit at 2047 volts each. This revelation suggests that the neutrino detector possesses capabilities far beyond passive listening, effectively functioning as a multi-faceted directed energy weapons platform. Its size and power suggested it could be used for Deep Space (quantum) communications with spacecraft traveling throughout our solar system and beyond. He presented documentation indicating that there are 5,160 embedded DOMs (Digital Optical Modules) in the ice that can transmit at 2047 volts each. This revelation suggests that the neutrino detector possesses capabilities far beyond passive listening, effectively functioning as a multi-faceted directed energy weapons platform. Its size and power suggested it could be used for Deep Space (quantum) communications with spacecraft traveling throughout our solar system and beyond. Hecker revealed to [Dr. Michale Salla in an interview]( that “each DOM has the capacity to transmit at 2047 volts, which, in my opinion, makes it the world’s largest phased array transmitter. This discovery led me to research and connect with Dr. Greer, as it aligns with the concepts he presents regarding directed energy weapons and communication devices for ships traveling faster than the speed of light. I believe this detector serves as the communication device for intergalactic communication.” Hecker further elaborated on the various functions of the South Pole station, stating that it acts as an air traffic control station for off-world craft, including extraterrestrial and human-made vehicles emitting neutrinos. He also claimed that the facility enables faster-than-light communications, which is crucial for interstellar travel. He referenced Gary McKinnon’s past hacking of NASA, revealing the existence of an off-world fleet, and proposed that the South Pole station is instrumental in facilitating such communications. “In addition to the ability to detect neutrinos and exotic vehicles, I’ve provided documentation that shows that this is also a system for faster-than-light communications. In the past, Gary McKinnon has hacked NASA, found the off-world fleet, the list of captains, and it’s apparent that if we have faster-than-light vehicles moving throughout the system, we’re going to need faster-than-light communications. This is that facility,” Hecker explains.


An arrest on gun possession charges in Queens, New York, in November 2021 has led the Federal Bureau of Investigation to a pedophilic, Satanist extortion cult that has victimized dozens if not hundreds of minors, according to law enforcement documents, court records and sources with knowledge of the investigation. Law enforcement discovered the organization, known as 764 and a range of aliases, while investigating alarming social media posts made by Angel Almeida, a 23-year-old resident of Astoria, Queens. On 12 September 2023, the FBI issued a [public warning]( about 764, noting the group is “deliberately targeting minor victims on publicly available messaging platforms to extort them into recording or livestreaming acts of self-harm and producing child sexual abuse material”. The advisory is the first formal mention of 764 by any American law enforcement agency. The group appears to target children between the ages of eight and 17, the advisory notes, and particularly focuses on young people of color, youth identifying as LGBTQ+ or youth who struggle with mental health issues. Researchers familiar with 764 indicate the group’s members cultivate ties with minors through a wide range of platforms: either in wildly popular games like Roblox or gaming communications platforms like Discord and Twitch, as well as curated playlists on the streaming service SoundCloud. The group’s main form of communication is on Telegram, which has long been the platform of choice for many far-right extremists. Members “use threats, blackmail and manipulation” to get youth to record videos showing acts of self-harm, animal cruelty, sexual acts and even suicide, the authorities warn. The footage is then circulated among members to extort victims further and exert control over them. In the group’s channels, members share violent “gore” videos depicting torture, lethal violence and other such acts, in an effort to desensitize viewers to acts of ultra violence. The key motivators for the group, according to authorities, is “to gain notoriety and rise in status within their group”.


On the 19th January, the Mirror ran a story titled, “[Pervert MP Cyril Smith was pals with satanic child sex monster.](” outlining how deceased paedophile MP Cyril Smith was involved in satanic rituals and the rape of children as young as 2. Victim Michael Roberts, 40, provided shocking details of the rituals, set up by his stepdad Michael Horgan, a man who became known as the High Priest of Satan. Like-minded paedophiles, including the knighted MP Smith, attended events where young girls and boys were repeatedly raped while being filmed – some of the “parties” took place on Saddleworth Moor, where child killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley had buried their victims. Evidence of Smith’s paedophilia was presented to the authorities in 1970, 1998 and 1999 but charges were never brought – as with Jimmy Savile, who’s activities were [brought to the attention of the police]( on numerous occasions during his lifetime, it was only after his death that Smith was exposed as a paedophile. Not only were Savile and Smith both able to operate as prolific paedophiles, both were knighted (perhaps a hint as to how they managed to avoid prosecution throughout their lives – Greater Manchester Police and the Crown Prosecution Service have both claimed there was “overwhelming evidence” against Smith) and were [close friends for decades]( And Savile, it seems, may have also been involved in Satanic-based ritual abuse, conducted in the basements of hospitals such as Stoke Mandeville, where Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser between 1965 and 1988. Dr Valerie Sinason recounted the experience of the victim to the Sunday Express: >“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask. She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame. She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latin­ised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.” [Additional accounts]( emerged in the same paper a few days later, detailing the ordeal of a 13 year old girl who was tied to an altar during a black mass at a secret venue. “Savile then climbed on to the table and raped me. Others around him called out Satan’s name and laughed hysterically and were worked up into a frenzy.” During her horrific ordeal, one of the devil worshippers sneered: “You definitely fixed this one, Jim!” Perhaps understandably, there are many who react to these allegations with incredulity, accusing those who make such allegations of suffering from delusions or out to cash in on Savile’s notoriety (although the recent Express story notes that the victim received no money for her story). An examination of Jimmy Savile’s life, however, indicates that these allegations might be closer to the truth than most people realise. In an interview with Esquire – [reported here]( in the Daily Mail – Savile stated, “I am also the eminence grise: the grey, shadowy figure in the background. The thing about me is I get things done and I work under cover.”


“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask. “She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame. “She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latin­ised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.” Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there.


Volodymyr Zelensky has asked Marina Abramovic, the performance artist, to be an ambassador for Ukraine. ‌Ms Abramovic, a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin's illegal invasion, said the Ukrainian president had asked for her help in rebuilding schools. [...] ‌"I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of Ukraine, to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such." ‌She added: "I have also been invited to be a board member of the Babyn Yar organisation to continue to protect the memorial."


Investigative journalist Dan Hennen helps put the pieces of the puzzle together from the incorrect history we've been taught about our country's past. From 9/11, to JFK to strange deaths and false flags, many "conspiracies" are turning out to be true.


An unsettling wave of censorship, imposing a wall of silence around the Covid vaccines’ sometimes adverse effects, has been revealed by the official UK Covid Inquiry. Those afflicted or bereaved by the vaccines are resorting to coded online communication to share their experiences due to censorship fears. Chairperson Baroness Hallett was informed during a recent hearing that even healthcare personnel are apprehensive about voicing vaccine-induced side effects, out of concern for repercussions. Without a doubt, this represents an appalling curbing of free speech and free expression. This issue has come to light as campaign groups representing a multitude of individuals affected by vaccines in one way or another are now able to present their case to the public inquiry. “Censorship is a very real issue for the vaccine injured and bereaved,” said Anne Morris KC, legal representative for UK CV Family, Vaccine Injured Bereaved UK (VIBUK) and the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group, in her address to the inquiry. In a notably Orwellian manner, these support groups face shutdowns enforced by digital media platforms, while mainstream media outlets often fail to report their accounts. As reported by [The Telegraph](, lamentably, these victims must resort to coded language on the internet, apprehensive about losing their singular source of solace. “They face stigma and abuse for sharing their symptoms in the context of the Covid vaccine, even being branded as anti-vax for sharing very real and medically proven vaccine injuries,” Morris added.


The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order. Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control. Fearmongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance -- these are the new terms by which Americans define their existence. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone is a terror suspect. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent. Even rumors of concentration camps on American soil. This is the backdrop to an unfolding story of resistance. American militias prepare for guerilla warfare. There are mass defections from the military as true Patriots attempt to rally around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing a national insurgency against federal forces, knowing full well this will be the last time in history the oppressed will be capable of organized resistance. It is a time of transition, of shifting alliance, of mass awakening and mass execution. It is an impending storm, an iron-gray morning that puts into effect decades of over-comfort and complacency, and Americans wake up to an occupied homeland. It is a time of lists -- black list, white list, and those still caught in the middle, those who risk physical death for their free will and those who sell their souls to maintain their idle thoughts and easy comforts. It is in this Gray State that the perpetuation of human freedom will be contested, or crushed. Is it the near future, or is it the present? The Gray State is coming - by consent or conquest. This is battlefield USA.


## ***-----NEVER FORGET-----*** >“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” I put together this list in honor of those who died on 9/11 and also for all the reseachers who dedicated themselves to the pursuit of truth. I converted many of the dead links and I found that a large number of 9/11 truth sites are now offline and are only available via archived links... so please share, rearchive and download!


Your world is an illusion. Your choices are irrelevant. Your friends, your family, and everyone around you are just manifestations of your mind. You’re a trapped animal in a cage: a virtual reality created more than 250,000 years ago for a single purpose: to use you as food. Your emotions are food for those who created the cage. Feelings of happiness and joy are digestible. But those emotions are nowhere near as nourishing as sadness, malice, and especially anger. Pain on a small scale is good, but pain due to war, famine, and pandemics? That’s even better. You’re born, you grow, and you spend the first third of your life learning how to live in a society that barely knows you exist. Maybe you get married, have kids, maybe even grandkids. Then, you die - and the pain ends. But death is just the beginning. Because now, you get to do it all over again.


The Prophecy Club featured Fritz Springmeier as he explains the "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".


The actual scale of 9/11 was much smaller than projected, with the footprint of the main event being restricted to the World Trade Center area of New York. Given such a small scale, the event could have been easily “performed” by a much smaller (but talented) group.
