
#### Reconciled transaction improvements: * ability to filter by the status* * ask for confirmation if editing date * allow un-reconciling by clicking on the lock icon #### Other improvements * Split transactions now have a "distribute" button that fills the remaining amount among the sub-transactions with no amount * (Experimental) SimpleFIN bank-sync support for US banks - please report your feedback [here]( [Complete Release notes](


So liquid assets are pretty obvious but how do you incorporate non-liquid assets such as stocks, mobile and immobile valuables into this software? Or are you perhaps not even supposed to do that?


I'm trying out Actual and have imported my bank's (Sparkasse) data for my checking account via CSV. In the CSV import, I obviously had to set the correct fields and was a bit confused because Actual only has the "Payee" field while my CSVs have IBAN, BIC and a free text name (i.e. "Employer GmbH".) IBAN is preferable because it's a unique ID while the free text name can be empty or possibly even change(?). (Don't know how that works.) OTOH, the free text name is preferable because I (as a human) can use it to infer the actual payee while the IBANs are just a bunch of numbers. Is it possible to use IBAN aswell as the free text name or have a mapping between IBAN and a display name? How do you handle that?


The release has the following notable improvements: * **Dark theme** is complete and no longer an experimental feature * **Transactions** are now locked after reconciling * **Mobile** account creation * **Mobile** pull-down-to-sync available in the budget page * **Mobile** swipe up in the footer menu to reveal more pages **Actual** - [Enhancements]( - [Bugfixes]( - [Maintenance]( **Actual Server** - [Enhancements]( - [Bugfixes]( - [Maintenance]( Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release :) **Breaking migration bug**


The release has the following notable improvements: * **Mobile** budget management - editing amounts, renaming names, etc. * **Mobile** hide navbar when scrolling down * **Web** sync when clicking "ctrl+s" or "cmd+s" * **Desktop app** stability improvements **Actual** - [Enhancements]( - [Bugfixes]( - [Maintenance]( **Actual Server** - [Maintenance]( Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release :)


The release has the following notable improvements: - Mobile: pull down to trigger bank-sync - Mobile: added "spent" column to budget - Support markdown in notes **Actual** - [New features]( - [Enhancements]( - [Bugfixes]( - [Maintenance]( **Actual Server** - [New features]( - [Enhancements]( - [Maintenance](


Ich bring hier mal bisschen Schwung rein - Category Monday! ##### 🏡 Haus ⬛ Fixkosten\ BHW\ Wohnkredit l\ Wohnkredit ll\ ⬛ Nebenkosten\ Abfall\ GEZ\ Grundsteuer\ Strom - Allgemein\ Strom - Obergeschoss\ ⬛ Wartung\ Schornsteinfeger\ Enthärtungsanlage\ Heizung\ Wasser / Abwasser\ ⬛ Sparschweine\ Allgemein\ Neue Haustür\ Pflastersteine\ Garagendach\ Pellets\ Wohngebäudeversicherung ##### 💶 Ausgaben Einkaufen\ Bäcker\ Friseur\ Geldverleih\ ING\ Klamotten\ Restaurant\ Fun ##### 🦙 Haustiere Futter\ Hundehaftpflicht\ Hundesteuer\ Tierarzt ##### 🚗 Auto ADAC\ Tanken\ Neue Reifen\ Service und Reparaturen\ KFZ-Versicherung ##### 🔄 Abonemments Apple\ Internet\ Frænk\ Synology C2\ Apple Music ##### 🔥 Versicherungen Berufsunfähigkeit\ Lebensversicherung\ Reisekrankenversicherung\ Zahnzusatz ##### 🐷 Sparschweine Geschenke\ Geburtstage\ Weihnachten\ TomorrowLand 2024 ##### 💈 Firma Qonto\ Webseite (Hosting, Plugins) ##### 🌴 Urlaub 🛒 Einkaufen / Shopping\ ⛽️ Tanken\ 🏕️ Campingplätze\ 🚍 Wohnmobil 🇩🇪 Und wie sieht's bei euch aus, wer bietet mehr? :) Seid ihr eher kleinkariert bei den Kategorien oder lieber allgemein gefasster? Die Templates erlauben da ja einige Freiheiten (mehrere Ziele pro Kategorie hab ich bspw. in der Apple-Kategorie). 🇬🇧 And how about you guys, who offers more? :) Are you rather detailed with the categories or more general? The templates do allow for some freedom (for example, I have several targets per category in the Apple category) :) Lets hear it!


# Enhancements * 1446 Sentence case in menus — thanks joel-jeremy * 1447 Reports privacy filter — thanks joel-jeremy * 1451 Add option on import transactions screen to mark the transactions as cleared/uncleared — thanks kstockk # Bugfix * 1448 Goals: Fix 'up to' calculation to include current month spending — thanks shall0pass * 1450 fix Eye.js to change color dynamically based on style element passed to it. — thanks carkom * 1452 Goals: Schedules allow filling for future months — thanks shall0pass * 1456 Fix the mobile footer color back to the previous version — thanks aleetsaiya * 1458 In some situations the text in the Select component will be too big, which will make the inner vertical scrollbar appear. This PR is to hide the vertical scrollbar. — thanks aleetsaiya * 1460 Fix transparent background on titlebar. — thanks carkom * 1461 crdt: making the package fully TypeScript strict — thanks MatissJanis * 1462 Fix import from nYNAB and error-handling of other importers — thanks MatissJanis * 1463 Fix creating a new schedule with the same name as a deleted schedule — thanks MatissJanis * 1464 Goals: Applying templates would zero non-templated categories — thanks shall0pass * 1473 Fix approximate schedule values showing in balance pill when selected — thanks MatissJanis * 1473 Fix approximate schedule values showing in balance pill when selected — thanks MatissJanis # Maintenance * 1431 Move big input component into Input.js, port some of the manager app to TS — thanks j-f1 * 1437 crdt: make typings more strict — thanks MatissJanis * 1438 crdt: upgrade murmurhash dependency — thanks MatissJanis * 1449 Update link in README for release notes — thanks shall0pass


Be it via Excel, YNAB, Actual or, well, actual envelopes. Do you budget your money throughout the month? How was it before? I feel that without budgeting, I was always insecure on what I could spend and if I did spend something, it was too much :D It was like driving blindfolded. And unplanned expenses were always a bummer because the money was either not there or we had to make cuts here and there. Back then, I started with an excel file that had some categories and that way, I kinda kept an overview. Back then, I didn't get YNAB at all. But then I decided to use it for a few months and boy, there was more money in the bank than ever before - all mapped out, but it was there. But one would need to keep in mind that the money is actually "booked" for something else. That took some time to get used to. When YNAB hiked its prices after...3-4 years of usage, I took it, but I was always on the hunt for a new tool that would take the place. Ever since Actual got opensource'd, I always gave it a spin, the availability of goals (templates) sold it for me :) I could recreate my YNAB budget habits and I was all set. Tell us, what's your budgeting story? :)