Titania's Command by Dominik Mayer
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Very interesting direction you took with the deck - I like it! Also pretty cool that you're only running a single artifact and only five sorceries; most of the power comes from your creatures it seems.

    Mangara is such a good card. Any white-x deck can run it, really

  • Titania's Command by Dominik Mayer
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Ooh, sounds interesting. Have a decklist? Mine is human-focused with +1+1 synergies, so rather basic. Hadn't even thought of a hate-bear deck for her.

    Yea, makes sense in a Witherbloom deck

  • Titania's Command by Dominik Mayer
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    I wanted to make it work in a +1+1-themed deck of mine (Leinore) but couldn't fit its high CMC, sadly. Quite a shame given that it's a very versatile card

  • Time for a new cable or a clean
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Ah, right. Just like those little aux plugs with funny animals attached for phones and stuff but with additional functionality

  • Time for a new cable or a clean
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    I'm having trouble seeing how this works and what difference it offers compared to a regular cable. Don't you just plug a cable into the port regardless? Sorry for the silly question

  • Decisions Decisions
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Hannah Montana

  • Does a Two-Pair trigger the multiplier of Pair?
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Makes sense. I wasn't sure because Two-Pair also procs individual Pair jokers too even though it's a "Two"-Pair

  • I had a Pair run and pivoted to include Two-Pair synergy too. Throughout the run, I upgraded Pair a lot (Lvl 10 or so) and Two-Pair barely. If I play a Two-Pair, does the multiplier only trigger as if I played a Two-Pair or does it also trigger the Pair multiplier? Trying to figure out it if makes sense to invest in the pants joker or if I run the risk of losing because I don't rack up enough points. Thanks! Edit: Ended up not going for Two-Pairs, unless I had to because of boss blinds, and got to 11/8. Pretty good :)

    Riff-Raff be like:
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Is it any good? I'd imagine in the early game as one of the first few jokers it's cool but I'm not sure what to do once I have five jokers. Like, how do I know what to ditch and what to keep?

  • What did I expected
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    It makes sense and I'm glad I didn't cave in to curiosity on my recent runs

  • Bro didn't get 1 in 4
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    in the stripped club straight up not jokering it. and with it haha

  • "The Penitent One" by u/O_Leiteiro69 | Blasphemous
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Never got around to finishing the first game. Probably should

  • It should bother you a lot.
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 66%

    Ich glaube egal wie man es dreht und wendet, am Ende des Tages leidet ein Tier, auch wenn man sich einredet, es leidet weniger, kürzer, was auch immer als das standard Masttier. Ich red dir da nicht rein, aber vielleicht auch ein Punkt, den man in Erwägung ziehen könnte

  • It should bother you a lot.
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 75%

    I think that's natural. The point of the tweet is probably to just allude to the fact that many people don't see other animals as living beings that can suffer and feel pain just like any other living being. By comparing them to pets, they're put closer in comparison to pets, thus maybe leading to more compassion towards them. Spitballing

  • Why do you think they don't?
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 75%

    The point I was trying to make about crop deaths is not that corn gets harvested either way and that makes it okay but rather that eating farm animals brings a lot more crop deaths considering the huge amount of feed that needs to be harvested for them compared to just eating the crops themselves. Additionally, if we converted ca. 80% of all farmland that is currently being used just for animal agriculture - feed as well as the animals themselves (look up the exact figures on the Vegan Society sources page) - into farmland for plants to consume directly and reforestation, we would bring back a lot of habitats.

    I know it seems like I'm getting off track here, but the point I'm trying to make is that while the ethics of veganism are a personal thing and offer about as much discussion potential as any big philosophical question, I think, considering the state of the world, there has got to be a little utilitarianism involved because that is what veganism is essentially: the effort to cause the least harm to animals that is possible.

    That doesn't mean that frogs are worth less than pigs it just means that if by not eating pigs I save the pig and the frogs whereas by not eating corn I only save the frogs, then eating the corn is the way that I cause the least harm possible. Therefore, I think it's important that veganism evolves with our options.

    There's also an argument to be made that climate change kills countless animals and increases their risk of going extinct, following which veganism, by being less environmentally taxing, is also saving or attempting to save lives in that regard.

    Ultimately, it comes down to how I can reduce the harm I'm causing to the animals in this world. If I had no choice but to hunt, then I would be just like a lion and that would just be nature, but I have choice, so I'm attempting to come as close to the lion as possible in a way that I only cause the minimum of harm I absolutely need to survive. The lion kills to survive but not any more than that - he doesn't breed animals and eat them. I eat plants to survive because that's the least harmful choice of eating/living I can conceive of at this moment.

  • Why do you think they don't?
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 80%

    To add to what the other two commenters mentioned, it's about intent too. Crop deaths are a thing, sure, but it's the next best to actually outright killing animals and harvesting their flesh. The animals that die in crop fields die regardless given that the corn harvested - and then some - to feed other animals which you end up consuming. Thus, it's fewer animals dying overall.

  • Why do you think they don't?
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 94%

    How is abstaining from killing a living being extreme? I'm not saying you're not part of the natural world, I'm not saying I'm not part of the spiritual world by not eating animal-derived products. There's more to spirituality than killing animals.

    And comparing people to lions is silly. A lion is dependant on meat by nature of their being. Humans, by their very nature, have volition and are able to do without eating meat. Animals rape and kill their young - should we do that too? Bar saying that being omnivorous means that we're fine without meat regardless.

    I think there's something to be said about hunting. I still wouldn't support it 100% but it's "better" than factory farming, sure. Still no reason to kill other than convenience, supposed heritage or convenience. It just shows a lack of empathy towards other living beings is the way I see it.

    You do you, in the end. No offense meant

  • Even before I went vegan I never understood this.
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Is there even any way to ride horses "ethically"?

  • The Campaign To Make Badminton Vegan
  • v4ld1z v4ld1z Now 100%

    Wow, I didn't even know this was a thing. Thanks for sharing

  • Sorry if this is a repost


    I've had a little of a debate with a commenter recently where they've argued that "donating" (selling, in their words, because you can get money for it) your blood plasma is a scam because it's for-profit and you're being exploited. Now, I only have my German lense to look at this, but I've been under the impression that donating blood, plasma, thrombocytes, bone marrow, whatever, is a good thing because you can help an individual in need. I get that, in the case of blood plasma, the companies paying people for their donations must make some kind of profit off that, else they wouldn't be able to afford paying around 25€ per donation. But I'm not sure if I'd call that a scam. People are all-around, usually, too selfish and self-centered to do things out of the goodness of their hearts, so offering some form of compensation seems like a good idea to me. In the past, I've had my local hospital call me asking for a blood donation, for example, because of an upcoming surgery of a hospitalised kid that shares my blood group. I got money for that too. What are your guys' thoughts on the matter? Should it be on donation-basis only and cut out all incentives - monetary or otherwise? Is it fine to get some form of compensation for the donation? Very curious to see what you think


    Sorry if this is a repost


    Like, I get it - there are people in both communities that might be pushy in one way or another. But, like, come on. One of them is a way of life that strives towards excluding as much pain and suffering in the world of innocent beings as possible and the other is a fucking OS. Grinds my gears. Any thoughts? Edit: What I meant specifically is the "pushiness" and "preachiness" that's attributed to both. Not sure if this is just my bias from observing comments about the recent discourse around the whole vegan cat food debacle, but yea


    Recently got into the game with a deck that a buddy if mine built for me: Jabba Yellow. The basic idea is that I play as many capture cards as I can to control the board with a mid-rangey mix of units, and then steal them using Dryden Vos and overrun my opponent with card quality. Additionally, I play 3 copies of Maul since it's just a really good card and 3 copies of Rancor. Now, I've only tried the deck a handful of times and have been somewhat pleased with its performance. However, after I've added two more copies of Dryden Vos to complete the playset, I'm afraid that I might not have enough ramp (or none actually) that would support the high-energy-cost-leaning curve of my deck. I used to run 3 copies of Resupply but cut them all because I felt like they were dead draws whenever I did draw them. Ordered a playset of Technician as ramp but, again, I'm wary that it might be too little ramp. Should I run both 3 Resupply as well as 3 Technician? It feels to me like Resupply is just a dead draw most of the time since I'm not developing my board state and don't have anything to contest it with. Ty :)


    After some debating, I decided to turn it off. We'll see how it goes and decide if it makes sense to turn it back on. Your time to post :)


    After some debating, I decided to turn it off. We'll see how it goes and decide if it makes sense to turn it back on. Your time to post :)


    I've played the game for like 10-15h around half a year ago and stopped. Picked the game up again after the new update and am struggling with re-acquainting myself with the controls, but I'll get back there I think. More importantly, I don't know when to take opportunities to come out and make plays. For context, I played a round yesterday where I found the boss lair after a single clue which was in the neighbouring compound. I went there by accident and started the fight. Looking for a boss weapon, which I didn't know didn't spawn next to the boss lair anymore, I attempted the Assassin without a weapon and almost got killed. After wasting a sticky, I ran in the attic and hid there for like 35 minutes, listening to my surroundings in the hopes of finding a hunter. Fast forward a little, I managed to find a hunter that's been trying to kill the Assassin themselves for like 15 minutes straight and killed them, then I had like 5 minutes left to kill the boss and extract but didn't get it, so I just extracted. Ultimately, I just spent 35 minutes in an attic doing nothing which wasn't as engaging. Any tips on how to make myself go out of my way to make proactive plays?


    It's been a couple months since the bot has been reworked and posted content here. I'm checking in regularly to delete the posts that don't make sense, but apart from that, I let the community give their feedback in form of upvotes and downvotes and comments. From what I've gathered, the reception has been good so far with some negative reactions here and there. Do you guys have any thoughts or suggestions? Do let me know :)


    It's been a couple months since the bot has been reworked and posted content here. I'm checking in regularly to delete the posts that don't make sense, but apart from that, I let the community give their feedback in form of upvotes and downvotes and comments. From what I've gathered, the reception has been good so far with some negative reactions here and there. Do you guys have any thoughts or suggestions? Do let me know :)


    First off, sorry if this is the wrong to community to post to - I'll move it somewhere else should it not fit the community. My best friend quite often is a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, I feel like. Discussing politics, veganism, the problems with using Amazon, what have you, with him is nigh impossible because he insists on his opinion and won't budge. I feel like he just feels superior to other people, or at least to me, in a way that he just won't change his mind, doesn't hear other sides, and argues for the sake of arguing. Now, in a recent discussion, I asked him if he knew why images aren't displayed properly in my Firefox-fork browser (Mull). He gave an answer and asked why I would use a custom browser instead of Firefox itself to which I responded that it's more privacy-focused and that I didn't like Mozilla's implementation of AI in their browser. Long story short, it devolved into a lengthy discussion about AI, how the fear of AI is based on ignorance and a lack of knowledge, that it's fine that AI is used for creative projects because in most cases it's an assisting tool that aids creativity, doesn't steal jobs etc. essentially that it's just a tool to be used like a hammer would be. What pisses me off the most about all this is that he subtly implies that I don't know enough about the subject to have an opinion on it and that I don't have any sources to prove my points so they're essentially void. How do I deal with this? Whatever facts I name he just shrugs off with "counter"-arguments. I've sent him articles that he doesn't accept as sources. This has been going on for a couple hours now and I don't know what to tell him. Do you guys have sources I could shove in his face? Any other facts I should throw his way? Thank you in advance Edit: A thing to add: I wasn't trying to convince him that AI itself is bad - there are useful usages of AI that I won't ignore. What I was concerned about is the way AI is used in any and all products nowadays that don't need AI to function at all, like some AI-powered light bulbs or whatever; that creative jobs and arts are actively harmed by people scraping data and art from artists to create derivative "art"; that it's used to influence politics (Trump, Gaza). These things. The way AI is used in its unmonitored way is just dangerous, I feel like


    I mean, don't get me wrong - it's a cool fight and the area you fight him in is beautiful und really FromSoft-y, and the theme isn't bad by any means. The character also holds significance for the game and overall story. However, I never really felt the gravitas the fight supposedly has. I get the idea of a student, in the end, surpassing their master and, depending on the ending you choose, what happens to Gehrman is interesting. But I never really felt attached to him throughout my playthroughs because he was doing his thing in the Hunter’s Dream and I was running errands. You two don't interact often, you don't get quests from him etc. If I compare Gehrman's role to Geppetto's in Lies of P (warning: spoilers for Lies of P ahead) and the characters themselves, Geppetto is clearly the superior character. His being behind the Puppet Frenzy and plotting against all his allies from the beginning of the game to have a chance at reviving his dead son, makes for a really strong twist at the end of the game. Clearly, this is inspired by Gehrman's role in Bloodborne given that LoP is inspired of Bloodborne in many a way - atmosphere, city structure, gloominess, themes - in that he's a tutor or guide throughout your journey, but Geppetto was just a way more integral part of the story and game, thus it felt way more weighty when he ultimately betrays P. Gehrman is just chilling, giving his input here and there. His role in the game only becomes bigger with the inclusion of the DLC. What gives? What are your thoughts?


    Ever since I've beaten the game on NG for the first time a few weeks ago, I've been enamoured with the themes of the game, the mechanics, music etc. Naturally, all I've been watching on YouTube were numerous video essays about the game that I felt like sharing with you guys. In no particular order: https://youtu.be/LIrUQjjsDYg?si=VOa0EE_3lMWejkv1 https://youtu.be/b6o9bt1SMEM?si=Ckb7pIUE1rOGtUza https://youtu.be/6upgZB_yqrM?si=9Ze1O5m4J3AVLcSg Enjoy!


    It's not really the *final* final boss in that there is the Nameless Puppet as the last boss, which seems to be widely regarded as a really good fight, but I'm a little on the fence when it comes to Simon Manus. From a visual standpoint, the second phase is pretty awesome: it feels grand and bombastic, and the lighting when the Arm of God reaches down from sky looks stellar. However, from a mechanical standpoint, I didn't vibe with the fight *too much*. The first phase feels a little all over the place. The long and wide-reaching attacks reminded me of Godrick, the Grafted from Elden Ring but with a little less oomph to it somehow - they felt kinda sluggish. It didn't feel super engaging and a little lack-luster. The second phase added a lot of ranged attacks that hadn't been utilised in the game too much leading up to the finale which I also didn't vibe with too much since you couldn't interact with them like with Laxasia's bolts in the second phase, which you could deflect similar to the numerous fights with Ganon in the Lebend of Zelda series. All in all, if it wasn't for the visuals and the lore significance, I'd forget about the fight quite quickly when compared to Nameless Puppet, Laxasia, Rabbit Gang fight 1&2 and many others that felt really memorable. What are your guys' thoughts? Did you like the fight at all?


    I've created the community very recently, so there isn't a lot of content on there yet. I'd love for you guys to join in and add some life to it, though! Discussions of the game, memes, news, and anything else pertaining to the game is a fit there. Thanks! [Lies of P](!liesofp@lemmy.zip) !liesofp@lemmy.zip lemmy.zip/c/liesofp

    v4ld1z Now
    175 1.3K

    Firestorm Druid

    v4ld1z@ lemmy.zip

    So it begins.