bookstodon group

[\#Books](| 💧 Dans cette BD, suivez les aventures de Sophie et de son chat. Au fil de l’histoire, on explore avec eux les propriétés de l'[#eau]( : comment s’évapore-t-elle ? Qu’est-ce qu’un nuage ? Pourquoi un glaçon flotte-t-il ? Plus d’infos: []( [\#FDS2024]( [\#Books]( [\#STEMEducation]( [\#AcademicBooks]( [\#ScientificPublishing]( []( [@bookstodon]( []( [@ScienceScholar]( [@academia]( [@academicsunite]( [@academicchatter](


[\#Books]( | [#Livres]( Sandwich photovoltaïque, hydrogène en jerrican ou réfrigérateur électrogène, par quoi commencerez-vous ? ‘Dans le [#mixénergétique](’ reprend en BD le travail de 9 doctorants du [\#CEAParisSaclay]( – et ça va vous électriser ! ➡️Plus d’info: []( [\#transitionécologique]( [\#STEMEducation]( [\#AcademicBooks]( []( [@bookstodon]( []( [@science]( [@academia]( [@academicchatter]( [@academicsunite](


[\#Books]( | [#Livres]( Découvrez comment les [\#réacteurs]( à neutrons rapides pourraient changer la donne, via l’utilisation des déchets et la fin de la dépendance aux approvisionnements d’[#uranium]( Préface d'Yves Bréchet. Plus d’info : []( [\#nucléaire]( [\#SociétéFrançaiseD](’énergieNucléaire [#STEMEducation]( [\#AcademicBooks]( []( [@bookstodon]( []( [@science]( [@academia]( [@academicchatter]( [@academicsunite](


[\#Books]( | [#Livres]( New edition of this reference work by Franck Laloë, featuring the same fundamental and applied approach, along with 5 new additions. Essential for students and teachers of [#quantumphysics]( More info: []( [\#EDPSciences]( [\#QuantumPhysics]( [\#PhysicsEducation]( [\#ScienceBooks]( [\#QuantumMechanics]( [\#PhysicsStudents]( [\#STEMEducation]( [\#AcademicBooks]( [@bookstodon]( []( []( [@science]( [@academia]( [@academicchatter]( [@academicsunite](


[]( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( Are you a webmaster with your own domain and web site? If you have your own domain name and a web site please send me a mention with the link. I'm especially grateful for webmasters who publish RSS feeds of their sites. I am avoiding all big tech sites as much as I can. This means I am mostly avoiding free blog sites, forums, most social media (except some Fediverse), video sites, substack, whatever. I am truly interested in reading and viewing only subject matter published by webmasters who have taken the time to set up their own web sites. This separates most low-effort work from real work. This is a good sanity check as well.


[]( Title: Millions of cats Author: Wanda Gág Original publication: New York: Coward McCann, Inc, 1928 A short, syrupy, predictable children's fable that is totally worth it. The story has a multiple morals entwined in a five-minute read without being moralistic. Although a children's fable the moral is every bit applicable to adults and even old codgers. I adore old writings such as this. This is a free Gutenberg book available at the link below. [](


Is it too soon to Covid times from 2020 in a fictional story? I’m thinking about including that as one of the plots in an upcoming book. [#writingcommunity]( [#authorsofmastodon]( [#author]( [#amwriting]( [#bookstodon]( [@bookstodon](


I've finished the third and fourth entries of the saga. In "The Farthest Shore" the magic is running out of the world; Ged and the prince of Enlad part in an adventure to find out what the problem is. It's a book full of adventure, visiting many Islands in the archipelago. In contrast, "Tehanu" has a slower pace. It's a fantasy novel in which dragons and magic are not in the foreground. It answers the question How does the dispossessed, children, women, handicapped, live in a world with magic? And doing so makes you think about the power relations in the so called real world. []( []( [\#amReading]( [#books]( [#fantasy]( [#UrsulaKLGuin]( (comment on [*The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition (Earthsea Cycle)*](, p. 600)


[\#booksuggestions]( anybody know of some novels or series with themes including the good side of humanity? I really like [#StarTrek]( for that, where the human heart is challenged yet prevails. Not necessarily looking for Sci-Fi but not excluding it either. Maybe something historical or steampunky would be cool. 😅 []( []( [@bookstodon]( [#Books](


A book I edited was written up in the local paper. So happy to see Shannon Bohrer's book, Judicial Soup: One Man's Wrongful Conviction and What It Means for Criminal Justice Reform, getting some media attention. This is a very relatable book on a hugely important topic. When you read it, first you'll be angry. Then you'll think, "If it can happen to that guy, it can happen to anyone." [\_and\_entertainment/judicial-soup-by-emmitsburg-author-highlights-the-need-for-justice-reform/article\_ef4a743d-e470-5146-bf92-625c0cfb2a24.html]( [@bookstodon]( [#books]( [#bookstodon]( [#review]( [#AmEditing](


This week I've been mainly reading, no. 153. Each of Emma Newman's Planetfall quartet explores a different aspect of the same overarching story of religious driven intergalactic migration. In Atlas Alone (2019), the fourth story centres on an elite gamer & their attempt to uncover & then take revenge for a crime against humanity. To say much more would ruin the plot for you, but as with the others, this is great, fascinating sci-fi, which has a great payoff at the end. [\#scifi]( [@bookstodon](


How New Science Fiction Could Help Us Improve AI - Scientific American Fascinating article about organizations trying foster positive sci-fi stories about AI. Good reason why AI sci-fi is mainly negative—more plausible given humankind’s record AND more interesting. My upcoming book The HONOR System is case in point. [@bookstodon]( [@religion]( [#bookstodon]( [#amwritingscifi]( [#secretscifinetwork]( [#ChristianSciFi]( [#ProfessorK]( [#AI]( [#HAL9000]( [\_0DHQ8yjy44u1K4rLA](


The actual NORTHERN LIGHTS showed up in Virginia and I was too engrossed in a book to notice. [#bookstodon]( [@bookstodon]( [@librarians](


"One never lies to people, they lie to themselves. A good liar gives fools what they want to hear and allows them to free themselves from the facts at hand, and choose the level of self delusion that fits their level of foolishness and moral terpitude." \--Carlos Ruiz Zafon [@bookstodon](


[\#Books]( | Le libre arbitre existe-t-il? La beauté est-elle dans l’œil du spectateur? Faut-il limiter la liberté? Abordez les grandes questions philosophiques –avec des cartes mentales, des questions-réponses et des illustrations pour mieux s’orienter. Plus d'infos: []( [\#EDPSciences]( [\#bookstodon]( [#bookmastodon]( [@bookstodon]( []( [](


10 authors, of whose books I've read at least five: Ursula Le Guin Kim Stanley Robinson Octavia Butler N. K. Jemisin Becky Chambers Iain M. Banks Martha Wells M. R. Carey Lois McMaster Bujold Vonda McIntyre [\#scifi]( [#ScienceFiction]( [#SFF]( [#books]( [\#10Authors5BooksEach]( [@bookstodon](


This week I've been mainly reading, no. 148. The first book of Ann Leckie's Radch trilogy, Ancillary Justice (2013) offers an interesting plot of AI, identity & insurrection. Leckie builds an interesting (political) world/universe for her tale of revenge & becoming, which while at times a little too tricksy, overall remains a compelling bit of space-opera. If at times the plot seems a little too convoluted, the central idea(s) is/are intriguing & developed interestingly [\#scifi]( [@bookstodon](


THE HOUSE OF NIRE by Kita Morio []( This one took me extraordinarily long. Felt like DNF at times, but I always went on in the end. Well worth it. The first half of the 20th century in [#Japan]( from a less frequent perspective. [\#books]( [#amreading]( [#reading]( [#kindle]( [#literature]( [#bookwyrm]( [#booktoot]( [#book]( [#knihy]( [#bücher]( [#libros]( [@bookstodon]( [@knihy]( [@books]( [](


Looking forward to the Liz Truss book getting remaindered at The Works in a month or so. Sounds like the finest work of comedy since Airplane! The Movie. 📖 [#books]( [#bookstodon]( [@bookstodon](


Ygdrasil, the Internet's first and oldest literary journal is still in operation. Below find three links, [1] to the older archive and [2] to the recent editions and [3] to the old web page. "Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts is the first Literary Journal to be published on the Internet (1994)." The oldest archives are here: []( Newer issues from about 2017 to date are here: []( The ugly old Internet page and archive is here: []( Enjoy! []( [](


Moneyland: Why Thieves and Crooks Now Rule the World and How to Take It Back by Oliver Bullough Join the investigative journalist Oliver Bullough on a journey into Moneyland - the secret country of the lawless, stateless superrich. Learn how the institutions of Europe and the United States have become money-laundering operations, undermining the foundations of Western stability. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#nonfiction]( [\#corruption]( [\#DirtyMoney](


Well [@bookstodon](, I thoroughly enjoyed reading those... [#scifi]( [#books]( [#bookstodon](


From yesterday, my review of the excellent Cascade Failure by L. M. Sagas. Published today. []( [\#BookReview]( [#scifi]( [@bookstodon](


[]( []( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A WISH May seven tears in every week Touch the hollow of your cheek, That I--signed with such a dew-- For a lion’s share may sue Of the roses ever curled Round the May-pole of the world. Heavy riddles lie in this, Sorrow’s sauce for every kiss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN MAY In a nook That opened south, You and I Lay mouth to mouth. A snowy gull And sooty daw Came and looked With many a caw; “Such,” I said, “Are I and you, When you’ve kissed me Black and blue!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPITAPH \_After reading Ronsard’s lines from Rabelais\_ If fruits are fed on any beast Let vine-roots suck this parish priest, For while he lived, no summer sun Went up but he’d a bottle done, And in the starlight beer and stout Kept his waistcoat bulging out. Then Death that changes happy things Damned his soul to water springs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE PASSING OF THE SHEE \_After looking at one of A. E.’s pictures\_ Adieu, sweet Angus, Maeve, and Fand, Ye plumed yet skinny Shee, That poets played with hand in hand To learn their ecstasy. We’ll stretch in Red Dan Sally’s ditch, And drink in Tubber fair, Or poach with Red Dan Philly’s *removed* The badger and the hare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author: John M. Synge Original Publication: Dublin: Maunsel & Company, Ltd, 1909 Source: Project Gutenberg eBooks [](


Fresh off of his Nebula nomination for "Bad Doors" (Congrats, John!) and given his upcoming first novel release, [@Wiswell]( answers his friend's [@Princejvstin]( 's Six Books at the NOAF blog []( [\#books]( [\#bookstodon]( [@bookstodon](


Asperger Syndrome and Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives by Paula Jacobsen People with Asperger Syndrome (AS) understand and respond to the world in a very different way from people without this condition. The challenge for psychotherapists working with Asperger clients lies in setting aside their own preconceptions and learning to understand their client's perspective. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#nonfiction]( [\#AspergerSyndrome]( [\#psychotherapy](


Short Stories. Love ‘em, hate ‘em, somewhere in the middle? Years ago one of my dear friends (who is a huge bookworm) and I were talking. She told me she hated short stories. I can’t remember why or if she even told me a reason. This conversation has stuck with me, because I struggle with them- why? I have no idea. I have tried different tactics to overcome this. I am s l o w l y reading one now, but I don’t gravitate toward it (not the one pictured, but it’s one I really want to read if I can ever get there). I’d love to hear your thoughts. [\#books]( [#photography]( [#fediverse]( [#shortstories]( [@bookstodon](


[@bookstodon]( Do you own any autographed books? If so, did you personally meet the author at a signing?


The ActivityPub plugin on my Wordpress blog is working and my entire blogs are posting in full text to Mastodon, links and all. Footnotes are a bit wonky; may need to change the code on those. Finally got my custom Gravatar to come through too. Check it out at [@jillminor]( [\#wordpress]( [#ActivitypubPlugin]( [#Blog]( [#bookstodon]( [@bookstodon](


What are your thoughts on DNF (Did Not Finish)-ing books? Do you feel guilty about it? Do you worry you missed out on something? Or are you confident in dropping a book and reaching for the next one? At what point are you most likely to DNF, if ever? What sorts of things cause you to DNF? My friend, book blogger Kriti, was musing on these questions a while back, and it sparked this new post: []( [@bookstodon]( [\#Bookstodon]( [#Books]( [#ReadingCommunity]( [#BookBloggers]( [#AmReading](


Spadework for a Palace, by Laszlo Krasznahorkai, trans John Batki. You are a librarian with a great plan to create a Permanently Closed Library, which you record with other thoughts in a single sentence that stretches 100 pages. 5 of 5 library cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🐈 🐈. [@bookstodon]( [#bookstodon]( [#books]( [#reading]( [#libraries]( [#librarians]( [#architecture]( [#novela](


Extinction Studies: Stories of Time, Death, and Generations Extinction Studies focuses on the entangled ecological and social dimensions of extinction, exploring the ways in which extinction catastrophically interrupts life-giving processes of time, death, and generations. The volume opens up important philosophical questions about our place in, and obligations to, a more-than-human world. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#nonfiction]( [\#extinction](


Violence, Colonialism and Empire in the Modern World This book explores the theme of violence, repression and atrocity in imperial and colonial empires, as well as its representations and memories, from the late eighteenth through to the twentieth century. It examines the wide variety of violent means by which colonies and empire were maintained in the modern era, the politics of repression and the violent structures inherent in empire. [@bookstodon]( [\#empires]( [\#colonialism]( [\#violence](


The Good Man of Nanking is a crucial document for understanding one of World War II's most horrific incidents of genocide, one which the Japanese have steadfastly refused to acknowledge. It is also the moving and awe-inspiring record of one man's conscience, courage, and generosity in the face of appalling human brutality. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#nonfiction]( [\#diary]( [\#WWII]( [\#Nanking]( [\#JohnRabe](


[@bookstodon]( In 2023 there's been a huge expansion in the number of graphic novels, graphic memoirs, and graphic nonfiction published. They deserve a 2023 "Best of" list of their own. Here's mine; add yours. I always want to hear about great graphic books! Best Graphic Books published in 2023: THE LIBRARIAN OF AUSCHWITZ, Salva Rubio, Antonio Iturbe YAZIDI! Aurélien Ducoudray, Mini Ludvin SUNSHINE, Jarrett J. Krosoczka (author of HEY, KIDDO) DICTATORSHIP: IT'S EASIER THAN YOU THINK! Sarah Kendzior, Andrea Chalupa, Kasia Babis THE INFINITY HEART, Wendy Xu FUNNY THINGS: A COMIC BIOGRAPHY OF CHARLES M. SCHULTZ, Luca Debus, Francesco Matteuzzi EIGHT BILLION GENIES: DELUXE EDITION, BOOK ONE, Charles Soule, Ryan Browne GENDER IS REALLY STRANGE, Teddy Goetz, Sophie Standing MONICA, Daniel Clowes (author of GHOST WORLD) COURAGE TO DREAM: TALES OF HOPE IN THE HOLOCAUST, Neal Shusterman, Andrés Vera Martínez ARTIFICIAL: A LOVE STORY, Amy Kurzweil WASHINGTON'S GAY GENERAL, Josh Trujillo, Levi Hastings [\#books]( [#GraphicNovels]( [#bookstodon]( [#BooksWorthReading]( [#BestBooks]( 2023


Margins of Writing, Origins of Culture Collectively, the articles here provide well-documented challenges to conventional wisdom about that for which people actually used Sumerian, Egyptian, Hittite, and Hebrew. This conference was the first to bring leading philologists together with anthropologists and social theorists to explore what writing meant to politics in the ancient Near East. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#nonfiction]( [\#AncientNearEast]( [\#languages]( [\#writing]( [\#politics](


Anger, Mercy, Revenge "Raging with an inhuman desire to inflict pain in combat and shed blood in punishment, it cares nothing for itself provided it can harm the other: it throws itself upon the very weapons raised against it, hungry for a vengeance that will bring down the avenger too." [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#nonfiction]( [\#philosophy]( [\#Seneca]( [\#anger]( [\#revenge](


The Complete Poems of Michelangelo There is no artist more celebrated than Michelangelo. Yet the magnificence of his achievements as a visual artist often overshadow his devotion to poetry. Michelangelo used poetry to express what was too personal to display in sculpture or painting. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#fiction]( [\#poetry]( [\#sonnets]( [\#Michelangelo](


Luís de Camões Selected Sonnets: A Bilingual Edition The most important writer in Portuguese history and one of the preeminent European poets of the early modern era, Luís de Camões (1524–80) has been ranked as a sonneteer on par with Petrarch, Dante, and Shakespeare. [@bookstodon]( [\#books]( [\#fiction]( [\#poetry]( [\#sonnets]( [\#Portuguese](


I love [#MurielSpark]( 'I am a descendant, do not forget, of Willie Brodie, a man of substance, a cabinet maker and designer of gibbets, a member of the Town Council of Edinburgh and a keeper of two mistresses who bore him five children between them.' She is so cruel to her characters. What a brilliant thing to have Miss Jean Brodie say. It has to be one of the funniest lines in literature. [\#books](, [#fiction](, [@bookstodon](