Astro Photography

#Luna #Moon #México #Mywork Nikon D7200 F8.0 Exposure 1/320 Focal lenght 300mm (450 equiv)


Took this over the past week. This was my second attempt at this target and I am quite happy with the result and the fine detail captured. This is a narrowband image. Taking with a WO FTL 132 and an ASI6200MM using a WO ZS 61 as the guide scope.


Photo taken on a Canon t5i using a Sigma 150-600mm lens.


First try of shooting Andromeda. The picture is more of an art image as I added a tilt shift effect. 41 x 25s lights 80mm ISO 3200


Anyone using the Sync for Lemmy app? I sure hope it starts supporting Kbin soon because it's hands down the best Fediverse app already. It has only been out a week. Unfortunately, being in Kbin this Magazine is not very viewable on it yet. Something to do with Kbin doing things differently - any ideas on what that means? [\#astrophotography](


Thought I'd share my first image in a while! NGC 6823 has sooo much going on and looks great in both RGB and Narrowband. I went for Foraxx here, with RGB stars. Desperately needed more O3 - I lost 80% of my subs due to high haze. I had to stretch it within an inch of its life! Taken at the awesome Roboscopes facility in spain on Pier 3 (ASA 12N). I am currently in the process of sending my Tak 160 there for hosting, the skies are FANTASTIC and the managed hosting service the guys there provide is world class. So much better than alternatives. Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop Stars RGB. Manual calibration - WBPP gets Bias wrong :) DBE on each channel, SPCC, BXT / NXT / SXT. I created a synthetic lum channel from the Ha O3 and S2 and processed that using GHS and curves. I then GHS'd each NB channel to get them popping as much as possible, and combined them in Foraxx. Added the Lum using LRGB combine. Then off to Photoshop for a few levels tweaks and the brilliant filter Camera Raw Filter (CTRL + SHIFT + A on a new layer). So many amazing tweaks to be had here. Use opacity to decide how much of the filtered layer to keep. 120 second subs for NB, 60 second for RGB. 3nm Antlia filters. 60 x 120s O3 180 x 120s S2 120 x 120s Ha 15 x 60s RGB [](


A nebula about 2,500 light years away, this image took about an hour to capture from a Colorado backyard.


The Veil Nebula taken from a Colorado backyard on a Vespera telescope with a dual band filter.


I have two William optics scopes here, a 61 and a 132. I love refractors. I am targeting the eastern veil nebula with the 61 and the iris nebula with the 132.